Coffee review

[Sumatran Tiger Mantenin] Special report on Amway you are a super clean Manning!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Ache Sumatra Tiger Mandheling Aceh Sumatran tiger Mantenin producing area: Aceh varieties: Caturra, Typica, Sidikalong soil: volcanic soil altitude: 1500m treatment method: wet planing method 01 | production area introduction Indonesia is a group

Ache Sumatra

Tiger Mandheling

Aceh Sumatra Tiger Mantenin

Production area: Aceh

Breeds: Caturra, Typica, Sidikalong

Soil: Volcanic soil

Altitude: 1500m

Treatment: wet planing

01| Production area

Indonesia is an archipelagic country, mainly producing in Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi three islands. The northern part of Sumatra is relatively high above sea level. Aceh Province, where Lake Tawa is located, and North Sumatra, where Lake Toba is located, are the main Arabica coffee producing areas. Lake Tawa is located in the Gayo Mountains in the north of Sumatra Aceh Province, across Indonesia on both sides of the equator. The humid tropical rain forest climate is rich in rainfall, and the fertile volcanic soil brings rich nutrients to coffee. However, due to its remote location and inconvenient transportation, coffee was not cultivated until 1924. Most of them were planted organically with traditional shade and no pesticides.

Coffee is the second largest cash export crop in Aceh. It is estimated that there are about 60000 small-scale coffee farmers, each owning about 1-2 hectares of coffee planting land. Indonesia's traditional way of coffee trade is multi-point supply, starting from farmers, through multi-layer middlemen, slowly accumulate a large number of export goods. In the Indonesian coffee trading system, direct trade in which a single window receives goods from farmers and then arranges for export is quite rare in Indonesia.

Aceh, the northernmost corner of Sumatra, is a fascinating and complex place. Aceh is not an area visited by ordinary people because of its long-term political instability. The Gayo region is located in Aceh province, north of Sumatra, and coffee is grown in the slopes around the town of Takegon and Lake Tawar in the Gayo region. The average planting height in the production area is between 1110 and 1300 meters.

[Tiger Mantenin] grows in Indonesia, mainly in Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi. The northern part of Sumatra is relatively high above sea level. Aceh, where Lake Tawa is located, and North Sumatra, where Lake Toba is located, are the main Arabica coffee producing areas. Lake Tawa is located in the Gayo Mountains in the northern Aceh province of Sumatra.

02 | handling method

Wet planing, also known as wet shelling Wet Hulling, also known as Giling Basah in the local language, is a traditional Indonesian coffee treatment. Judging from the name alone, the wet planing method is very similar to the wet treatment (water washing treatment). However, the cup flavor of the two treatments is very different. The coffee treated by the wet planing method is usually mellow and strong, and the personality is very distinct.

Steps of wet planing treatment

① removes peel and pulp and retains parchment and mucous membrane.

② tank fermentation

Wash off the mucous membrane with ③ and dry to 20-24% water content.

④ Remove the parchment

5. Sun-drying for 2-3 days

⑥ dries raw beans to 12-13% moisture content.

⑦, prepare for exit.

Why do you use wet planing?

a. Climatic reasons

The tradition of using wet planing in Indonesia starts with the local weather. Humidity in Indonesia is between 70 and 90 percent all year round, typhoons continue, and in some areas, annual rainfall can reach as much as 2000mm. You know, raw beans are most afraid of Rain Water. How did Indonesia overcome such bad weather conditions to produce rich and mellow Mantenin coffee? That is to rely on wet planing.

In tropical climates, coffee takes an average of 2-3 weeks to dry. In such a humid climate in Indonesia, dry coffee has become a big problem. Coffee must take longer to dry, during which time the coffee still maintains a high humidity, making it easier for bacteria to soak into raw coffee beans.

In the process of ordinary washing, the drying process is carried out with parchment to protect raw beans from external damage to a certain extent. However, we can note that the wet planing removes the parchment for the final step of drying, so that the sun shines directly on the surface of the raw beans, causing the coffee beans to dry quickly, 2-3 times faster than washing.

b. economic performance

In the 17th century, Dutch colonists first introduced coffee to Indonesia. This group of colonists sought more and faster economic returns. Wet planing greatly shortened the time spent on the farm and greatly reduced the cost of labor. This coincides with the mentality of investors who pursue quick profits and reduce costs. This is also a reason to promote the wet planing method.

c. Defects and kuku kambing (Bauhinia)

When the parchment is removed by wet planing, the water content of coffee is still as high as 20-24%, while in general treatment, the water content of coffee is reduced to 10-12% before shelling. In the "semi-dry" state, parchment will adhere to the surface of raw beans, removing parchment is more difficult than "fully dry", and the shelling process requires more friction.

But on the other hand, "semi-dry" raw coffee beans are very fragile at this time, far less hard than "fully dry" raw beans, so beans are more likely to be squeezed and form a small gap. This is what we often call horseshoes or sheep's hoof beans (locally known as kuku kambing).

The super speed of wet planing also causes Manning to have higher defects. Employees will be arranged to carry out manual selection of defects in the processing plant, usually with DP (second hand selection) and TP (third hand selection). After three times of hand selection, Mantenin will be better than the second hand selection in the defect rate.

03 | Analysis of raw beans

[Indonesian tiger Mantenin]

Tiger Mantenin is slightly different from other mantenins. The main varieties are Kaddura, Itsuka and sidikalong. Kaddura has a sour taste of citrus and lemon. To maintain its sweetness, it is necessary to apply regular and quantitative fertilization in order to maintain a stable production capacity. Ironka has a long-lasting sweetness, but it has low resistance to leaf rust and makes Tiger Man taste more uniform and clean. There are also nuts, cream, dark chocolate flavor.

Kaddura tastes sour with lemon or citrus taste and is not as sweet as iron pickup and bourbon in terms of sweetness, because Kaddura's sweetness depends on the number and dose of fertilizer applied by growers, and has high production capacity, but continuous fertilization and pruning are necessary to maintain production capacity, so the trees are short and branched. Although production capacity has increased, production is still limited because of the two-year harvest period and the high cost of care.

Iron pickup is the closest variety to the original species. The bean shape is slightly longer, like an elongated egg, known as Arabigo or criollo in Central America. There is a clean citric acid taste, sweet aftertaste, low resistance to leaf rust, making it not easy to take care of, low seed setting, coupled with a long harvest period (harvest every two years), the yield is not much.

04 | Baking analysis

This coffee has a round raw bean body, yellowish green, good evenness and high moisture content. The goal of baking is medium-deep baking, in order to erase too much sour taste and improve its mellow thickness and balance.

In the first batch of baking, the lower bean temperature is relatively high, the bean temperature is 200 degrees, and the firepower is also relatively high. In the baking process, because the elevation of the bean is only medium and the bean quality is very soft, in order to remove the excess gouache and avoid being sour due to lack of dehydration, the baking method of prolonging dehydration time and reducing fire is adopted to adjust the firepower before the bean enters the yellowing point, the dehydration is finished and the first explosion is completed to avoid burns on the bean surface, and choose to come out of the oven 4 minutes after the end of the first explosion and 20 seconds before the second explosion to prolong the caramelization reaction time. Reflect its high quality cleanliness and sweetness.

Roaster Yangjia 600g semi-direct fire

Enter the pot at 200 degrees Celsius, adjust the firepower to 160 degrees after opening the throttle for 30s, keep the throttle unchanged, the temperature return point is 1 "45, keep the firepower, the bean watch turns yellow in 5: 18" seconds, the smell of grass disappears completely, enter the dehydration stage, the firepower is reduced to 140 degrees, and the throttle is adjusted to 4.

7'30 "dehydration completed, firepower reduced to 140 degrees, 8km2 39. 55 "when the bean table appears ugly Hu wrinkles and black markings, the smell of toast obviously changed to the smell of coffee, can be defined as a prelude to an explosion, at this time to listen clearly to the sound of an explosion point, to 9: 00" to start an explosion, adjust the firepower to 110 degrees, the throttle should be fully opened 5 (the firepower should be very careful, not to be so small as to be free of bursting sound), the development of 400s "after an explosion, 203 degrees pot.

This Tiger Mantelin has a balanced palate with distinct creamy, dark chocolate and nutty flavours.

05 | Cooking data

[V60 hand flush]

Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 88 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji degree of grinding 4

Cooking methods: the ratio of water to powder is 1:15, 15g powder, the first injection of 25g water, 25 s steaming, the second injection to 120g water cut off, waiting for the powder bed water to half and then water injection, slow water injection until 225g water, extraction time about 2:00

Analysis: using three-stage brewing to clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. Because the V60 has many ribs and the drainage speed is faster, when the water is cut off, it can prolong the extraction time and better extract the nut and chocolate flavor of the tail section.

Flavor: the level is changeable, the whole is clean, the taste is thin, the finish is long-lasting caramel sweet, there will be a hint of bitterness.

[KONO hand flush]

Filter cup: KONO filter cup

Water temperature: 88 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji degree of grinding 4

Cooking method: the ratio of water to flour is 1:14, 17g powder, 25g water for the first time, steaming for 30s, and 238g water for the second time. The extraction time is about 2:30 seconds.

Analysis: there are not many ribs at the bottom of the Kono cup, and the filter paper clings to the filter cup to achieve the purpose of limiting air flow, which can make water and coffee powder have longer contact soaking time in the filter cup and ensure the extraction time and extraction rate of rough grinding. In this way, the coffee powder can be fully extracted, enhance the mellow taste and make the taste more concentrated.

Flavor: well balanced, clean, thick and solid on the palate, with a long dark chocolate finish.

[siphon pot]

Appliance: Hario siphon kettle

Water temperature: 89 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji 3.5

Technique: it is recommended that 20 grams of powder for 2 people, the ratio of water to powder at 1:12, add 240g hot water to the pot, use the method of adding powder, after blistering, measure the temperature at 89 degrees Celsius, stir for 4-5 times, steam for 30 seconds, extract for about 30 seconds, then turn off the fire, finally, stir quickly for 2-3 times, waiting for the coffee liquid to fall freely.

Analysis: siphon pot coffee heated by fire will produce differences in high, medium and low temperature with brewing, thus creating rich flavor changes. At high temperature, the aroma of [Tiger Manning] coffee is very strong, with high-quality herbal aromas. when the temperature drops to 70 degrees, it presents a rich and full taste of nuts, and the sweetness of caramel will gradually emerge.

Flavor: round texture, full-bodied taste, herbs and dark chocolate, accompanied by caramel sweetness.

[Philharmonic pressure cooking]

Utensils: love music pressure

Water temperature: 85 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji 3.5

Technique: for the preparation of Philharmonic pressure backpressure, it is recommended to add 20 grams of coffee powder, the ratio of water powder to water is 1: 15 and 85 degrees water, first inject 100g, stir three to five times to make the coffee powder fully wet, rest for 30s, add remaining hot water to 300g, rest for 30s, then stir for 5s, wait until 1 minute 50 seconds when inverted, vertical uniform pressure, the total time is about 2:30 seconds.

Analysis: the production material of Philharmonic pressure has the advantages of slow heat dissipation and less loss of temperature. we use 85 degrees of water and appropriate pressure to brew low acidity and no bitterness, clean and smooth taste; complete immersion can maximize and evenly extract, retain the [Tiger Mantenin] flavor intact; pressure extraction in the pressing process can get a thicker alcohol thickness than other soaked coffee. The density of the filter paper is high, and the coffee filtered out is very clean, which enhances the sweetness and smoother texture.

Flavor: full-bodied, refreshing herbal flavor, medium caramel sweetness and nutty chocolate.

[French pressure kettle]

Utensils: French pressure kettle

Water temperature: 88-89 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji degree of grinding 4

Technique: 20 g coffee beans, water powder ratio 1: 14. Pour 88 degrees water into the kettle to 280g, start the clock, put the lid on the lid, stop the strainer at the top, wait for two and a half minutes, and then press the strainer to the end.

Analysis: using immersion extraction, the front extraction is faster, the rear extraction is slower; the coffee powder is all soaked in water to evenly extract, so that the [tiger manning] taste is balanced, and it is not easy to produce bitter taste; press the filter powder layer with a metal filter to retain the rich oil, increase the smooth taste, improve the alcohol thickness and caramel sweetness.

Flavor: balanced taste, mellow texture, good fat, with a little sweetness