Coffee review

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee will you gain weight by drinking Nestle instant coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the pros and cons of drinking coffee in the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style): 1. Coffee contains certain nutrients. Nicotinic acid in coffee contains vitamin B, which is higher in roasted coffee beans. And there are free fatty acids, caffeine, tannic acid and so on. two。 Coffee is good for the skin. Coffee can promote

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee:

1. Coffee contains certain nutrients. Nicotinic acid in coffee contains vitamin B, which is higher in roasted coffee beans. And there are free fatty acids, caffeine, tannic acid and so on.

two。 Coffee is good for the skin. Coffee can promote metabolic function, activate digestive organs, and has a great effect on constipation. Taking a bath with coffee powder is a kind of thermotherapy, which has the effect of losing weight. Drinking a cup of coffee after a meal is also good for digestion.

3. Coffee has the function of relieving alcohol. Drinking coffee after drinking alcohol will quickly oxidize the acetaldehyde converted from alcohol, decompose it into water and carbon dioxide and discharge it out of the body.

4. Coffee can relieve fatigue. In order to eliminate fatigue, we must supplement nutrition, rest and sleep, and promote metabolic functions, and coffee has these functions.

5. Three cups of coffee a day can prevent gallstones. For caffeinated coffee, it stimulates gallbladder contraction and reduces cholesterol, which is prone to gallstones. The latest Harvard University researchers found that men who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were less than 40% likely to get gallstones.

6. Drinking coffee regularly can prevent radiation damage. Radiation damage, especially the radiation of electrical appliances, has become a prominent pollution at present. Indian Barba atomic researchers have come to this conclusion in mouse experiments and say it can be applied to humans.

7. The health care and medical function of coffee. Coffee has the functions of anti-oxidation and heart protection, strengthening muscles and bones, benefiting waist and knees, appetizer, eliminating fat and accumulation, promoting orifice and dehumidification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relieving wind and relieving spasm and so on.

8. The influence of coffee on mood. Experiments show that the average person absorbs 300 milligrams of caffeine (about 3 cups of brewed coffee) a day, which has a good effect on a person's alertness and mood.

The following six types of people are not suitable for drinking coffee:

Suffering from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other diseases-long-term or heavy consumption of coffee can cause cardiovascular disease.

Older women-Coffee reduces calcium and causes osteoporosis. After menopause, women need to add ten times the amount of calcium every day.

People with stomach problems-drinking too much coffee can worsen stomach problems.

Pregnant women-drinking too much coffee can lead to fetal malformation or miscarriage.

People with vitamin B1 deficiency-vitamin B1 can maintain the balance and stability of the nervous system, and coffee has a destructive effect on it.

Cancer patients-drinking too much coffee is at risk of causing cancer in normal people.

Because coffee stimulates the brain so strongly that it directly affects the mental state, when coffee first spread to Europe in the 16th century, some people advocated that a doctor's prescription was needed to drink coffee. Over the past four or five centuries, the vigorous development of coffee culture has made it impossible for people to be without coffee for a day, but the medical community has gradually proposed that the impact of coffee on the human body is not only refreshing.

Let's start with the refreshing effect of coffee. According to the study, drinking 100-200 milligrams of caffeine a day is refreshing and harmless, while the best time for workers to drink coffee is when they have breakfast in the morning, when they first arrive at the office, and after a lunch break. Prepare for the busy afternoon work. At this time, a cup of coffee can avoid the usual drowsiness after meals.

The study also found that, for the average person, a cup of coffee in the morning and afternoon is the best, more than this amount, not only can not achieve the pick-me-up effect, but also make people feel restless.

Drinking too much coffee can also lead to calcium loss, which is a major threat to osteoporosis for the elderly, especially middle-aged and elderly women. Two or more cups of coffee a day will increase the risk of fracture by about 50%, which is shocking. Experts believe that it is safest for the elderly to drink coffee one cup a day.

There may be some things you don't know about the advantages and disadvantages of coffee:

Filtered coffee does not increase cholesterol, while drinking coffee slightly increases LDl bad cholesterol, but it also increases HDL good cholesterol.

Coffee can stimulate defecation in about 1/3 of healthy people. Occasionally, when defecation is not smooth, drinking a cup of espresso will have an unexpected laxative effect.

Coffee can reduce the incidence of Parkinson's disease.

Drinking coffee when diarrhea, the diuretic effect of coffee, will promote the excretion of water in the body and aggravate diarrhea.

Coffee will stimulate gallbladder contraction, people with gallstone tendency are strictly forbidden to drink coffee.

If you drink too much coffee, pregnant women can easily lead to spontaneous abortion.

The caffeine in coffee suppresses asthma. When asthma attacks, patients can be given two cups of espresso in case of emergency, because the coffee has the effect of bronchial medicine. Coffee drinkers are less likely to wheeze.

Coffee can also eliminate depression and increase libido.

Coffee is really a wonderful food, but how to benefit from it and avoid its harm depends on your physical condition and weight.

Second: close contact with caffeine with coffee can stimulate the central nervous system and muscles, so it can cheer up, enhance thinking ability, and restore muscle fatigue. Acting on the cardiovascular system, it can improve heart function, dilate blood vessels and promote blood circulation. For the gastrointestinal system, it can help digestion and help decompose fat.

Help to lose weight I believe many people have heard that drinking black coffee can help you lose weight. in fact, this is only one of the factors. Caffeine can indeed accelerate the decomposition of fat, but at the same time, it depends on muscle exercise to convert excess fatty acids into heat energy consumption. Without matching exercise, excess fatty acids flow back down the bloodstream and re-accumulate fat. So after drinking coffee, you need to be active at the same time in order to play a real weight loss effect! Coffee itself has calories, but not much. The main calories are the cream and sugar you add when you drink coffee.

Antioxidant capacity in recent years, as long as foods with antioxidant functions are popular in the market, well-known vegetables and fruits are rich in A, C, B vitamins, as well as tea, which is quite popular in Japan. The reason why they are regarded as healthy food is that they are rich in antioxidants, which can resist the harm of free radicals to the human body. A few days ago, a research report pointed out that coffee contains four times more antioxidants than tea, which is more resistant to cardiovascular disease, and coffee itself is in line with the principle of antioxidants, and the color (dark) is bitter. Each coffee contains different antioxidants depending on the way it is brewed. For example, American coffee contains the least antioxidants, while Espresso contains the most antioxidants. After the addition of cream, coffee will not affect its antioxidant effect.

Foreign reports on improving dry eyes point out that coffee drinkers are significantly less likely to suffer from dry eyes than non-coffee drinkers. This is mainly related to the purine ingredients in coffee (purine-containing eye drops that stimulate glands to secrete fluid and have some protective effect on the eyes). This is of course good news for computer users who love coffee, but it should be noted that coffee itself has a diuretic effect, even if some of its ingredients have a protective effect, but for people who already suffer from xerophthalmia, and those who take any drugs containing diuretics, caffeinated beverages must be prohibited so as not to aggravate the loss of water in the body.

It can relieve the headache caused by a good night's sleep, or the pain caused by vasoconstriction on the temple side. the pain caused by these non-organic factors can be relieved with coffee, but it must be drunk in the morning or noon (note: prohibited from afternoon to night).

The amount of coffee is good for the body, but you can't drink more than 2 cups a day. For people who are prone to tension and anxiety, drinking too much may be harmful.

Coffee time to drink coffee is best after breakfast and lunch, because this can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, can break down the high-calorie, high-fat food eaten, and will not cause irritation to the stomach like drinking coffee on an empty stomach. It's best not to drink coffee after dinner, for fear it will affect your sleep. If you want to stay up all night by drinking coffee, you may drink too much without knowing it, which is bad for your health.

Confusing caffeine in times of stress helps to improve alertness, agility, memory and concentration. But drinking more coffee than you are used to will produce the same dose of stimulants that you are used to, which can cause nervousness. For people with anxiety disorders, caffeine can worsen symptoms such as sweaty palms, palpitations and tinnitus.

Aggravate high blood pressure caffeine is often combined with other simple painkillers because of its analgesic effect, but if you take it in large quantities for a long time, if you already have high blood pressure, using a lot of caffeine will only make your situation worse. Because caffeine alone can raise blood pressure, coupled with emotional stress, it can have a dangerous multiplication effect, so people at risk of high blood pressure should especially avoid drinking caffeinated drinks during stressful times at work. Some people who drink coffee all the year round think they are immune to the effects of caffeine, but this is not the case. One study shows that blood pressure can rise for up to 12 hours after drinking a cup of coffee.

Induced osteoporosis caffeine itself has a good diuretic effect. If you drink a lot of coffee for a long time, it is easy to cause bone loss, which will adversely affect the preservation of bone mass. For women, it may increase the threat of osteoporosis. But the premise is that people who don't get enough calcium in normal food, or people who don't move very often, plus women after menopause, calcium loss caused by lack of estrogen, coupled with a large amount of caffeine, may pose a threat to bones. If you can enjoy it in a reasonable amount, you can still stop eating for fear of choking.

Caffeine in these people who drink coffee with liver disease can prolong the time for caffeine to thank in the body. In general, the metabolism of caffeine in normal adults takes 2 hours, but in patients with liver disease or liver insufficiency, the metabolism of caffeine may take 4-5 hours, so patients with liver disease must be careful when drinking coffee, it is best not to drink it after dusk, so as not to affect sleep due to long metabolic time, and it is best not to exceed 1 cup a day.

People with digestive diseases believe that people who often have stomach pains have an experience that doctors will tell them not to eat irritating foods, including wine, chili peppers, coffee, tea and carbonated drinks. Coffee is among them because the tannic acid stimulates gastric acid secretion, which must be avoided if it is in the acute stage of digestive disease. After returning to health, if you drink coffee occasionally, it is best to use it after meals to avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

Pregnant women many women start from pregnancy, will pay special attention to all the food they eat, and drinks containing caffeine are also taboo. This is mainly due to the slow metabolism of caffeine in pregnant women, the caffeine stays in the body for longer, and the fetus in the belly will not be able to remove caffeine from the blood through metabolism until eight or nine months.

Children's half-life of caffeine metabolism will be prolonged due to the incomplete development of children's liver and kidney and poor detoxification ability, so generally speaking, children under the age of 12 need to ban caffeine intake. Even people in Europe and the United States who drink coffee as boiled water all day have very strict restrictions on children's drinking coffee.