Coffee review

How much is the authentic Blue Mountain Coffee beans per jin? Which brand is better to buy blue mountain coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Blue Mountain Coffee, the first thing to say is that Blue Mountain Coffee is not a type of coffee such as latte or mocha, but a coffee drink made of authentic Blue Mountain coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, which is divided into Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee according to its quality. Jamaica is unique.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Blue Mountain Coffee, first of all, Blue Mountain Coffee is not a fancy coffee such as latte or mocha, but a coffee drink made of authentic blue mountain coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, which is divided into Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee according to its quality. The unique geographical environment of Jamaica has created the distinctive flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee. With a perfect combination of sour, bitter and sweet, it has an extraordinary status in the hearts of coffee lovers.

However, most of the Blue Mountain coffee on the domestic market is not authentic, a small part of which is coffee beans around the Jamaica Blue Mountain Mountains, and even a smaller part is a mixture of high mountains and blue mountains, and the vast majority of the rest. The editor doesn't know what it is.

Blue Mountain Coffee comes from the Caribbean island of Jamaica, which runs through many mountains, and the slopes of the mountains are the main producers of Jamaican coffee. Blue Mountain is one of these mountain groups, the Blue Mountain Mountains are located in the northeast of the capital of Jamaica, most of them are more than 1800 meters above sea level, of which the highest peak is 2256 meters above sea level, which is the highest in the Caribbean.

Authentic Blue Mountain coffee beans are only produced in areas above 1850 meters above sea level in the Blue Mountains, where the key word is more than 1850 meters. Only this area produces pure blue mountain coffee. Of course, there are particularly fastidious people who say that the most authentic Blue Mountain coffee is produced by the Blue Mountain at an altitude of 2256 meters.

The reason why the Blue Mountains are Blue Mountains is that the island of Jamaica is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. On sunny days, the mountains are shrouded in a romantic blue atmosphere because of the refraction of the blue water, which is particularly beautiful and mysterious.

The unique flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee is related to the unique geographical location and climatic conditions of Blue Mountain. Blue Mountain is located in the coffee belt between 25 degrees north latitude and 25 degrees south latitude, the air is fresh and pollution-free, and it is rainy all year round. In the afternoon, clouds cover the top of the mountain, which naturally shades the coffee trees and brings abundant water vapor, which makes the blue mountain coffee outstanding in taste and aroma. Specific altitude, air humidity, rainfall and illuminance all make Blue Mountain Coffee the "king of coffee".

Authentic blue mountain coffee beans are of the best quality, large granules, high quality, harmonious taste, mellow flavor, aroma, concentration and acidity, and low caffeine, less than half of other coffee, which is very consistent with the health concept of modern people. is the best in coffee.

However, the production of authentic blue mountain coffee beans is very small, and almost all the authentic blue mountain coffee beans have been booked in advance by the royals of various countries. So the authentic blue mountain coffee beans on the market may be blue mountain coffee, produced in the blue mountain mountains, but not all are more than 1850 meters, it is not necessarily pure blue mountain coffee.

Because Blue Mountain Coffee is too famous, many "Blue Mountain Coffee" or "Blue Mountain Coffee" on the market may not be pure Blue Mountain Coffee. 120 a cup of "Blue Mountain Coffee" may just be coffee from the Blue Mountain area. You don't have to be too blind when drinking coffee.