Coffee review

La Libertad Lipotad Cooperative of Vivette Nanguo, Guatemala

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee has saved Guatemala's economy in the past century by the Vivette Nanguo La Libertad Ribotad Cooperative in Guatemala. It is estimated that there are about 120000 producers, accounting for 40% of agricultural exports. Among 22 provinces, as many as 20 provinces are engaged in coffee cultivation. Almost all areas have coffee beans, 98% shade, and several.

Guatemala Vivitenango La Libertad Lipotad Cooperative

Coffee has saved Guatemala's economy in the past 100 years. It is estimated that there are about 125,000 producers in Guatemala at present. It is the main export item, accounting for 40% of export agricultural products. As many as 20 out of 22 departments are engaged in coffee cultivation. Coffee beans are grown in almost all regions. 98% of them are shaded by trees. Arabica beans are almost exclusive. The main varieties are Bourbon, Tipica, Caturra, Catuaí, Pache and Pacamara.

Guatemala, with its high altitude and 300 different microclimates, steady rainfall and rich mineral-rich soil, is ideal for coffee cultivation among Central American countries. Since the early 1990s, Anacafé has pioneered the production of alpine hard beans based on coffee characteristics, growing climate, soil quality and altitude.(S.H.B.) are: Aikat Nango Valley (the Acatenango valley), Antigua, Atitlán, Cobán, Farahannes Plain (the Fraijanes plateau)(Huehuetenango), New Oriental (Nuevo Oriente), San Marcos volcanic area (San Marcos), the main harvest season from December to March of the following year, higher altitude producing areas such as Vivitenango can be until April, as long as the harvest is completed, the goods will be shipped, usually in April ~ July this period.

The red target area is Vivetnam Heights.

Vivitenango is an important coffee town in the northwest. Since ancient times, Antigua and Antigua have been two important producing areas in Guatemala. They are world-famous for their delicate citrus acid and special chrysanthemum tea flavor. Vivitenango is rich in landscape, including mountains, hills and volcanic slopes. Coffee grows on volcanic slopes above 1,900 meters above sea level. The annual rainfall is about 4,000 mm and the average temperature is 25 degrees Celsius.

Guatemala's Slow Growth Campaign aims to support small-scale producers in preserving traditional varieties of crops. Farms under the protection campaign must be small-scale producers and must be above 1,500 metres in altitude. There are currently four core cooperatives, including La Paz. La Libertad and Todos Santos are two different communities with about 150 small growers.

The slow growth movement, according to the literal meaning, is to hope that coffee will grow slowly and absorb all kinds of nutrients, so as to achieve quality improvement and traceability. It is the same as Taiwan's agricultural production record, and it is a small farmer project that farmers promise to take responsibility for themselves.

Property Characteristics: Farming characteristics

Farm Name: La Libertad La Libertad Lipoltad Cooperative

Region: Huehuetenango Vivetenango

Country: Guatemala

Altitude Altitude: 1,900 m

Coffee Characteristics: Coffee characteristics

Variety: Caturra, Catuai

Processing System: Fully Washed and dried on ratio

Grade: SHB

Total Pounds: 2,250 pounds

Appearance Size: 17-18 Screen Items

Top Jury Descriptions Judge's comments: Cinnamon 60 seconds from the start of a pop

aroma Flavor: hazelnut, caramel, cinnamon, milk chocolate, raisins, honey

Acid: lemon, lime, acid coarse not soft not delicate

Complex complexity with other: lemon black tea aroma, a variety of fruit sweet cherry, apple, peach presentation, smooth taste, aftertaste nectar let us all love

Overall style attributes: fruity sweet, smooth taste, sweet and sour staggered

Coffee Direct Scores and Overall Reviews

Date of cup test: July 11, 2013

Dry aroma: 8

Wet aroma: 9

Clean: 8

Sweetness: 9

Acid: 9

Taste: 9

Flavor: 9

Aftermath: 8

Balance: 8

Overall: 9

Cup score: 86