Coffee review

Civet Coffee Kopi Luwak taste characteristics Cat poop Coffee Bean Price

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, What is the original taste and characteristic of civet coffee Kopi Luwak? Is it expensive? Where on earth did civet coffee come from? To put it simply, let the civets eat the coffee beans and shit them out, and then pick up the digested coffee beans from the shit and make them into super-expensive coffee beans. There are many videos and articles from unknown sources on the Internet that these civets are maiming.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

I do not know since when, Kopi Luwak has become the darling of the rich circle, according to locals, Kopi Luwak used to be drunk by poor people in Indonesia, because good coffee beans are sold. The locals inadvertently found that the coffee beans in the civet's feces were not digested, so they decided to wash them and dry them and cook them. This practice has been used by some people as a business opportunity to sell Kopi Luwak in a "scarce" mode, thus becoming the darling of the rich, while many civets are used in captivity. Qianjie also has access to and Kopi Luwak on shelves, and people often hear people say that Kopi Luwak is cruel. Qianjie thinks it is not Kopi Luwak who is cruel, but those who use captivity to force civets to eat only coffee fruits.

The habitat of a civet.

Musk cats mainly inhabit tropical rain forests in hills and mountains below 2100 meters above sea level, shrubs and grasses on the edge of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests, and choose caves, soil caves or tree caves as habitat sites. Wild civets are omnivores. Animal foods include small beasts, birds, amphibians and reptiles, crustaceans and insects, such as rodents, birds, snakes, frogs, fish, crabs, bird eggs, insects, earthworms and wild birds. Plant foods include the stems and leaves of Solanaceae, seeds of a variety of figs, cloth dregs and sour berries, while edible coffee fruits are also mixed with Arabica beans and robusta beans. Normally, Arabica beans will taste better than Robusta, so pure Arabica civet coffee will be extra precious.

The formation of Kopi Luwak

Due to the low production of Kopi Luwak, many people think that although coffee beans have not been digested in the civet's digestive tract, its surface has been corroded by strong corrosive digestive juices, and there is a special protease in these digestive juices. it can break down the original protein chain of coffee beans and break down the long-chain proteins into small particles to form short-chain peptides and amino acids. Later, many businessmen aimed at business opportunities and began to catch civets in captivity. Civets who were supposed to eat meat could only eat coffee berries. The nutrients in coffee berries do not keep civets healthy.

Front Street Coffee doesn't think so! Because they only eat coffee berries for a long time, civets may expel the coffee beans for an hour or two after they eat them, and the coffee beans are in the civets' stomach for an hour or two, which is not enough to produce a series of changes mentioned above. the bean is still the bean when it is eaten, and the flavor changes, even if there is a change in flavor. What can really make the coffee taste good is the original variety of coffee beans. Those merchants feed mainly Robusta and are still immature coffee beans, so imagine that even if the body is fermented, the original flavor of the beans will be put there. It's just a cover for deceit.

Qianjie's view of Kopi Luwak is neutral!

There is no problem with the formation of Kopi Luwak itself. the civet recognizes ripe coffee fruit through its nose, and Ethiopia's red cherries are also harvested fully ripe coffee, both of which are similar. The people who have the problem are those who lock up the civets. Forcing them to eat only mature or immature coffee berries, just to increase the yield of Kopi Luwak, thus giving rise to these cruel things, is no longer part of the category of coffee we are talking about.

In vivo fermentation treatment

Although coffee beans are not digested in the civets' digestive tract, strong corrosive digestive juices have corroded its surface. there is a special protease in these digestive juices that can break down the original protein chain of coffee beans. break down long-chain proteins into small particles to form short-chain peptides and amino acids. Definition of short-chain titanium: short-chain peptides consisting of 3-9 amino acid residues are sometimes called oligopeptides.

Front Street Coffee-Kopi Luwak

Producing area: Aceh, Indonesia

Altitude: 1200m

Variety: Arabica

Treatment: in vivo fermentation

Indonesia's low-altitude robusta coffee originally has the taste of soil and traditional Chinese medicine, and its consistency is also high, so this civet coffee has the fishy flavor of aged beans almost close to syrup, and its flavor is very special. if you prefer the fishy smell of Indonesian aged beans or Indian-style soiled beans, you may fall in love with the flavor of civet coffee.

Suggestions on the selection of filter cups for coffee with high alcohol thickness in Qianjie coffee

In order to better show the herbal flavor and mellow taste of Kopi Luwak, Qianjie coffee roasted cat poop coffee beans are roasted at medium depth. The dewatering rate of medium and deep baked beans is generally higher, so the weight is relatively light, and the powder does not sink completely at the bottom when cooking, and the injected water will be absorbed immediately at the beginning, because the exhaust powder is surrounded by bubbles, and the more fresh the beans in these channels, the longer the maintenance time, so that the water level drops rapidly. I usually use thick water to circle slowly.

KONO filter cup, because it can bring out a more round and mellow taste will be more direct. However, the exhaust effect of the KONO filter cup is relatively poor, because his ribs are straight and the depth is only 1/4 of the depth of the filter cup, except for the position of more than 1/4 to form an airtight state close to the cup wall. Will choose KONO filter cup, because the only exhaust part of this filter cup is in the 1/4 ribs, when the water level moves over the ribs, the amount of water in the filter cup continues to rise, increasing pressure through the weight of water, because the outlet is relatively small, it can extend the contact time between coffee particles and water for a longer time, as the current drives it to bring out soluble matter more effectively, which can generally achieve the thickness effect of high alcohol expected by guests.

How to brew Kopi Luwak for Qianjie coffee?

Cooking parameters: use Kono filter cup

Water temperature: 86 ℃

Amount of powder: 15g

Powder-to-water ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 screen pass rate 70%)

Qianjie coffee is extracted by stages, also known as three-stage brewing: steaming with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, injecting water around a circle to 125 grams for stages, continuing to inject water to 225 grams when the water level is about to be exposed to the powder bed, removing the filter cup when the water level is about to be exposed to the powder bed, (steaming starting timing) the extraction time is 2 grams 39ter01 ".

Kopi Luwak flavor description: herbs, nuts, dark chocolate, fermented taste, high mellow thickness, sticky and smooth taste.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925