Coffee review

Barista qualification Certificate introduction SCA barista and Advanced baristas examination content location

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) my friend once said that boutique coffee should be something that you are willing to share rather than work behind closed doors. Only by getting in touch with more people, can we better share the concept of fine coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

My friend once said, "Fine coffee should be something that is willing to share rather than work behind closed doors." Only by getting in touch with more people can we better share the concept of boutique coffee, and different voices can lead to more thinking and progress. Coffee has experienced a long time from "the Legend of the Shepherd" to "the third Coffee Wave", but it has been only a hundred years since the "first Coffee Wave". We have been thinking, communicating and moving forward in the continuous pursuit of good coffee. there is no lack of the sharing spirit of seniors, teachers and champions. Harvesting the right theory can make us more determined on the road of fine coffee.

So to me, the value of textual research lies not in the document itself, but in the more meaningful and valuable things it brings to me, the affirmation of my career, and the reason why I love this industry more and more.

All the information about the barista certificate-check it out!

Barista qualification Certificate 1. History

The British Urban Professional Association City & Guilds was founded in 1878 with a history of more than 130 years. Can be said to be the ancestor of the barista. International barista license (International & Award in Barista Skills) is the world's largest international professional license certification body, the most widely used license in the world, with an annual examination of 1.8 million people, using certification in more than 100 countries. To obtain its international qualification is to have the double guarantee of "professional qualification" and "working strength". In 2009, it obtained the certification of EU international functional standards.

Barista qualification certificate 2. One card is in hand, and it is used internationally.

1. Globally recognized international baristas professional license-Taiwan, mainland, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United States, Britain, France, Australia … Applicable to more than 100 countries-can be used as a professional license for foreign employment and overseas skilled immigrants.

two。 As the only "international barista", in addition to your professional skills, you also need to be certified to make better business opportunities for yourself in the future.

Barista qualification certificate 3. Purpose

The British Urban Professional Institute (City & Guilds) has introduced a series of management licenses in Taiwan-such as international business managers, marketing managers (sales), customer relationship managers (customer service), conflict management professionals, etc., and have all obtained the certificate code of the Ministry of Education. In order to improve the service quality of sightseeing hotel and catering industry in line with international standards, it has co-organized the "UK City & Guilds International Catering, Front desk, Guest Room and other Manager International qualification Class" with Jinghua Hotel.

Barista qualification certificate 4. The value of school teachers' examination

1. School teachers who have successfully passed the examination will become qualified lecturers of City & Guilds in Taiwan; full-time lecturers who can be introduced into academic programs in various departments or hired from university extension centers, and classes can be held nearby in Taipei, Taichung, Hsinchu, Kaohsiung and other places.

two。 Qualified lecturers who pass the City & Guilds International trainer qualification examination will obtain the City & Guilds global qualification and can travel to Taiwan, Hong Kong, the mainland or other countries, which is the highest bonus for the teaching profession.

Barista qualification certificate 5. Participants

Teachers and related personnel of food and beverage departments in colleges and universities, coffee professionals or those who are interested in coffee blending.

After reading the introduction of the barista certificate, do you have a preliminary understanding of the barista license?