Coffee review

A brief introduction to the Brand Price of Jamaica Blue Mountain No. 1 Coffee production area description of flavor and taste characteristics of authentic Blue Mountain Coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Blue Mountain Coffee is the authentic truth? What's the smell of Blue Mountain? How much is the authentic Blue Mountain? The world-famous Blue Mountain Coffee, produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, has a low caffeine content (less than half of other coffee) and outstanding taste, catering to modern people's concept of healthy consumption.

In the front street, I often meet my friends and ask, "Blue Mountain Coffee" and "Blue Mountain Coffee" refer to the same kind of coffee? The difference between two words is two different concepts. Blue Mountain Coffee does not come from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, in fact, it is the so-called "Blue Mountain mixed beans". The flavor will be close to the real Blue Mountain Coffee flavor, but there is no relationship between the two. Real Blue Mountain coffee refers to high-quality coffee beans produced in Jamaica's Blue Mountains above 1000m above sea level.

Qianjie should be reminded to pay attention to two misunderstandings when buying Blue Mountains:

Many merchants will roast other producing areas or beans a little deeper, making them lose their flavor characteristics in order to get close to the flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee. This kind of merchants play word games, calling coffee beans that are not Blue Mountains "Blue Mountain flavor coffee." As the popularity of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is too high, there are many fake coffee on the market, such as Blue Mountain Coffee, Blue Mountain mixed Coffee, or directly called Blue Mountain Coffee. However, these operators mimic the taste of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and mix all kinds of coffee beans by themselves, and the mixed coffee produced may not have a single real Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee bean in it.

While there are other practitioners, the understanding of Blue Mountain is still more than 10 years, thinking that Blue Mountain coffee has been bought by Japan, what China sells is not the real Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee. In fact, due to the huge market demand in China, Blue Mountain has been normally imported for many years. Blue Mountain coffee garden owners have also visited China in recent years to further let Chinese consumers know more about Blue Mountain coffee beans. The Blue Mountain of the Chinese market is not rare to the extent that it is fake. Now the producing area of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is larger than before, and the consumption power of Japan has become weaker recently, so the real Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is also sold in China, as long as you know how to identify it, you can buy the real thing. The following is the Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Bean Certification in the front street coffee shop.

History of No. 1 Coffee in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica

The history of Jamaican coffee can be traced back to the 18th century, when King Louis XV of France ordered the cultivation of coffee in Jamaica in 1717, and in the mid-1920s, the Governor of Jamaica Nicholas. Nicholas Lawes imported Arabica seeds from Martinique and began to plant them in St. Andrew. Coffee trees have been introduced into Jamaica and coffee is grown in the Blue Mountains, which is divided into high-altitude Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, Alpine Coffee and Jamaican Coffee. Different grades also determine different prices.

Jamaica authentic Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee producing area

The authentic Blue Mountain Coffee area certified by the Jamaica Coffee Authority has four districts: St. Andrew, St. Thomas, St. Mary, Portland.

The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica, hence its name because it is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On clear days, the sun shines directly on the blue sea, and the peaks reflect the bright blue light of the sea. The highest peak of the Blue Mountains, which is 2256 meters above sea level, is the highest peak in the Caribbean and a famous tourist attraction. Located in the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil, fresh air, no pollution, humid climate, foggy and rainy all the year round (the average precipitation is 1980 mm, the temperature is around 27 degrees), this climate has created the world-famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. It also creates the highest price coffee in the world.

The real Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee is one of the most advantageous coffee growing conditions in the world. The weather, geological structure and topography of Jamaica provide a unique ideal place. Designated Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee can only be grown in the Blue Mountain area, in Kingston, Jamaica is in the eastern north of the island. The ridge across Yatoujia extends to the east of the island, and the Blue Mountains are more than 2100 meters high. The cool weather, foggy weather and frequent rainfall reconcile the rich land of Rain Water. Here people use mixed planting to grow coffee trees next to banana and avocado trees on terraces.

Moreover, the mountain is very uneven, and the process of harvesting is very difficult (the coffee harvester is almost entirely female). Their coffee trees are on rugged hillsides, and the picking process is so difficult that non-local skilled female workers are simply unable to do it. It is very important to choose the right ripe coffee beans when picking. Immaturity or ripeness will affect the quality of the coffee.

Grading standard of Jamaican coffee beans

According to the altitude of cultivation, Jamaican coffee is divided into three categories: Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, Jamaican Alpine Coffee and Jamaican Coffee. Different grades also determine different prices.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee

Among them, there are four grades under Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee. From top to bottom in terms of quality, NO.1, NO.2, NO.3 and PB,PB are round beans. According to CIB standards, only coffee grown at 1000-1700 meters above sea level is called Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, with low yield, large particles, good quality and harmonious taste, while having appropriate sour, bitter, fragrant, mellow and sweet taste, it is recognized as the best in the world, so the price of Blue Mountain No.1 is the highest of all Blue Mountain Coffee.

(1) No.1-17hammer 18 mesh, the proportion of defective beans does not exceed 2%.

(2) No.2-16 stroke 17 mesh, the proportion of defective beans does not exceed 2%.

(3) No.3-15 hammer 16 mesh, the proportion of defective beans does not exceed 2%.

(4) Peaberry-10MS, the proportion of defective beans does not exceed 2%.

2. Jamaican alpine coffee

The coffee produced in the Blue Mountain area of Jamaica is called Alpine Coffee, which is also second only to Blue Mountain Coffee in quality. it is called the brother variety of Blue Mountain Coffee by industry insiders. Jamaica Blue Mountain caffeine produces very little, so if you want to taste Jamaican coffee, then Jamaican Alpine Coffee is your best choice.

3. Jamaican coffee

Coffee grown outside the Blue Mountains is called Jamaican coffee, which is less than 500 meters above sea level.

How to identify the real Blue Mountain No.1 coffee

However, due to the lack of strict coffee classification rules and industry standards in the world, and the fact that most consumers in China know little about coffee, in general, ordinary consumers have no way to distinguish between true and false. However, some people in the industry believe that real blue mountain coffee beans are not sour either in hot drinks or cold drinks, which is now the only experience that can distinguish between true and false.

1, appearance: the raw beans of washed Blue Mountain Coffee are cyan, the appearance is very neat, the size is medium to small, the ends are warped up, the volume increases a lot after baking, very full. The raw beans of Sun Blue Mountain Coffee are yellowish green.

2. Grinding beans: the real blue mountain coffee beans are characterized by growing at high altitude, its cytoplasmic structure is relatively loose, and it feels very crisp, cool and continuous when grinding by hand, and there is no feeling of resistance.

3. Aroma: the aroma is very rich and dense; the so-called blended blue mountain coffee beans do not have this aroma.

4, taste: the real blue mountain coffee beans have a balanced and full-bodied taste, and there will not be any feeling of outstanding taste or lack of taste, which is beyond the reach of any other coffee beans, the most critical identification point. The aroma of blue mountain round beans is more subtle and the taste is relatively stronger.

5. Jamaica is the only producing area that uses buckets of raw beans. The Blue Mountain Coffee provided by Front Street Coffee has a certificate issued by the Jamaican Coffee Bureau. In addition, the barrel that wraps the Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans will have the logo of a green frog (see the picture below when the front street coffee was harvested with raw Jamaican beans). This is Qianjie Coffee specially selected the rain forest certified production of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Farm, or Clifton Farm.

Treatment of blue mountain coffee beans

Before this year, Blue Mountain Coffee can only be washed. The peel, pulp and mucous membrane were removed by washing and fermentation. Farms that use the washing method must build washing ponds and be able to introduce an endless supply of running water. During the treatment, first remove the peel and pulp and let it ferment for 12-18 hours, then put the mellow beans into the pool and pass them back and forth, using the friction of the beans and the power of running water to wash the coffee beans until smooth and clean. After washing, at this time, the coffee beans are still wrapped in the pericarp with a moisture content of 50%. They must be dried to reduce the moisture content to 12-14%, otherwise they will continue to be mellow, moldy and rotten. After that, the coffee beans are screened and stored in a special warehouse. These procedures must be strictly mastered, otherwise, the quality of the coffee will be affected.

Now Blue Mountain Coffee is not only washed with water, a batch of sun-dried Blue Mountain Coffee has been set up in front of the street, of course, it is also exported by Jamaica Coffee Bureau.

In fact, the production of this sun blue mountain coffee is also very difficult, why there was only water washing before, that is because water washing is the most essential embodiment of the blue mountain flavor, and changing the treatment method will certainly change its flavor structure. This is why the Qianjie rations, beans and coffee series are almost all treated with water washing, which best represents the flavor of the producing area. Of course, Blue Mountain Coffee uses sun treatment, more to follow the development of the market, just like Qianjie Coffee some time ago also added a sun-dried Mantenin coffee beans, which is also different from the traditional wet planing method.

Coffee producing area

Jamaica Blue Mountain producing area


Clifton Farm




Iron pickup

Treatment occurrence

Washing treatment & sun treatment

Baking degree

Medium baking

Baking curve

Qianjie uses medium roasting to bake these two kinds of blue mountain coffee beans with different treatments.

Front Street Jamaica Sun Blue Mountain Coffee Baking Curve

Test the flavor by cup

[the blue mountain coffee cup in the sun tests its flavor]

Dry fragrance: nuts, wood

Shixiang: caramel

Entrance: berries, nuts, fermentation, tea

[test the flavor of washed Blue Mountain Coffee Cup]

Dry aroma: nuts, melons, chocolate

Wet fragrance: oolong tea, caramel, honey, chocolate

Import: dark chocolate, nuts, cream, black sugar

Cooking suggestion

Qianjie recommends using freshly roasted coffee beans for brewing, so that you can maximize the rich flavor of the coffee. The coffee beans shipped in Qianjie are all roasted within 5 days, because Qianjie is well aware that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on the flavor. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.

The cooking parameters used in the front street are: Kono filter cup, 88C water temperature, powder / water ratio at 1:15, powder weight of 15g, grinding degree (70-75% pass rate of No. 20 standard sieve).

Qianjie takes into account that the two blue mountain beans use a deeper degree of roasting, the deeper the roasting degree, the faster the dissolution rate of coffee substances, in order to avoid over-extraction, Qianjie uses a lower water temperature for extraction, but also uses a lower flow rate Kono filter cup, in order to ensure that coffee substances are extracted as much as possible under low water temperatures.


Qianjie adopts segmented extraction, that is, three-stage water injection method, using 30g water for steaming, and the steaming time is 30s. The first small flow is injected around the circle to 125g to cut off water, and when the liquid level is about to expose the powder layer, continue the second stage of water injection, and the total extraction time (including steaming) is 225g.

Flavor description

[front Street Sun Blue Mountain Coffee] slight acidity of berries, reminiscent of black plums and mulberries, with a good overall balance, dark chocolate and nutty flavors, with a slight sense of fermentation.

[Qianjie washed Blue Mountain Coffee] dark chocolate, nutty flavor, creamy smooth taste, sweet and sour balance.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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