Coffee review

What are the characteristics of the bourbon variety? Where is the place of origin? What are the characteristics of the appearance?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what are the characteristics of bourbon varieties? Where is the place of origin? What are the characteristics of the appearance? Because of the wide variety of Brazilian coffee, we can't just use the word Brazilian coffee to include it. Most Brazilian coffee is unwashed and sun-dried, according to the name of the state of origin and transportation

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What are the characteristics of the bourbon variety? Where is the place of origin? What are the characteristics of the appearance?

Because of the wide variety of Brazilian coffee, we can't just use the word "Brazilian coffee" to include it. The vast majority of Brazilian coffee is unwashed and sun-dried and is classified according to the name of the state of origin and the port of transport. Brazil has 21 states and 17 states produce coffee, but four of them produce the most, accounting for 98% of the country's total output. They are Parana, Sao Paulo, Milas Gerais and Esp í rito Santo. The southern state of Parana has the most astonishing production, accounting for 50% of the total. Although coffee is diverse, Brazilian coffee is suitable for the taste of the public.

Santos, especially Bourbon bour bon Santos (named after the French colonial island of Bourbon bour bon. Bourbon is now known as R é union, where the coffee saplings that brought Para were planted), known for their mellow, flawless and neutral taste.

The so-called bourbon species is native to the island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean. The green fruit appears bright red when ripe.

On the other hand, the yellow bourbon species is a hybrid between the bourbon species and other varieties, and the fruit is yellow when the fruit is ripe.

Because the cultivated yellow bourbon species has low yield and is not resistant to wind and rain, it has not been widely planted. But...

It has an excellent flavor when planted at high altitude, and it is more common in recent years.

The size of raw beans is slightly smaller, but the appearance is quite good, the appearance is yellowish green and there are very few defective beans.

Half-sun treatment was adopted.