Coffee review

How much does Chongqing coffee training cost Chongqing Brest?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Chongqing Bairista Coffee Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is an innovative coffee culture organization with skills and products as the core, dissemination and service as the content. Committed to coffee, West Point and Bartending as the representative of the Western catering industry professional skills training and

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Chongqing Bairista Coffee Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is an innovative coffee culture organization with skills and products as its core, dissemination and service as its content. Dedicated to professional skills training and business start-up support for Western-style catering services represented by coffee, West Point and Bartending.

Chongqing Brista Coffee Academy is one of the core departments of the company. Its main functions are: coffee skills, West Point baking, English mixing, Western catering services. Training occupation: barista, pastry chef, bartender.

Comfortable learning environment, relaxed learning atmosphere, strict teaching management, professional teaching equipment, cutting-edge industry technology, comprehensive practical operation. At the beginning of the establishment of the college, students started business in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Guizhou, Kunming, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Xiamen, Changsha, Wuhan, Lanzhou, Xinjiang and Chongqing.

1.[Chongqing Bairista Coffee College] The main function is to train skilled, managerial and entrepreneurial talents in Western-style catering industry. Its main training includes: barista, western pastry chef and bartender. And professional certificate examination, award.

2.[Brista Fine Coffee Roasting] The main functions are international coffee trade, fine coffee roasting, ear coffee making, coffee roasting training and coffee bean sales. Brista coffee roaster class daily teaching training.

3.[Barista Training Class] The main functions are coffee interest, professional, entrepreneurial learning exchange and skill training, coffee flower pulling, coffee baking elective upgrading training classes, coffee shop professional talent delivery and vocational certificate assessment.

4.[Brista West Point Master Baking Class] The main functions are the training of French West Point, European West Point interest class, professional class, all-round class and comprehensive all-round class. Coffee shop customization West Point product production training and professional certificate assessment.

5.[Brista Bartender Training Class] The main functions are skills training for professional British bartenders, cocktail creation and service, skills training certificate assessment for bartenders interest classes, professional classes and entrepreneurship classes.