Coffee review

The latest definition of SCAA Fine Coffee the relationship between boutique coffee and individual coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) roasters' high-quality coffee is then transferred to the roasters, some of whom have been certified by the American Association of Bakers (RG) to complete multi-hour roasting courses and practical operation training to skillfully roast high-quality coffee raw beans. Coffee roasting is an art.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)


The high-quality coffee is then transferred to the roasters, some of whom are certified by the American Baker Association (RG) to complete multi-hour roasting courses and practical training in roasting high-quality coffee raw beans.

Coffee roasting is an art, must have a wealth of knowledge and experience in order to complete the boutique level of coffee roasting.

Coffee must be closely monitored in the process of roasting in accordance with conductivity, thermodynamics and chemistry to ensure that the final roasted coffee beans have the highest quality and flavor.


Once the boutique coffee beans reach the retail channel, it means that they have passed the high standards of quality control in the first three stages, but have not yet completed all the processes.

Some baristas are certified by the American baristas Association to complete multi-hour bar courses and practical training to professionally complete the final stage of boutique coffee bean production.

Professional baristas are not only adept at operating coffee brewing equipment, but also have an in-depth understanding of the production experience of coffee beans and are able to dig out the flavor hidden in coffee beans.

If the boutique coffee is not extracted as correctly as possible, it may lose its true flavor. The barista ensures that every coffee bean is fully extracted.

Definition of SCAA Fine Coffee


Didn't you think you were part of the boutique coffee industry? In fact, it is consumers who actively seek and choose to complete the final production of boutique coffee.

When you take the time to find a local high-quality coffee shop or bean baking factory, you can further learn from the barista that enjoying a cup of fine coffee depends on the dedication and enthusiasm of many people, which will enable you to make smarter choices. you pursue not only the highest standards of coffee quality and flavor, but also the excellence of every character in the boutique coffee production process.

After reading the latest definition of SCAA, let's compare other definitions.

I. the definition of SCAA in the past

Sometimes called "gourmet" or "premium" coffee, specialty coffees are made from exceptional beans grown only in ideal coffee-producing climates.

They tend to feature distinctive flavors, which are shaped by the unique characteristics of the soil that produces them

Boutique coffee is also known as rare coffee or precious coffee, boutique coffee can only grow in the ideal growing environment.

Because it is planted in the unique local conditions, boutique coffee has a special flavor.

Erna. Rna Knutsen

Second, coffee godmother Erna. The definition once proposed by Erna Knutsen

Special geographic microclimates produce beans with unique flavor profiles

Coffee beans with unique flavor are produced under special local conditions.


It can be seen that the above two definitions are based on the growth environment and flavor of coffee beans, and do not extend to other parts.

On the other hand, the latest definition of SCAA boutique coffee extends to the entire coffee production process, from the cultivation, processing, raw bean merchants, bakers, baristas and even consumers of coffee beans.

I quite agree with the definition that this link is very long and the quality requirements are a bit exaggerated, because it more faithfully reflects the current situation of fine coffee.

Of course, it is a relatively developed area of fine coffee. At present, there are more than 3000 roasters, large and small (including cafes, roasters, baking studios, individuals, etc.), which is ridiculously high in terms of population and area. Naturally, it has the highest roasting rate in the world.

However, this is not the norm in the world. Whether it is a country with a long history of drinking coffee, they may drink a lot of commercial coffee (like we drink soya-bean milk) and never feel the need to look for more high-quality coffee; or countries that do not drink coffee at all. You can't even find a coffee shop with manor beans, and of course it's more likely that no one thought of looking for it at all.

That's why SCAA uses this soft appeal to tell more people that the real value of fine coffee is not to stay away from the crowd, but to push back from consumers to the production side and jointly pursue higher quality coffee.