Coffee review

The cultivation environment of coffee trees? Is Robusta more suitable for planting soil? What planting conditions?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) coffee tree cultivation environment? Is Robusta more suitable for planting soil? What planting conditions? Due to the physiological characteristics of coffee trees, there are only a few areas in the world that can cultivate coffee beans commercially. It is mainly limited by temperature, because coffee trees are very tolerant.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The cultivation environment of coffee trees? Is Robusta more suitable for planting soil? What planting conditions?

Due to the physiological characteristics of coffee trees, there are only a few areas in the world that can cultivate coffee beans commercially. It is mainly limited by temperature, because coffee trees are vulnerable to frost. Therefore, neither the north nor the south latitude is suitable for planting, and it is suitable for tropical areas. When growing coffee trees in the tropics, you should pay special attention to the altitude. The closer you are to the equator, the more you can plant in the mountains at a higher altitude, such as 2500 meters above sea level. It is difficult for coffee trees to endure high temperatures above 30 °C, especially in low humidity areas. Rainfall should also be appropriate, generally speaking, the appropriate annual rainfall is 1500 mm, but in some areas, the annual rainfall is as high as 2500 mm in order to grow good quality coffee beans, which is mainly due to the quality of the soil.

The cultivation conditions of coffee trees are different from those of Robusta, and the cultivation conditions are as follows:


The most suitable growth temperature is 15 °C ~ 24 °C. if the temperature exceeds 25 °C, the photosynthesis will decrease, and if the high temperature lasts above 30 °C, the leaves will be damaged. It is suitable for growing in cool, shaded forests, such as the highlands of Ethiopia, so high temperatures are the main limiting factor for growing coffee at low elevations. Coffee trees are very sensitive to frost damage, and other factors such as strong winds and low humidity are also disadvantageous. In terms of rainfall, the annual rainfall of 1500mm to 2500mm is suitable, preferably evenly distributed among nine months, and the other three months are the dry season. In areas near the equator such as Kenya, northern Tanzania and Colombia, there are two rainy and dry seasons, so they can harvest twice a year.


The most suitable soil is volcanic ash geology, followed by gneiss, sand, limestone, basalt and karst. The roots of coffee trees have a great demand for oxygen, and poor drainage and clayey soil are not suitable for planting. Sandy soil is also not suitable because it is impossible to conserve water. In dry areas, the soil should be highly water-retaining and up to 2-3 meters deep. The PH quality of the soil is better in acidity, otherwise it needs to be improved, and the low nutrient soil should be fertilized properly.

The characteristics of coffee trees are that they are more suitable for growing at low elevations, can withstand higher temperatures and more about Rain Water, need more rotten soil, and are more resistant to disease.