Coffee review

The Top Ten Coffee Bean producing countries in China take stock of the world's best coffee beans authentic description of the flavor of blue mountain coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee can be said to be a favorite drink for white-collar workers in modern cities, but do you know which countries are the real coffee producers? It's Italian Espresso.


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925

Coffee, tea and cocoa are called the three major drinks in the world. Roasted coffee beans will release aroma and form a coffee flavor with local characteristics, and the flavor of coffee beans from each country is different. In this article, Qianjie Coffee will briefly introduce the top ten single coffee beans in the world.

No.1 Brazil

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer, 1/3 of the world's coffee comes from Brazil, and its main coffee variety is Arabica. Brazil has long been the number one coffee producer in the world. Most of the Brazilian coffee is moderately acidic, its sweet, bitter and mellow taste is neutral, moderate concentration, smooth and special taste, known as the strong coffee, often used to mix beans, the front street coffee shop also has an Italian matching beans is with Brazilian coffee beans.

The boutique mix in front street, using Colombian coffee beans with Brazilian coffee beans, according to the proportion of 3:7, Colombian coffee unique nuts, chocolate with Brazil's rich peanut, cream coffee flavor, this Italian coffee is very peaceful, rich in oil, extremely smooth taste, fragrance but slightly American bitterness.


In addition to the Brazilian beans in the front street coffee shop, there is also a hand-brewed coffee bean, which is from the Queen's Manor of Brazil. Queen's Manor of Brazil is very well-known in the coffee industry in Brazil, belonging to the famous local coffee family. It has won awards every year in the COE competition in Brazil, winning more than 12 awards in the past seven years, and even arranged for the champion, 9th, 11th and so on in 2004. The coffee fruit of this manor is picked by hand and is one of the few fully hand-picked in Brazil. After picking the ripe coffee fruit, the farmer will send it to the processing plant where the manor belongs for half-sun treatment (Pulped Natural). The harvested coffee fruit will be washed immediately, then the peel and pulp of the coffee fruit will be removed and briefly fermented and then dried immediately.


According to Qianjie, the road of the Brazilian Queen's Manor is planted with 200 acres of yellow bourbon coffee trees, which are very rare, and the fruit is yellow due to the influence of its recessive genes. At present, only Brazil is growing. The Brazilian Queen's Manor coffee beans we just talked about in front of the street are yellow bourbon, which has an excellent flavor. Compared with ordinary Brazilian coffee beans, this coffee bean is extremely sweet.

No.2 Indonesia

Coffee production in Indonesia began in colonial times, and the main varieties of coffee were Arabica and medium-grain coffee. Indonesian Arabica coffee beans are one of the highest quality coffee beans in the world. Indonesia is the largest coffee producing area in Asia, and coffee beans are mainly produced in Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. One of Indonesia's best-known coffee beans is known as Mantenin, and the other is the more famous Kopi Luwak. And Qianjie Coffee bought these two kinds of coffee beans from Indonesia.


This Indonesian Kopi Luwak on Qianjie is mainly Arabica coffee beans of better quality, because Arabica coffee beans have a higher flavor and mellowness than Robusta coffee beans. Generally speaking, Indonesian coffee beans have a mellow taste, with a unique Indonesian herbal flavor, just like Mantenin in Sumatra, which is boiled with a hint of spice and a strong herbal flavor. So Qianjie should highlight the unique flavor of Indonesian coffee beans when baking this Indonesian Kopi Luwak.

Another Indonesian coffee, Mantenin coffee, is recognized as the richest coffee in the world, and it is also known as the ugliest coffee bean, but although the appearance of Mantenin coffee beans is ugly, the coffee flavor is very mellow.

Generally speaking, Arabica coffee beans from North Sumatra can be called Mantenin coffee beans. In fact, Mantenin is the name of a tribe in Indonesia, where the Japanese troops stationed in Indonesia were obsessed with the flavor of the coffee they drank there. So I asked my friends in Indonesia to help collect local high-quality coffee beans, including Mantenin coffee beans. At that time, the Japanese were very fond of this coffee bean, so they asked the name. The locals mistakenly thought he was from, so they blurted out Mandailing. The Japanese mistakenly referred to Mandailing as Mandehling.


Mantini coffee uses the local Indonesian wet planing method to deal with coffee beans. The basic steps for Indonesians to use wet planing method are as follows: the farmers first pick the ripe coffee fruit and put it in the sink to remove sundries and immature coffee fruit by flotation. Then use a peeling machine to remove the pulp and peel, retain the endocarp and pectin, and decompose the pectin after brief fermentation. The washed raw coffee beans are dried so that the water content of the raw coffee beans is reduced to 20% Mel 24%. Then the endocarp is removed by the machine, and the coffee beans without endocarp are dried again to reduce their water content to about 12-13%, and the treatment is completed.

Because the coffee bean is still in the semi-dry stage when the endocarp is removed, the endocarp is not easy to remove at this stage, and the coffee bean is easily squeezed, so there are often sheep's hoof beans, so it is also referred to as the wet planing method. Therefore, Qianjie also learned that it is this wet planing method that brings a unique flavor to Mantenin in Indonesia. If it is handled well in the process of handling raw beans, it can produce low mellow and Mantenin flavor. If the coffee beans are not handled well in the wet planing process, Manning coffee is very prone to the smell of mildew. If handled well, the flavor of the processed Mantenin coffee beans is very good. In the case of a golden mantenin in the Qianjie coffee shop, the herbal medicine of the golden mantenin brewed from Qianjie is very high-quality. Without the wild taste of Lin Dong Mantenin, the caramel taste is stronger and the fruit acidity is very moderate.

No.3 Colombia

Colombia is the fourth largest coffee producer in the world. The coffee it produces is mild, with perfect flavor and unparalleled quality. Colombian coffee exudes this light and elegant aroma, not as strong as Brazilian coffee, not as sour as African coffee beans, but as sweet as dark chocolate, worthy of the reputation of "coffee gentleman".


Colombian coffee beans are basically grown near the Andes at a high altitude, so they cannot be picked by machines and are harvested by hand. Unlike Brazil, Colombian coffee beans are basically washed. One of the seven rations beans in front of the street is from Huilan, a famous boutique coffee producing area in Colombia, which uses the more commonly used water washing treatment in Colombia. The rations beans in this Huilan producing area are very classic rich nut and chocolate flavor in Colombia. A very popular Huayue Moon coffee in Qianjie Coffee Shop is also from Huilan boutique coffee producing area in Colombia. Huayue Night Coffee is treated by anaerobic sun treatment. The fruit flavor is more obvious, even with fermented wine and a hint of strawberry jam.


No.4 Costa Rica

Costa Rica, located in Central America, is the country where coffee was first introduced into Central America and has a long history. Volcanic soil is very fertile and good drainage, especially the central plateau Central Plateau, volcanic topography with fertile volcanic ash, mild and suitable temperature, stable and abundant rainfall, become an indispensable factor for the cultivation of good coffee. The main varieties of Costa Rica coffee are bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai, Vera Saatchi, Villalobos and so on.


Costa Rica also has its own systematic method for the treatment of coffee beans, which is called honey treatment. compared with the general washing treatment, honey treatment has higher sweetness, higher sugar content and higher alcohol thickness. The Costa Rica honey treatment retains the cleanliness of the washing treatment, and although the brightness of the coffee decreases, it increases the sweetness and caramel taste. According to the degree of honey treatment, Costa Rican honey-treated coffee beans are divided into yellow honey treatment, red honey treatment and black honey treatment.


Qianjie Coffee also has coffee beans from Costa Rica. The series of Costa Rican musicians in Front Street is mainly divided into three types. Baja coffee beans are treated with raisin honey, so it has a high sense of sweetness. red wine fermentation similar to ripe fruit Beethoven coffee beans are washed with cleaner taste and obvious acidity, while Mozart is treated with anaerobic honey, which is the most balanced of the three beans with moderate sweetness and acidity.


No.5 Ethiopia

When people think of Ethiopian coffee beans, they will think of the unique flavor of Ethiopian coffee beans, while about 15% of the population of this East African country depends on the coffee industry. Ethiopian people have a strong coffee culture and love coffee very much. The coffee consumed accounts for about half of the coffee produced in their own country.


According to Qianjie, there are about 10000 to 15000 family heirloom varieties in Ethiopia, coupled with local scientific and technological conditions and economic restrictions that do not support the identification of corresponding coffee varieties, and the government's protection of wild coffee is unwilling to disclose information about these varieties, so Ethiopian coffee bean varieties are collectively referred to as Ethiopian native species. At present, the native Ethiopians are usually divided into two categories: JARC varieties and local varieties. JARC is a variety developed and studied by Jima Agricultural Research Center. However, regional local varieties are coffee trees that grow entirely in the wild. This has also led to coffee beans of different sizes in Ethiopia, and Dutch raw bean merchants have found this problem in local coffee and have partnered with the local Ethiopian cooperative to launch a front-line campaign to improve the quality and price of coffee, called the Red Cherry Project. The Red Cherry Project is actually a business plan to promote the quality of coffee, to solve the problem from the source, and to encourage coffee farmers to complete every process of picking and processing coffee beans more attentively by raising the purchase price of high-quality coffee raw beans. Full manual picking is used in the picking stage to select coffee fruits with high maturity.


The coffee beans bought through the red cherry program will be of higher quality, and the sun-tanned cherries in Qianjie are through this plan, so the flavor of the brewed coffee is better than the original flavor.


No.6 Kenya

Kenya is located in eastern Africa and borders Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee. Kenya did not introduce coffee until near the 20th century, during which coffee went almost all around the world before it returned to Africa. However, according to Qianjie, although the development of Kenyan coffee is relatively late, Kenyan boutique coffee is now famous in the world.


Kenyan coffee beans are constantly recognized in Africa for their sour flavor of fresh virgin fruit. The two most famous coffee varieties in Kenya are SL28 and SL34. But according to Qianjie, in the later development, SL28 is better in adaptability and flavor. SL28 has blackcurrant-like acidity, sweetness, balance and complex flavor, as well as remarkable citrus and black plum characteristics. On the other hand, SL-34 has a bright fruit flavor and a soft and clean taste.



According to Qianjie, these two coffee varieties are very resistant to drought and are very suitable for planting in this arid region of Africa. Kenya coffee production is mainly concentrated in the plateau represented by Mount Kenya, generally 1500-2100 meters above sea level. There is fertile and loose volcanic soil, plenty of light and good drainage. Kenya coffee has a stronger flavor due to its high altitude and large temperature difference between day and night.

Kenya coffee is famous for its green bean processing method, Kenya washing method, which is different from the general washing method and is called K72 treatment method. In contrast to Central American washing, Kenyan washing involves three washes followed by fermentation in the wash for 24 hours before drying. Generally speaking, the acid of coffee beans treated with water washing will be very obvious, and the taste is very bright, which is also one of the characteristics of Kenyan coffee.

Front Street Coffee is also from Kenya Asalia coffee beans, its wet aroma exudes this ripe tomato and rich floral aroma, the entrance has cherry and plum flavor, bright acidity, taste very clean.


No.7 Guatemala

Guatemalan coffee is one of the well-known Latin American coffee bean producing areas. Qianjie Coffee has a Guatemalan coffee in the rations bean series, which represents the most typical flavor of the region-rich fruit tone without losing its mellowness, with a chic smoky finish.

All of Guatemala is made up of mountains and plateaus. There are Kuchu Matanes Mountains in the west, Madre Mountains in the south, volcanic belts in the west and south, with more than 30 volcanoes. Tahumurco volcano is 4211 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in Central America. Earthquakes are frequent. There are Petten lowlands in the north. There are narrow coastal plains on the Pacific coast. The major cities are mostly distributed in the intermountain basins in the south. The northern lowland plain Peten is a tropical rain forest, and the volcanoes on the central highlands can reach 4200 meters. The Guatemalan national emblem is round, with an unfolded scroll in the middle of the blue circle.


Among them, Vivette South Fruit producing area and Antigua are the most famous. Vivette South Fruit producing area is located in the highlands of northwestern Guatemala, planting altitude of 1800-2100 meters, is the highest coffee producing area in the country, famous for producing high-quality beans. Due to the large number of rivers and lakes in Guatemala, the Vivette Nanguo region is rich in mountains and water resources, dry climate but abundant water resources, and complete water conservancy facilities in the region, coffee is mostly washed and processed. Qianjie tested the coffee beans in the producing area in the cup, with fragrant, clear fruit flavor and refreshing flavor. Due to the high altitude, coffee beans are of good quality, rich flavor and full grains.


Antigua has little rainfall in summer and occasionally frosts because it is too cold in winter, which is actually not suitable for the growth of coffee trees, but fortunately it is located in the active volcanic zone. After the volcanic light stone falls into the soil after cooling, because these light stones have many fine holes, they are very easy to moisturize. In addition, a large number of shade trees are planted in the manor, so that coffee trees will not suffer cold damage in winter, these factors to overcome adverse conditions. Coupled with the great temperature difference between day and night, Antigua forms a unique micro-climate, making the coffee beans here have a light smoky flavor and strong fruity aroma.

No.8 Jamaica

The flavor of authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans is very unique, very clean and bright, excellent mellow thickness, sweet and sour perfect match, making Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee world-famous. Jamaica's authentic Blue Mountain coffee is only grown in the Blue Mountains, and only beans with elevations between 1000 and 1700 meters above sea level can be called authentic Blue Mountain coffee beans. This is where the Blue Mountain one coffee on the front street comes from. At the beginning, only the varieties of tin pickup were grown in the Blue Mountain area, and the variety of Blue Mountain coffee was Iron pickup, but in recent years, the famous Clifton Farm in Jamaica has begun to innovate, planting the famous rose summer variety. So don't be surprised when you see the rosy summer coffee from the Blue Mountains, this is the real Jamaican Blue Mountain Rose Summer Coffee.


The taste of blue mountain coffee beans treated with water is very clean, balanced and mellow. However, with the development of the times, people no longer pursue the flavor of a single place of origin and the fixed flavor brought by a single treatment. Therefore, in order to meet the market, Clifton Manor in Jamaica uses a different method of sun treatment to treat blue mountain coffee raw beans, so the sun-treated Jamaican blue mountain coffee beans bought on the front street are also authentic.


No.9 Hawaii

Hawaiian Kona Coffee is said to have the most beautiful shape of coffee beans in the world, and Hawaiian Kona Coffee is also on the front street. When the current street coffee received the raw beans of Kona Coffee, it was found that the Kona coffee beans were extremely plump, round in shape and very bright in color.


Hawaiian coffee is a special island climate. Arabica coffee can only be called boutique coffee with an altitude of more than 1200 meters, but this Hawaiian coffee breaks the definition of fine coffee. Qianjie believes that although the altitude of the Kona coffee producing area is not high, the acidity is the cleanest and most elegant of all low-altitude coffee. Queen's Manor is famous for its high-quality coffee, where 70% of the coffee harvested is one of the top premium coffee beans in the world, as the saying goes. There's no end to everything. Hawaii island climate, although the temperature is not big throughout the year, but like the general island climate, the temperature difference between day and night is very large, and there is fertile volcanic soil, the quality of coffee beans here is very high.

No.10 Yunnan, China

Most of the coffee varieties in Yunnan are now Katim varieties. Katim is a cross between Tim and Kaddura, so it has strong disease resistance and high yield, and occupies a place in Chinese and American coffee varieties. Among the Yunnan coffee shelves on the front street, there is a Yunnan small grain coffee, and the variety is Katim coffee. Yunnan small-grain coffee, small-grain coffee originated in Ethiopia or the Arabian Peninsula. The main planting areas are mainly distributed in Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong and other prefectures.

Because Yunnan is hot and rainy all the year round, Yunnan farmers make full use of this natural condition to treat coffee beans by washing, peel and pulp the coffee berries picked by farmers, then lead the treated coffee beans to a clean sink, soak them for about 18 hours, use fermentation to remove the residual pectin, and then dry them.


Tin card is seldom planted in Yunnan, but the flavor of iron card coffee is very good. Qianjie experimented with iron trucks in Yunnan as early as 2013, and a batch was mass-produced in 2021, and the flavor was very good. Qianjie named the beans "Qianjie 2013".


Therefore, Qianjie also carried out cup testing and brewing experiments on this Yunnan small grain coffee and Qianjie 2013 iron pickup coffee. It is considered that the style of coffee in Yunnan is relatively balanced, and the tone is the flavor of nuts and brown sugar.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925