Coffee review

How can the copper plate price improve the shaking of the dial of the kalita small bean grinder?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, How can the copper plate price improve the shaking of the dial of the kalita small bean grinder? Because the coffee craze is still hot, my unpopular tool blog, of course, is to take a ride to chase the craze and spend recklessly. Anyway, it is hot now, full of nonsense and bluffing casually. There will always be someone who will be tricked into coming in and watching. (right, it's about you) hand-made coffee players' small ground beans.

How can the copper plate price improve the shaking of the dial of the kalita small bean grinder?

Because the coffee craze is still hot, my unpopular tool blog, of course, is to hitch a ride to catch up with the craze.

Random consumption is popular, anyway, it is hot now, full of nonsense and bluffing casually, there will always be someone who will be cheated to come in and see it.

(that's right, it's about you.)

The small bean grinder for hand-brewed coffee players probably doesn't have much choice.

Cheap Eagle / Pegasus / Tiamo, more expensive Kalita, more expensive Little Fuji

In terms of mechanical structure, models such as Pegasus / Pegasus are actually very cheap.

Experts from all sides have talked enough about the advantages and disadvantages, so don't waste your breath here.

Little Fuji has two big problems, one is that the price is not friendly, and the other is that fine powder is really difficult to get, so let's skip it here.

Well, if our family skips the mid-priced kalita for any reason, then our blog won't have to write (close the door and watch a movie)

Ah, is there an audience?! well, it's easy for us to cheat and cheat a little bit.

People always use abbreviations, such as KNC/ KNCG/ KNG, etc., and talk about the nunnery's head with GG knots.

In short, the previous generation of KALITA's small bean grinder was called NICE CUT.

Then came a Wenqing model called NEXT G (the next Chicken).

Finally, the NICE CUT was stopped production, and a new model came out, called NICE CUT G (good cut Chicken)

So, that's it. (being thrown eggs again)

What? There are still viewers who haven't left. Well, in order to carry out the title of our tool madman blog, let's do GG.

Today's theme is this one, NICE CUT G

As for the NICE CUT of the previous generation, since it is a thing of the past, let's assume it doesn't exist and don't recall it.

Well, actually, I don't have NICE CUT, so there's no way to talk about it.

These bean grinders of KALITA are basically like the Pegasus in Taiwan (everyone has the same structure, so take the pony as the representative). The biggest difference lies in the grinding speed.

KALITA's small bean grinder is basically a deceleration motor with a deceleration gearbox, driving a low-speed cutter head and grinding at a low speed.

The domestic bean grinders are all straight knots of motors, and the speed is supposed to be high speed such as 1800RPM.

It is said that the speed 400RPM is good when it is out of production.

And this time the protagonist's Haoche Chicken may have a lower visual rotation than 200RPM.

The next G which is expensive and expensive, the visual speed should be lower than 100RPM.

Of course, if the small bean grinder uses low rotation grinding, it may have a good effect on the inhibition of fine powder.

As for the flavor. Alas

If you look at the number of meat grinders in the scattered scene behind the photo above, according to the inference of science and logic, to put it simply, there is no conclusion.

Well, I know you're as nearsighted as I am, so let's take a clear picture.

We've tested it repeatedly many times.

No matter what kind of hypothesis, you will get some "relatively contradictory" results.

So we won't talk too much about those hypotheses that don't come to a conclusion.

Back to the subject.

The theme is that no matter which small K everyone gets for the first time, they will feel:

"push, will that dial fall out by itself?"

(that pressure is mute.)

Many people say that a little thickening of the thin spring will improve

I really don't lie to you. That spring is hard on the horizon, but it still shakes like an earthquake.

Yes, in the following film, the spring has been strengthened with Viagra steel (cubic power), and the flower branches are still shaking in the same way.

(suspicious? An is not watching a film, I'm sorry, I told you I wanted to see a film, but I don't want to write ~ ~ lose my pen)

Please forgive me for being old and in disrepair, accompanied by more than ten years of old camera, the video recording is just as dilapidated and out of focus as the master.

All right, what about the coin price? It is agreed that it is easy to construct?

Easy, first remove the Phillips screw on the outside of the dial

If you are thinking about how to buy a screwdriver, you are right. Take a look at the scribbled comparison before you go back to climb the nunnery to make sure you are still at a loss as to what to do.

So, you took it down anyway, right?

Remember to draw a mark with a signature pen. If you are used to using the No. 4 scale to cook, then turn to 4 before removing it and draw a black spot.

When you install it back, turn to the end and go back to the black spot, and then put the dial back to No. 4, which is simple and easy.

Just turn the white plastic turntable out.

When you turn around, you will find that it is really loose and strange. Domestic bean grinders are not so loose. Why is this one so loose?

No, I thought it was Grandpa's old suspender.

If your machine age is longer, the bearing can look around by the way, loose or a little bit of card, it is recommended that you change it by the way

It is recommended that you buy bearings with rubber cover (608-2LU), which are more resistant to dust. This kind of iron cover is very easy to get into dust.

Then, please go to the water and electricity hardware store first and buy an "expensive" stopper. Remember to buy an expensive one, because it is thicker and easier to use.

Of course, the cheap ones can also be used, at most one or two laps around, this side is not around the water pipe, it doesn't matter if it's a little easier to leak.


Carefully, evenly wrap it around for two or three times, just like above.

It is highly recommended that you not be too greedy, go around a little bit first, try it, and then turn it out again if it is not enough

Wanyi is too greedy, go around too much at a time, in case you put it back and break the parts, an doesn't know which side has a way to buy it.

Before turning back, blow the powder out of the hole with a blow ball, so as not to cause knife head calibration error or even damage your teeth.

If you have edible butter, you can also add a little bit to the teeth in your hole.

When you put it back in for the first time, you will feel a little tight with a hand lock. It is better to hold a piece of cloth to hold the lock.

After locking to the end, go back to the black spot or something like 4-6 frames, and install the dial back according to the scale before disassembly.

And then it's done.

Turn on the machine for a little idling, and if it's normal, you can grind the beans.

If everything is all right, it will grind like this

With the same scale, the ground powder will look obviously different.

There will also be a significant difference in the taste of brewing.

It is recommended that you drink it for a few days before deciding whether to keep this setting or remove it and restore it to its original state.

The reason why changing the small spring can not improve the dial sloshing is about like this.

The plastic parts in the dial support the cutterhead on the outside side, that is, the side driven by the motor.

The inner cutter head is fixed and locked on the inner shell.

The gap between the cutters is determined by the position of the white plastic parts. the more the lock goes in, the smaller the gap between the two cutters and the finer the particles will be ground.

Because of the low rotational speed, the small spring only needs to provide a little power. once there are coffee beans between the cutters, the coffee beans during grinding will force the cutterhead to push out.

This force is far greater than the spring can provide, so even if the spring is weak, as long as there are beans inside, the cutter head is still not easy to collide.

Because of the large gap between the teeth of the white plastic parts and the outer aluminum shell, the uneven force of coffee beans to the cutter head is obviously reflected during slow grinding.

The dial that shakes and shakes reflects that the gap between the cutters is the same.

Average good? Is it better to be uneven? As far as hand-brewing coffee is concerned, there is no final conclusion and no solution.

The advantage of reducing fine powder brought by the deceleration gear has been brought into full play, and the rest can be regarded as "probably the design of the original KALITA factory".

PS. Pegasus / Pegasus can basically achieve a more uniform grinding by increasing the spring pressure, but the fine powder still has no solution.

The original design of KALITA?! Yes, and no.

The higher price of NEXT G (the next chicken), the gap of this part is smaller, and the shaking of grinding is much smaller.

With a lower rotation motor and a ceramic cutter head, the taste is cleaner.