Coffee review

What if the foam is delaminated? How to beat the milk foam? The household coffee machine foams.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) milk foam is the use of steam to beat the external air into the milk, and then beat it apart, without this external air, the steam will only heat the milk, not foam! Some coffee lovers asked the question that the household semi-automatic coffee machine was not dense with milk foam.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Milk foam is the use of steam to beat the external air into the milk, and then beat him up. Without this external air, the steam will only heat the milk, not foam! Some coffee lovers ask the question of non-dense foam of household semi-automatic coffee machine, and make a small analysis of this problem. The following will analyze the reasons for non-dense foam of semi-automatic coffee machine from four aspects:

Steam head Angle of semi-automatic Coffee Machine

Do not insert too deep or too shallow, if the hot milk is too shallow, it will spill out. Tilt the cylinder 15 degrees. The head of the steam nozzle happens to be 1 cm below the milk, and nearly half of the household steam sticks should be inserted into the milk.

2. Whether the water in the steam pipe is drained before milking

When the steam in the steam pipe of the semi-automatic coffee machine cools, it will become water residue and remain in the tube, so before each foaming milk, please discharge the steam until no water is ejected from the tube. The milk foamed with water will produce large bubbles, and the milk tortured by the high temperature will scream loudly in the flower cup, making a rumbling noise and making a shrill sound.

[air intake]: turn on the steam to start air intake and observe the surface of the milk. if the milk rotates and does not hear the sound of nourishment, it means that the air has not been breathed, and then you need to lower the milk tank a little bit and expose the nozzle for air intake. When you hear the sound of nourishing air, stop lowering the milk tank and keep it in place. At this time to observe the state of milk movement, the normal situation should be to enter the air while the liquid rotates, forming a whirlpool. The air intake action of moving down the milk tank must be subtle and gradual, not too violently, and the sound should be stabilized and stopped when it is almost in the air intake state.

[inhale]: when the milk is breathed, the larger bubbles on the surface will gradually disappear with the rotational motion, and after the obvious air bubbles can not be seen on the visual surface, when the milk liquid has basically been beaten into a dense milk bubble in a small foam state, this basically completes the morphological transformation from liquid to milk bubbles. At this time, the left hand can lift the milk tank slightly and bury the nozzle under the surface of the milk. after that, the temperature in the rotation process will continue to rise. at this time, pay attention to the temperature felt through the surface of the milk tank, if it is estimated to reach about 55-60 degrees Celsius. It shows that the foam is basically in place and the steam stick can be turned off. But this inspiratory upward movement must be careful and subtle, and there must not be too much shaking, otherwise it will destroy the structure of the milk foam and lead to foam failure. The criterion of getting rid of foam is to see whether it is dense and delicate and has good fluidity. If the milk foam hit too much and light foam is also considered a failure.

For those of you who use the home coffee machine to play with flowers, if you can't make even and delicate milk foam all the time, please don't be depressed. If your steam stick is similar to the one in figure 1 with a shell without a nozzle, and you can observe a small hole in the steam bar shell (below), then your position of bubbling may need to be different from that of ordinary nozzles-when you foam, you don't need to insert the liquid surface, enter the air, or think about the wheezing noise, just bury the milk from beginning to end and stir up the whirlpool.

Third, foaming directly on the surface of milk will produce large bubbles.

When foaming milk with a semi-automatic coffee machine, if you do not insert half of the head of the steam pipe into the milk, the full power starts, but foams directly on the surface of the milk, which will instantly produce a large number of large bubbles, resulting in non-dense foaming of the milk. As for the foaming of milk, the barista says that practice makes perfect, and that a lot of practice can make a lot of foam. Never reheat the milk, or the second-heated protein will not work and the taste will get worse.

Fourth, milk reasons

The milk used in the cafe is whole milk, but the quality of milk and milk will be different, and the fat content will be different, so the foaming effect of different milk will be different. Some poor quality whole milk, the foaming effect will not be too good.

Our storefront uses Weiji fresh milk, you can also use Nestle full-fat pure milk or bright full-fat foamed milk.

How to solve the problem of layered foam produced by semi-automatic coffee machine:

1. Put the tub containing milk bubbles vertically and collide with the table. This will make the big bubbles burst into small ones. After the big bubbles are burst, shake the vase horizontally and let the bubbles rotate and collide, which will also eliminate some large bubbles. The dense bubbles are as smooth and shiny as the mirror.

2. Use a spoon to scrape off a large layer of milk foam above the foam, leaving the dense foam below.

3. Pour the flower jar containing milk foam into another flower jar.

By the way, introduce other household appliances to make milk foam.

Electric milk stick

The most important feature of the electric milk bar is that it is cheap, easy to carry and easy to operate. Pour the milk into the cup and use an electric batter to dispense the milk. When using, need to pay attention to the problem is, if you need milk foaming, please use 70 degrees hot milk or 2-4 degrees cold whole fat pure milk.

Manual milking machine

It seems that this device is also common in cafes, especially when making iced lattes or iced cabs in summer, most cafes also use manual milking machines to make milk foam. If you are proficient in it, you can also send out milk bubbles that support pull flowers. The way to use it is to pour in 1 stroke 3's milk, then twitch the lever up and down, and then adjust the number of twitches when using the appliance according to the degree of milk foaming, which is simple and easy to use. There are also friends who use the pressure pot to make milk foam, and the principle is similar.

Electric milk bubble pot

This kind of automatic foaming milk equipment has only become popular this year, and it is true that it has never been heard of before. However, it is quite easy to use, such as the following milk bubble pot can foam hot milk or cold milk. It has the function of automatic heating, and the milk foam sent is also quite dense, but unfortunately the milk foam sent is relatively thick. The method of use is simple, pour the milk into the pot, generally to the amount of 1 stroke 3, otherwise the milk foam will overflow. Then press the button for foaming hot milk or cold milk, or it can only be used to heat the milk without foaming.