Coffee review

Italian coffee beans, coffee blend beans suitable for hand brewing it? What coffee beans are suitable for hand brewing?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Up to now, there are still people who mistakenly think that hand-brewed coffee is equal to fine coffee. In fact, fine coffee is only a level, and the one who makes the appraisal is the cup tester. It is true that brewing by hand can best express the original flavor of the beans, and any coffee beans can be used as hand brewed coffee after grinding.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Up to now, some people still mistakenly think that "hand-brewed coffee" is equal to "boutique". In fact, boutique coffee is only one level, and it is the cup tester who makes the identification. It is true that manual brewing can best express the original taste of beans, and any ground coffee beans can be used as hand-brewed coffee, but the quality is limited, and the coffee levels produced by inferior beans are not good enough. As for boutique beans, they are also suitable for making espresso.

Choose the taste you like.

Although the advantages and disadvantages of coffee beans and coffee powder were introduced in the past, the most important thing is to choose the taste you like. Next, let's explain the selection points for the taste of coffee.

"single coffee" from a single origin or "mixed coffee" from multiple areas

The taste of coffee beans from each origin is different, which can be divided into "single coffee" which uses coffee beans from a single producing area, and "mixed coffee" which combines several kinds of coffee. According to the mixing ratio of the manufacturer, there are all kinds of mixed coffee, such as mocha coffee, Kilimanjaro mixed coffee and so on.

Therefore, when choosing the taste of coffee, we can know the flavor of this packet of coffee through the origin mark on the product package. But in many cases, manufacturers will not necessarily mark all the places of origin, so it is more difficult to know the source of the coffee.

The degree of roasting will also affect the sour and bitter taste of coffee.

The degree of roasting of coffee beans is also an important factor to determine the taste of coffee, roasting time will affect the appearance and taste of coffee beans. The longer the baking time, the lighter the acidity and the stronger the bitterness. Then make a brief introduction to the roasting degree of coffee.

Generally speaking, coffee with very shallow roasting (Light Roast, also known as shallow roasting), shallow roasting (Cinnamon Roast, also known as cinnamon roasting) and moderate roasting (Medium Roast, also known as micro-roasting) has strong acidity and is suitable for making American coffee or mixed coffee. Moderate micro-deep roasting (High Roast, also known as concentration baking) and medium-deep baking (City Roast, also known as urban baking) have moderate acidity and bitterness, which is most accepted by most people and is suitable for making blue mountain or Brazilian coffee.

Continue to deepen the baking degree of micro-deep baking (Full City Roast, also known as deep baking, deep city baking) and very deep baking (French Roast, also known as French baking), strong taste, bitter taste, suitable to add milk to taste. Italian Roast, which takes the longest baking time, has a strong bitter taste, with a strong fried and scorched flavor.

Like this, even if the degree of roasting varies from time to time, the taste of coffee can change a lot, so this is one of the important indicators when choosing coffee.

In addition to the actual trial drink, we can also refer to the evaluation of word-of-mouth.

However, even if the origin and baking degree are confirmed, it is difficult to imagine the taste of this coffee if it has not been actually drunk. In the physical store, we can judge by the aroma or trial drink on the spot, but if it is online shopping, it is recommended to refer to the comments and word-of-mouth of netizens.

Although everyone's preferences are different, it is not that other people's NO.1 will suit your taste, but we can still judge by some adjectives, such as "this coffee is more sour than ○○", "this coffee is good to drink", "this coffee is a great combination of milk" and so on.

Choose according to different drinking methods and situations.

We can also choose different kinds of coffee according to different drinking patterns or drinking situations.

As long as milk or sugar is added to the coffee, it will produce different flavors.

Adding milk or sugar to the coffee can add different flavors, making the coffee more fragrant and palatable. Among the many kinds of coffee, there are also some that are especially suitable for drinking with milk or sugar, so that you can enjoy a completely different flavor change from black coffee.

Hot coffee? Iced coffee? The suitable coffee beans vary according to the temperature of drinking.

In addition, the water temperature of brewing coffee will also affect the taste of coffee, different water temperature is suitable for different types of coffee. For example, slightly roasted (Full City Roast) coffee beans are more bitter than sour and have full aroma, so they are very suitable for making iced coffee to drink.