Coffee review

Why is there no fragrant white in Taiwan? Do you really understand the difference between a Freddie and a latte?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) from Australia, New Zealand originated in Europe and the United States popular flat white, few people in Taiwan coffee consumer market. Why Taiwan has not yet been introduced, unified Starbucks explained that it is in response to the differences in eating and consumption habits of the Chinese people. To put it simply, flat white is a kind of coffee with less milk and coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Flat white, which originated from Australia and New Zealand, is popular in Europe and the United States, and few people ask about it in the coffee consumer market in Taiwan. Why Taiwan has not yet been introduced, unified Starbucks explained that it is in response to the differences in eating and consumption habits of the Chinese people.

To put it simply, flat white is a coffee drink with less milk and more coffee. With two servings of espresso, plus fine milk foam (micro foam), it is a variant between latte and cappuccino.

Speaking of the origin of flat white, it is said that during World War II, a large number of Italians fled from Europe to two neutral countries, Australia and New Zealand. As a result, espresso culture was introduced into Australia and New Zealand, and coffee culture began to prevail.

In such a popular situation in Australia and New Zealand, Starbucks in the United States began to sell flat white in January 2015, and launched in different capacities.

Then in September, Chinese mainland's Starbucks also saw flat white and politely translated it as Fuluibai.

The Starbucks website in Shanghai explains, "choose espresso, extract the coffee with less water, and boil the milk until the foam is smooth."

Taiwan has an annual coffee business opportunity of 70 billion yuan, of which espresso is the most well-known. Lattes are the favorite of domestic consumers. Recently, the wave of "original" coffee has gradually taken shape. However, for espresso, which has a strong taste like flat white, the taste of Chinese people prefer a light food culture, which still needs time to brew slowly.

In Taiwan, Uni-President Starbucks has not recently launched a flat white plan, and responded that "Starbucks in different countries will have different strategies and product development plans according to the consumption habits and differences of different countries."

Observing the market, many Taiwanese shops call flat white "fresh milk espresso" or "white coffee", but some people think that white coffee is not added with milk foam, so some people are used to calling it "Australian white coffee", and the people who pay for it are more specialized coffee enthusiasts.

As a result, flat white is still not widely popular in Taiwan and remains in a niche market. Miss Liao, a Taiwanese who has studied in Australia and is currently working in Shanghai, said that she had tried it in Australia but did not like it very much, and she would not make a special visit to work in Shanghai. The taste is too strong for her, which is twice as much espresso as an ordinary latte. In her impression, the mainland friends around her are not enthusiastic about "Fuluibai".

To put it bluntly, it is not the problem of coffee, but although Taiwan's coffee culture has developed for many years, it does not have the same deep preference for espresso as in Europe and the United States. However, if flat white takes the stage in the future, it may attract the attention of heavy coffee fans.