Coffee review

Coffee Technology: collection and production of Coffee fruits

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Coffee berries usually contain two raw coffee beans, sometimes three coffee beans and sometimes only one coffee bean. This kind of coffee with only one bean is called peanut coffee. They are collected and sold on the market under the special name-peanut coffee. This special variety of coffee beans does not affect the taste after being made.

Coffee berries usually contain two raw coffee beans, sometimes three coffee beans and sometimes only one coffee bean. This kind of coffee with only one bean is called peanut coffee. They are collected and sold on the market under the special name-peanut coffee. This special variety of coffee beans does not affect the taste after making.

Coffee berries must be further processed after they have been picked. There are two commonly used processing methods-dry cleaning and water washing (wet treatment). Dry cleaning is an older method of making coffee, in which the berries are dried in the sun and completely dried after a few weeks, when the peel is peeled off. Some Ethiopian coffee, Uganda Arabica coffee, most Brazilian coffee, Uganda Robbs specialty coffee use this technology. Water washing (wet treatment) is the peeling of pulp and shell by machine, but it will do harm to coffee beans to a certain extent.

After that, the coffee beans are fermented in large buckets, and the film next to the pulp will fall off during the fermentation process. Finally, the coffee beans are dried in the sun or in a dryer. This method is used in most coffees, including Colombian, Costa Rican and Ugandan coffee (Bugisu, Wugars, Nanga).
