Coffee review

Coffee anecdotes which countries does the country of a thousand cups refer to?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Nordic countries always give people a very mysterious color, with beautiful myths and legends, as well as European chivalry culture and aristocratic temperament. The four Nordic countries refer to Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. In recent years, the average coffee consumption of the people of the four Nordic countries has been among the top four in the world (more than 1,000 cups per person per year). They love coffee and sing with Bach.

The Nordic countries always give people a very mysterious color, with beautiful myths and legends, as well as European chivalry culture and aristocratic temperament. The Nordic countries refer to Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. In recent years, the average coffee consumption of the people of the four Nordic countries has been among the top four in the world (more than 1,000 cups per person per year), and their love of coffee A libretto from one of Bach's operas is the most appropriate description: such wonderful coffee is sweeter than a thousand kisses and more drunk than aging. Are you intoxicated?