Coffee review

A brief introduction to Papua New Guinea Coffee. What are the flavor characteristics of Paradise Bird Coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Located in the tropics, Papua New Guinea has a humid and rainy climate, a detached and primitive natural environment, and a vast and fertile land. Its unique volcanic rock soil and abundant rainfall create excellent natural conditions for the growth of coffee. Papua New Guinea's top coffee beans are like the country's national bird, Paradise Bird.


If you like the balanced and mellow flavor of coffee, Qianjie baristas will first recommend you an island coffee bean from Papua New Guinea, the Bird of Paradise. This coffee is washed and roasted in medium depth, with obvious aromas of hazelnut, toast, sugar cane and caramel in the mouth, with a slight soft acidity, a well-balanced taste and the reputation of "Little Blue Mountain".

Where is Papua New Guinea located?

Papua New Guinea is an island country close to Indonesia, with a tropical rain forest climate and rich forest resources. It is very suitable for growing coffee trees on highlands between 1300 and 1800 above sea level. As a long-term British colony, the people of Papua New Guinea gradually improved the commercial development of coffee by introducing iron pickup seeds from Jamaica to grow there in 1931.

The "Little Blue Mountain" on Qianjie, selected from Sigri Manor, which is grown in the western highlands, was founded in 1950 and was a pioneer of local coffee. Bird of Paradise Manor is located in the Waghi Valley Valley, which has a variety of ecological natural resources, including Papua New Guinea's national symbol: bird of Paradise. The high-altitude island climate here is very similar to the Blue Mountains and closer to the equator, so Papuan coffee has a more sweet and sour taste of dark fruits than the Blue Mountains.


Front Street Coffee: Papua New Guinea Paradise Bird Coffee beans

Country: Papua New Guinea

Origin: Sigley Paradise Bird Manor

Altitude: 1600-1800m

Variety: iron pickup

Treatment: washing treatment

Flavor: nutty, cocoa, soft citrus acid, cream, caramel finish

Iron pickup coffee has a unique clean flavor and a balanced taste. In order to highlight the clean flavor of this bean, Paradise Manor adopts the method of washing: the ripe coffee and cherries are picked and transported to the washing plant to soak and ferment three times, soaking for 24 hours each time, and then peeling and drying after cleaning. In this way, it can better show the bright, delicate and sour flavor of coffee, clean and long sweet taste.


Because the iron pickup is a low-density raw bean, in order to highlight the nut cream of the coffee beans and retain the fruit aroma, Qianjie baking is recommended to use medium roasting. In this way, you can drink the grapefruit aroma of the coffee bean itself, bright and juicy fruit taste, with aromas of tea and cocoa in the middle and back.

The suggestion of cooking in Qianjie

Filter cup: Kono filter cup

Powder content: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:15

Degree of grinding: pass rate of No. 20 screen 75%

Water temperature: 88-89 degrees Celsius


Qianjie found that brewing with Kono filter cup can make this coffee show better mellow thickness and better aroma of nuts and cocoa. The street before cooking using staged extraction, steaming with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small flow around the circle injection to 125 grams for stages, water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, continue to water injection to 225 grams to stop water injection, and so the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed to remove the filter cup, (steaming starts timing) extraction time is 2 grams 39 percent 00 ".


Flavor description: the dry fragrance of Little Blue Mountain of Paradise Bird has a hint of spices than the Blue Mountain of Jamaica. It tastes like nuts and toast. A little fruit is sour and sweet so that there are more layers of flavor. The aftertaste is sweet, full-bodied and balanced.

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