Coffee review

What is flat white Australian White Coffee Starbucks Fragrance White is mellow White Australian White Latte comparison

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) this time we are going to talk about flatwhite. I like flatwhite very much. I often talk about flatwhite here, and I keep comparing the flatwh of different stores.


The word Flat white may seem strange to you, but anyone who has been to Starbucks will certainly know Furebai. In fact, Xiaobai Coffee, Furebai, mellow White, Australia White and other names all refer to Flat white, which originated in Oceania (Australia), so it is also known as Australian White Coffee. Qianjie Coffee will sort out the relationship among Australia White, Latte and Cappuccino. What is Flat white Australian white coffee? Flat white is a coffee drink that originated in Australia. However, it was later argued that Flat white actually originated in New Zealand. New Zealanders like to use Double Ristretto, while Australians use Single Espresso,Flat white to blend tiny milk bubbles into one coffee concentrate or double Ristretto.

With regard to Australian white coffee, we always compare it with latte and cappuccino, which is also milk coffee. What's the difference between them? We can see the difference between them from the birth of Flat white: cappuccino in New Zealand has too many milk bubbles, almost no liquid milk, and is considered a children's drink because it is usually sprinkled with chocolate crumbs. Milk from Australia and New Zealand comes from free-grazing organic cows, and Australia and New Zealand are full of dairy farms, which are unique to both countries. New Zealand milk is very high in milk fat and can form large and hard milk bubbles. So New Zealand cappuccino tastes like marshmallows. Imagine that if you want a cup of milk coffee, New Zealand cappuccino is obviously not the best choice for adults.

As for lattes, that's all right, but in New Zealand there are almost no milk bubbles, either hot or iced lattes, and are considered a weak drink for intellectuals, political liberals and mothers. And New Zealand's latte is a latte in a broad sense, that is, it only means coffee with milk, the proportion depends on the store, from a large cup of cold milk into a cup of espresso evolved into a small cup of macchiato, and then into a large bowl of coffee. Its changes have surprised customers.

With the evolution of flat white, the average New Zealander didn't get a cup of pure white coffee from the cafe at first. Therefore, the evolution of flat white is likely to be like this: customer: have a cup of "white coffee" Cafe: give a guest a cappuccino, customer: that is too much milk foam, can I have a cup of plain milk coffee? Coffee shop: give the guest a latte customer: that coffee is very weak and there is too much milk. Can I have a cup of coffee with more foam than a latte but less than a cappuccino? Coffee shop: give guests a cup of coffee with milk foam and milk. Customer: great! I want to call this "flat white". The origin of "flat white" is still unclear. The term may come from dozens or even hundreds of small interactions in such cafes, and cafe owners have come to understand what kind of coffee customers really want. Flat white is now popular in London, New York and Berlin. At first, it was just an attempt to remake a cup of plunger coffee with a little milk. As a result, there is an Australian national grade coffee drink, Australian White Coffee Flat white, that is, Australian White (Milk) Coffee. In fact, you can see the Australian latte.

Therefore, Australian White Coffee is a coffee that highlights the taste of coffee. Latte is a coffee drink with a lot of milk, while cappuccino is milk coffee with thicker milk. The thickness of milk foam is the thickest in cappuccino, the second in latte, and the thinnest in Australian white coffee. So Australian White Coffee feels more like a cup of coffee with milk, a latte is like a cup of coffee-flavored milk, and a cappuccino is like a cup of creamy coffee. Why is Australian white coffee so popular? We can't help but wonder why Australian white coffee is so popular at home and even around the world. Australian White Coffee is resident in the menu of almost every cafe. As we know earlier, Australian white coffee is thinner and less milky than latte and cappuccino, and will highlight the taste of coffee, so Australian white coffee is more picky in the choice of coffee beans. If you choose a better quality coffee beans as the base of Australian white coffee, you will make a cup of Australian white coffee that highlights the flavor of the coffee itself.

On the other hand, if you choose a bean of poor quality as the base to make Australian white coffee, it is easy to feel the disadvantages. Australian white coffee is also better than latte coffee to show the quality of coffee beans and more suitable for the flavor of coffee producing areas, such as the very popular SOE (single orgin espresso) single-producing area espresso, catering to the third wave of coffee trend focusing on coffee producing areas, tracing back to the source. But in the final analysis, as long as you choose better quality coffee beans and milk, Australian white coffee, latte or cappuccino will be very good coffee. So how to make flat white Australian White Coffee? Let's share the Flat white recipe of today's Qianjie coffee. The coffee beans are made of sunflowers from front street coffee and coffee beans, which is made up of 70% Honduran Shirley and 30% Yega Sheffield sun-tanned cherries. Has a very fragrant sherry charm, high sweetness, vanilla cream flavor.


The front street of the base uses espresso, using 20 grams of coffee powder to extract 27 grams of espresso in 20 seconds. Then dispense milk, cup front street coffee choose 180 ml tulip cup, milk to dispense with milk foam as little as possible, thin. Pour the whipped milk into the espresso, blend to the full, and then gently push out the pattern. Because the Flat white foam is thin and the pattern is easy to get out of shape, it is recommended to do a relatively simple heart-shaped pattern or a dot pattern, or not to do pattern pull.

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