Coffee review

What kind of experience is it to drink Yunnan small grain coffee? Can Yunnan small grains of coffee lose weight?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the first time I came to Yunnan, I only knew that there was coffee production in Yunnan. It was the year 2000. Found several cafes in the ancient city of Lijiang to taste this fresh coffee, unfortunately, it is all light, not as good as instant coffee. Ask the little sister in the cafe carefully.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When I first came to Yunnan, I knew that there was coffee production in Yunnan. It was the year 2000. Found several cafes in the ancient city of Lijiang to taste this fresh coffee, unfortunately, it is all light, not as good as instant coffee. Ask the little sister and younger brother of the cafe carefully, only to know that at that time, they all used a filter to make coffee, of course, there was only one light word.

Yunnan small-grain coffee is one of only two kinds of coffee made in China, and the other is produced in Hainan. Yunnan coffee, grown in the plateau mountains with a long frost-free period from 1000 to 1400 meters above sea level, has a long growing period, slightly barren soil, pure air and plenty of sunshine. This kind of coffee, full fruit, unique flavor, absolutely green products. The most unique is the coffee beans of Yunnan small-grain coffee, which is a little smaller than the ordinary Abbila coffee beans, so it is called Yunnan small-grain coffee. But at present, some manors have improved varieties, and some normal-sized coffee beans are produced. This kind of coffee beans have better aroma and taste, but they still use the name Yunnan small-grain coffee. As far as I know, 70% of the components of Finch's nest instant coffee are beans from Yunnan small-grain coffee, one is cheap, and the other is because Yunnan small-grain coffee is full of aroma, light bitterness and slightly sour taste.

There are many problems with the products sold in the Yunnan small grain coffee market. For example, the coffee beans sold in supermarkets in Lijiang and Kunming are not packed in vacuum bags with one-way valves, but only in ordinary vacuum plastic bags, or even in cloth bags or paper bags. This kind of coffee beans are easy to lose their taste, catch various smells, and third, they will give birth to bugs or mildew spots. This kind of practice is not only a violent collection of natural gifts, but also a dishonest practice to consumers, and enterprises have the obligation to educate and guide the consumption of coffee lovers. Coffee beans and coffee powder are real fresh foods, and they are no less difficult to preserve than live fish and fresh meat, because once they are not preserved properly, the aroma of coffee will be impure, the concentration will become weak, astringent and sour, and this kind of coffee will only be spurned by consumers. In the long run, consumers' impression of Yunnan small grains will become worse, and the reputation of Yunnan small grain coffee will be affected.

The Yunnan small grains of Aku Coffee are all roasted as much as they want, and there are designated roasters in Kunming to make them according to the special environment of Lijiang. There are three special requirements for coffee in Lijiang. The first is the high altitude, the boiling point of water becomes lower, the general electromagnetic kettle and gas boiled water, the water temperature is only 83 degrees. The second is that the local water is weak. According to the locals, the water here is hung with oil, which makes the system easy to get angry. This kind of water is used to make coffee to neutralize the acid in the coffee. The third is that the water here has a high content of minerals and is easy to scale.

So it's a little difficult to make a good cup of coffee in Lijiang. After two years of trying, our Yunnan small-grain coffee has adopted some different processes when roasting, slightly deep roasting and tempering, so that when the coffee is brewed, it can give off a strong fragrance at a lower water temperature. and the sour taste is rich. When brewing coffee, instead of using a coffee machine, it is made by hand, grinded by hand, boiled in mocha pots and siphon pots, and softened water. the coffee brewed in this way tastes really enjoyable.

At the entrance of Yunnan small coffee, you first taste a sweet and bitter taste, the nose is full of coffee aroma similar to the smell of flowers, and there is a slight sour taste on both sides of the tongue. If you continue to taste it, the sour taste will spread to the cheeks, but it is very light and quiet. If you like to drink strong coffee, there will be a powerful throb of temples and heart, which is exciting.

Drink Yunnan small grains of coffee, it is best not to add sugar, there is no bitterness, in addition, sugar will mask the original aroma and sour taste of coffee. And this is the characteristic of Yunnan Xiaogi. But you can add a little cream, slippery and fragrant.