Coffee review

Characteristic Story of Indonesian Wet planing Mantenin Coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what beans are suitable for Indonesian wet planing? What is wet planing? What are the characteristics of wet planing Manning? Wet planing is a Sumatran treatment method. The common method of washing and sunbathing is to wait until the coffee bean is dehydrated and hardened and the moisture content is 1213% before grinding off the shell.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What kind of beans are suitable for Indonesian wet planing? What is wet planing? What are the characteristics of wet planing Manning?

Indonesian wet planing is a Sumatran treatment method. The common method of washing and sunbathing is to wait until the coffee bean is dehydrated and hardened and the moisture content is 12%-13% before grinding off the shell. On the other hand, due to the humid climate in Sumatra, local farmers invented the wet planing method, which is when the coffee beans are not yet dehydrated and the moisture content is as high as 30%, the shell of the coffee fruit is scraped off and then continued to dry, which can greatly shorten the drying time.

Except Manning English Mandheling is very special. Manning coffee raw beans also have their own special and unique global characteristics, that is, Indonesian wet planing (wet-hulled) treatment. The treatment plant buys raw coffee beans with preliminary removal of peel and pulp, wet seed shell (with pectin residue) from coffee farmers, and further exposure and drying to about 50% water content. Then through the "wet planing method" to deal with raw coffee beans, that is, when the water content of raw coffee beans is still very high, remove the seed shell and dry it again. The dryness of the goods can be shipped when the water content is reduced to 12-13%. Through this special treatment of Manning coffee, will form a typical dark green coffee beans.

Every year, March-May and September-December are the harvest season for Manning coffee. Farmers in Sumatra harvest fresh coffee beans, peel them, put the shelled beans into large containers containing local mountain spring water, and remove defective beans floating on the water surface. Wash the high-quality beans from the bottom of the water a little and put them in a plastic bag to do a "dry body fermentation", that is, to enhance the flavor of pectin fermentation on the surface of the shell. In general, the fermentation time is between 12-36 hours, the longer the fermentation time, the more sour taste.

So during the harvest season, you will see plastic bags hanging coffee in front of local households in Sumatra, which is their main source of income throughout the year.

Finally, after the shelled coffee beans are exposed to the sun, the moisture content is about 30% and 50%, and the bean body is semi-hard and semi-soft. At this time, farmers will send them to the coffee processing plant for "shelling" and use the planer to erase the seed shell. After that, it continues to be dried in plastic bags to speed up the drying process.

Then after another 2-3 days, the moisture content of coffee beans will be dried to 12% Murray 13%, and it will take about four days before and after.

Having seen the above production process, the subject should be clear, right? The wet planing method greatly shortens the fermentation period of coffee beans, greatly reduces the sour taste, and makes the caramel and fruit flavor obvious, which is the classic "regional flavor" of Manning coffee.

However, this method is not authentic without the local island of Sumatra. as mentioned above, the climate of Sumatra determines that this wet planing method is the best choice.

And the Indonesian wet planing method also has many defects, one is that it is easy for coffee beans to sprout in the shell planing process, and the other is that mildew beans and defective beans produce more, so this is one of the reasons for the high price of Manning coffee.