Coffee review

Which brand of iron pickup coffee beans is good? Tibica coffee beans how to pronounce Typica in English?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information on coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee has at least 500 genera of Rubiaceae, which is an evergreen shrub. There are dozens of varieties in the genus Coffee; but most of them have no economic value, only three species have economic value, but these three varieties are Allah.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The blood of coffee

There are at least 500 genera of Rubiaceae, and Coffea is an evergreen shrub.

There are dozens of varieties in the genus Coffee, but most of them have no economic value, and only three species have economic value.

However, these three varieties are "Arabica species" C.Arabica, "Robusta species" C.Lanaphora, also known as Robust,

And "Libyan species" C.Lberica

Arabica coffee has been cultivated for more than 00 years, and 50 new varieties have been developed from it, mainly from two varieties, 'Tibica Coffee Bean' Var.Typica and 'bourbon variety' Var.Bourbon.

However, with the accumulation of time, there are more and more new varieties of coffee in recent months, which may be difficult to remember because there are too many varieties. Therefore, we can only emphasize that although the yield of the old varieties is low, they often have a good flavor.

New varieties often aim at yield and disease resistance, but there is a decreasing phenomenon in flavor.

◎ Tibica Coffee Bean Var.Typica

"Tibica Coffee beans" Typica is the original Arab coffee; this Arab coffee tree was carried by the Dutch in the early days.

Cultivate it in a greenhouse in Europe and spread it to Central and South America, Asia and other places; and then develop many varieties

Therefore, most of the selected coffee is its descendant.

◎ bourbon variety Bourbon

In the 18th century, the French planted saplings on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion, Reunion, which was then called "Bourbon Island".

As a result, the variety occurs; the shape of the coffee beans is curved and the seeds are smaller, so they are suitable for planting in the highlands.

On the other hand, what is more important is the good flavor, which can be said to play an important role in coffee and a treasure in the selected coffee market.

Except for the Ethiopian variety Var.Ethiopica; the Arabica coffee in the world so far is descended from the above two kinds.

In addition, the following is a brief introduction to other known varieties

◎ Marogogipe variety

Is a descendant of Tibika; occurs in a variety of Marogogipe villages in Brazil, with yellow fruits and large seeds.

◎ Kaduai variety Catuai

The mixture of Mundo Novo and Kaddura Catura belonging to Mondonovo

The red fruit is called Catuai Amerelo.

The yellow fruit is called Catuai Vermelho

◎ Mondonovo variety Mundo Novo

It belongs to the descendants of Sumatran coffee and bourbon.

◎ Kaddura variety Catura

A descendant of the bourbon species; originated in Brazil and has a high output value and does not need to be sheltered.

◎ Santos (Shi) variety Santos

A descendant of the bourbon species; first cultivated in Brazil.

◎ Moka Variety Mokka

A descendant of the bourbon species; first cultivated in Java.

◎ Timo variety Timor

It belongs to the natural mixture of Arabica and Robusta, with 44 chromosomes identical to Arabica.

◎ Kent variety Kent

A variety of Kent coffee plantations in the Mysore region of India in 1911; resistant to leaf rust and now widely cultivated in India.

◎ Colombian variety Colombia

It belongs to the mixture of Timo variety Timor and Kaddura Catura, and the yield is high.

◎ Alba star variety Arabusta

In C ô te d'Ivoire, it is formed by the mixture of Arabica (mother) and Robsta (father) and does not need to be sheltered.

◎ Katimo variety Catimor

Belongs to the hybrid of Kaddura Catura and Timo Timor; resistant to leaf rust.