Coffee review

Coffee technology: teach you how to distinguish Kopi Luwak

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Generally speaking, in order to highlight the characteristics of its shit, the real Kopi Luwak does not go to the missing bean shell, or the coffee beans after the missing bean shell, it is very difficult for us to distinguish whether it is the real Kopi Luwak, and it is very easy to fake it. as for the baked beans to distinguish, then doubling is an impossible mission. If Kopi Luwak wants to be vivid, the most important thing is to be alive.

Generally speaking, in order to highlight its "shit" characteristics, the real Kopi Luwak does not go to the missing bean shell, or the coffee beans after the missing bean shell, it is very difficult for us to distinguish whether it is the real Kopi Luwak, and it is very easy to fake it. as for the baked beans to distinguish, then doubling is an impossible mission.

The first thing that Kopi Luwak wants to convey is that it will be easier to fight in the raw bean stage, especially when the raw bean is still carrying the shell. The so-called bean shell is the inside skin of coffee beans. The outer meat and skin have been digested and disappeared by our kittens, while the inside skin will be attached to the kitten's poop, highlighting the status sought in the rich shit.

After taking off the bean shell of Kopi Luwak, the lovely coffee bean put on its only lingerie-silver skin revealed in front of us. Popular coffee beans are usually emerald green or dark green at this time, while Kopi Luwak presents a dark yellowish green in color because of its strange fermentation style.