Coffee review

What kind of utensils do you use to brew Vietnamese coffee? How to make Vietnamese coffee? The skills of making Vietnamese coffee and

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what utensils are used to brew Vietnamese coffee? How to make Vietnamese coffee? Tips and tricks for brewing Vietnamese coffee? Coffee users all know that coffee is actually a necessity of life. If you don't drink it for a day, you will be in a trance. In Vietnam, the number of coffee shops is numerous, and Vietnamese like it.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What kind of utensils do you use to brew Vietnamese coffee? How to make Vietnamese coffee? Tips and tricks for brewing Vietnamese coffee?

Coffee users all know that coffee is actually a necessity of life. If you don't drink it for a day, you will be in a trance. There are countless coffee shops in Vietnam, and the Vietnamese love coffee one of the best in Asia. It is said that in the early French colonial era, the French brought coffee beans to Vietnam, which not only made the Vietnamese associate with coffee; since then, the Vietnamese began to grow coffee beans, making Vietnam by far the second largest coffee exporter in the world, after Brazil.

Vietnamese coffee is famous all over the world for its unique taste, which is full-bodied and slightly bitter, and its unique brewing method makes many people equate Vietnamese coffee with dripping coffee. Even if you have never been to Vietnam, you must have seen or tasted dripping coffee, but Vietnamese coffee may be more intriguing than you think.

1. Why is Vietnamese coffee different from the usual Western-style coffee?

This is because the varieties of coffee beans produced in Vietnam are mainly Robusta, while most of the Western-style coffee that you drink is made from Arabica beans from Brazil. Vietnam is a hot and humid tropical climate, suitable for growing Robusta coffee beans, its caffeine content is close to twice that of Arabica coffee beans, and caffeine itself is slightly bitter, so Robusta coffee beans naturally have a bitter taste.

two。 Why is the drip coffee filter so small that it can only flush out one person at a time?

It is not because Vietnamese do not like to drink large cups of coffee or do not like to share with others, and deliberately turn stainless steel or aluminum coffee pots into selfish ones. In fact, this has something to do with the caffeine content mentioned just now, because it tastes strong and bitter, so it is not suitable to drink too much every time. The dripping coffee pot of "Dice" can generally brew 4-6 oz black coffee, which is more suitable for a light taste. At the same time, in order to match the dripping type of slow-boiled coffee, Vietnamese coffee beans usually take a little longer to roast, making the flavor stronger. However, at the same time, it also makes the bitterness of coffee more prominent. Therefore, even if you are used to drinking Espresso coffee, you may not be able to drink too much at once.

3. Why do Vietnamese coffee use condensed milk instead of fresh milk?

Condensed milk is used, on the one hand, because the sweeter condensed milk can beautifully neutralize the bitterness and sour taste of Vietnamese coffee beans, and on the other hand, because Vietnam lacks fresh milk. Once upon a time, the French brought coffee beans to Vietnam, but they could not bring perishable milk by sea. Therefore, it is the second best to bring condensed milk to Vietnam, which has become a major feature of Vietnamese coffee.

4. Why does the clerk bring up the whole cup of ice instead of cold water on the iced coffee?

In Vietnam, if you order coffee without asking for hot coffee, there is a good chance that the clerk will automatically bring you a cup of iced coffee, and unlike the usual iced coffee in a cafe, Vietnamese iced coffee will not be mixed with cold boiled water. Some people say that ice plays a role in reducing bitterness, but I think the weather is the main cause. After all, in the hot weather in Vietnam, drinking whole ice is good enough.

5. Why not drink Vietnamese coffee at roadside stalls?

Of course, the authentic street flavor is worth promoting, but the roadside coffee stalls or small shops should be careful. Earlier, the food safety inspection office in Vietnam found that the coffee sold by many street vendors was actually decaffeinated fake coffee. In order to save costs, some vendors mix chestnut powder, soybean powder and even coffee-flavored chemicals into shoddy coffee and try to mix beads with fish eyes. Therefore, when it comes to coffee that is unreasonably cheap (below VND15000), you should pay more attention. For the sake of health, it is safer to go to a familiar coffee shop or chain store, such as Trung Nguyen, Highland, Passio or Thuc Coffee.

In fact, the method of brewing dripping coffee in Vietnam is very simple. When you have the opportunity to go to Vietnam, be sure to buy some local coffee powder and dripping pots, make your own letters or brew them at home, even if you taste the unique taste of dripping coffee. 、

Vietnamese pot brewing method (Vietnamese coffee)

This is a method of brewing coffee with high concentration and one person drinking quantity. Vietnam pot brewing method will cooperate with condensed milk, and can also brew delicious frozen coffee after adding ice cubes, which is especially popular in hot weather.


1, coffee powder 16m / m-20g, ground to medium coarse

2, Water quantity: 120ml/cc (4 oz)

3, condensed milk


1. Pour the right amount of condensed milk into an empty water cup.

2. Remove the pressure plate from the filter pot, put the ground coffee powder into the filter pot, and place it evenly.

3, put the pressure plate into the filter pot and gently twist the screw to touch the surface of the coffee powder.

4. The filter pot with coffee powder is placed on the coffee cup containing condensed milk, filled with hot water, and the coffee liquid in the pot is braised and slowly dripped into the cup.

5, when finished, mix the condensed milk and coffee liquid in the cup and drink.


1. To make frozen coffee, pour the coffee liquid into a cup filled with ice and condensed milk.

2. Vietnamese coffee mostly uses French deep-baked coffee powder. When brewing, if the coffee liquid drips too slowly, it may be due to the tight rotation of the screw of the pressing plate, just loosen the screw slightly.

Grinding reference: 1 Murray 2 degrees (young powder) / 3 Murray 4 degrees (medium) / 5 Murray 6 degrees (coarse powder)

Many coffee connoisseurs praised the "French filter press" (French Press) as the easiest coffee brewing tool. After I actually used it, I found that I could not avoid drinking coffee grounds and difficulty in washing, so I only brewed it twice and put the filter pot on the shelf. Later, when I came into contact with the Vietnamese pot, I felt that this simple and cheap appliance was much easier to use than the pressure filter pot.

I don't know what the similarities and differences between the "Vietnamese pot" bought in the domestic coffee shop and the Vietnamese pot in Vietnam are, because I have never seen the Vietnamese version of the Vietnamese pot.

Many people use Vietnamese pots, always following the Vietnamese experience, brewing very deep-roasted coffee beans and mixing them with condensed milk. I drank it once and it was very uncomfortable. But found that the use of fresh medium-deep roasted coffee beans to brew, drinking black coffee alone, the flavor is very good. The following is my experience:

1. The Vietnamese pot consists of three parts: the body, the pressing plate and the top cover, and the price is about 30-50 yuan. Coffee beans are about 10 grams, which is about one flat spoon per spoon, and the roasting degree is from full city to full city+.

two。 If you take a closer look, both the pressure plate and the bottom of the pot have small holes, and when brewing, hot water and coffee liquid will pass through the holes. There is a screw column in the middle of the main body of the filter pot, which can be rotated and fixed by the pressing plate to gently press the coffee powder.

3. The grinding degree of coffee powder is about the same as that of hand-brewing or Syphon brewing. After having the experience of brewing, it can be adjusted according to the freshness, baking degree, brewing flow rate and taste preference of beans. Pour the coffee powder into the filter pot, gently flatten it, do not apply pressure, the top of the screw column is slightly higher than the flour.

4. Screw the pressure plate gently, and just buckle it slightly. At this time, the pressure plate is slightly pressed against the coffee powder. If you feel over-squeezed, there is too much powder, and you should reduce the coffee powder (excessive compaction is not conducive to the passage of hot water). Finally, put the filter pot on the pre-warm coffee cup.

5. Fill up with hot water at a temperature of about 90-95 degrees Celsius. Too little water, insufficient weight, will increase the difficulty of hot water infiltration into the coffee layer, but also not conducive to the maintenance of heat.

6. Put the lid on gently and the drip can be opened in the middle of the filter, but it is easy to lose temperature if it is too many times or too long.

7. It is appropriate for hot water to leak in 5-10 minutes. If it is too short, it may not be enough to extract. If it is too long, it will taste bitter. If you want the coffee to be thicker or need to be seasoned with fresh milk, you can stop the extraction in advance when the hot water is leaking more than 80%, and remove the filter pot. The flow rate of hot water is closely related to the baking depth of coffee beans, the thickness of grinding and the tightness of the pressure plate. if the hot water flow rate is shallow, rough and loose, the flow rate is fast, and vice versa.

8. A beautiful cup of coffee appears. At this time, the bottom of the soup is relatively thick and should be stirred moderately with a coffee spoon. Take a sip. If it's too strong, you can add some hot water. The black coffee extracted from Vietnam pot, because it has not gone through filter paper or filter cloth, its flavor and taste are relatively close to the original taste of coffee beans, so it is quite good to drink black coffee alone, but the bitterness will be slightly more significant than that of filter paper. If you want to add some fresh milk, cream and sugar, do not add condensed milk, personally think that is the most uncoordinated way of seasoning.