Coffee review

Can I use an American-style drip coffee machine to buy the recommended coffee beans for novice coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, As the saying goes, "good coffee cannot do without good beans". Everyone knows the famous and expensive coffee beans, and it is only natural that they are of good quality. But in reality, there are also some coffee beans with high performance-to-price ratio and good flavor. In the front street of this issue, we will share some coffee beans that are suitable for the daily consumption of novices.

As the saying goes, "good coffee cannot do without good beans". Everyone knows the famous and expensive coffee beans, and it is only natural that they are of good quality. But in reality, there are also some coffee beans with high performance-to-price ratio and good flavor. In the front street of this issue, we will share some coffee beans that are suitable for the daily consumption of novices.


Queen's Manor of Brazil Huang Bourbon

Recommended index: ★★★★☆

Recommended reason: sweet and mellow flavor, easy to cook, reasonable price, high performance-to-price ratio.

The Queen's Manor has won numerous awards and won the COE Excellence Cup in 2011. The estate mainly grows boutique bourbon coffee, among which Yellow bourbon is the "proud work" of the Queen's Manor.

If you are new to brewing coffee with a fresh grinder, then this bean is perfect for practicing brewing. Qianjie baked this bean with a medium baking degree. This has a better experience than cooking some lightly roasted coffee beans. And it is very easy to brew sugar-like sweetness, while coffee as a whole is biased towards the flavor of chocolate and creamy peanuts, and it is easier for people who are just beginning to come into contact with coffee to accept its taste.

Qianjie recommends this coffee bean because it can not only be well used in hand flushing, but also has a good flavor performance in mocha pots, French presses and Italian coffee machines, there is no doubt that it is the "one-size-fits-all oil" in the cost-effective ratio.

Reference price of cooked beans: 85 yuan / 227 grams


Ethiopia Yega Xuefei G2

Recommended index: ★★★☆☆

Recommended reasons: classic Yega flavor, ultra-high performance-to-price ratio, the first choice for acidity lovers.

Many people come into contact with sour coffee from Yega Xuefei, whose citrus and flower flavors have captured the hearts of some people.

Why does Qianjie recommend Yega Xuefei G2? The coffee beans recommended in this issue are the king of performance-to-price ratio. G2 is the grading system of raw coffee beans in Ethiopia. Of course, the best level is G1. But if you know the coffee grading system in Ethiopia, you will find that G2 is also a good choice.

Essel's coffee grading is mainly based on the number of defects, of course, cup test results are also used to assist the grading in recent years. G1 requires no more than 3 defective beans per 300 grams of raw beans, while G2 allows 4-12 defective beans per 300 grams of raw beans. Of course, manual selection is carried out both before and after baking. The gap between G1 and G2 in the state of cooked beans will only be narrowed. Coupled with the price of a horizontal comparison, Yejia Xuefei G2 is indeed a good choice.

Yega Xuefei G2 is very suitable for beginners to practice hand brewing and to serve as daily rations for coffee lovers.

Reference price of cooked beans: 25 yuan / 100 grams


Panamanian flower butterfly

Recommended index: ★

Recommended reason: common people rosy summer, the king of performance-to-price ratio

Panamanian rosy summer coffee is still a myth in boutique coffee, and of course the price is also mythical. The appearance of the flower butterfly allows us to taste the flavor of Panamanian summer at a people-friendly price.

Flower butterflies contain 70 per cent of Rosa coffee beans and the remaining 30 per cent are Kaddura and Kaduai. This coffee bean can taste clean and clear floral aroma, citrus, honey and other obvious rose summer flavor. It's not too much to call it the king of value for money.

Reference price of cooked beans: 88 yuan / 227 grams


Blueberries at Stonehenge Manor, Costa Rica

Recommended index: ★★★☆☆

Recommended reason: outstanding flavor, easy to leave a memory point

In 2019, Qianjie entered a batch of black honey treated coffee beans from Stonehenge Manor, which was widely praised. As a result, in 2020, many guests came to ask if there were any black honey beans from Stonehenge Manor. This year, Stonehenge Manor it is back, this year this blueberry is a powerful work of Stonehenge Manor, using anaerobic heavy honey treatment, showing a very strong blueberry fudge, rose and other obvious and attractive flavor.

This bean is also very friendly to beginners, and you can feel the sweetness of blueberries during the cooking process. The only drawback may be that the price is slightly higher.

Reference price of cooked beans: 88 yuan / 100g


Columbia Cymbidium

Recommended index: ★★★★☆

Recommended reason: classic flavor, mellow lovers and novice preferred, easy to master.

In recent years, Colombia's anaerobic treated coffee beans occupy the boutique coffee market, and the classic flavors of previously famous Colombian coffee beans, such as Medellin, Cauca and Huilan, are difficult to find in the market.

Colombian Huilan coffee beans are traditionally washed and roasted with rich flavors such as nuts, chocolate and caramel as well as supple finish fruit acids. Its people-friendly price and full flavor taste are very suitable for daily rations to catch a glimpse of the flavor of Colombian coffee.

Reference price of cooked beans: 25 yuan / 100 grams


Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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