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Starbucks online ordering official website Starbucks and Nestl é form a global coffee alliance

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, = "Starbucks official website" = = Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Starbucks and Nestl é form a global coffee alliance, Nestl é will pay Starbucks US $7.15 billion for the right to sell Starbucks coffee products in retail and food service channels. Nestl é will launch its Nespresso and Dolc next year.

= "Starbucks website" =

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Starbucks and Nestl é form a global coffee alliance, and Nestl é will pay Starbucks $7.15 billion for the right to sell Starbucks coffee products in retail and food service channels. Nestl é will use the Starbucks brand in its Nespresso and Dolce Gusto capsule coffee systems next year.

Nestl é will distribute packaged coffee and tea from Starbucks, Seattle's Best Coffee, Starbucks Reserve,Teavana, Starbucks VIA, Torrefazione Italia, Starbucks will retain a large stake, and will continue to roast and grind coffee and other products to licensors and suppliers. The agreement does not involve Starbucks coffee shops.

Starbucks, which has been revamping its business recently, only last week announced a quarterly decline in global coffee shop traffic. Starbucks recently sold its Tazo brand tea to Unilever for 384 million yuan, while Starbucks also closed its underperforming Teavana tea retail store.

Starbucks previously authorized food processing giant Kraft to sell Starbucks bagged coffee, but terminated the contract in 2011 and switched to privately owned Acosta Inc. Agent. Starbucks' contract with Kraft was supposed to expire in 2014, but Starbucks was eager to terminate the contract early and paid 2.76 billion yuan in compensation to Kraft.

Kraft was later split in two, and Starbucks' compensation went to Mondelez International.