Coffee review

The technique principle of three-stage water injection of hand-brewed coffee the advantages and disadvantages of three-stage water injection of hand-made coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand-brewed coffee three-stage water filling method reason and principle? Three-stage injection of hand-brewed coffee? With regard to drip coffee, mastering the ability to control coffee extraction is one of the best and trickiest things. Among them, there are many variables to consider: the grinding of coffee powder.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Qianjie Coffee has entered the coffee industry since 2013, from coffee planting, coffee roasting to coffee production, step by step to today, the store now displays more than 30 coffee beans, but Qianjie coffee is selected from hundreds of coffee beans and has the characteristics of producing area flavor. Many guests come to the front street for coffee, not only for a cup of coffee, but also to discuss anything related to coffee. Qianjie Coffee not only provides guests with boutique coffee, but also thinks about how to transfer coffee knowledge to others simply and interestingly.

Friends who have just come into contact with hand-brewed coffee always find it difficult, and there are many links that need to be paid attention to. In fact, Qianjie Coffee likes to look at coffee from a simple perspective. Hand-brewing coffee is a process in which flavor extraction and filtration are carried out at the same time. The point of this process is centered on the position of pouring water. The key to hand brewing coffee is how to control and balance the extraction amount of various ingredients in coffee beans, so as to make coffee. Qianjie Coffee will give you a detailed explanation of the common hand-made coffee injection technique-the specific operation method of three-stage water injection.

Hand coffee injection technique: three-stage water injection

The method of three-stage water injection is segmented extraction, in which a section of water is injected into three stages, which can clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back stages of coffee. The practice of Qianjie coffee is to increase the amount of water injected by hand each time after steaming, usually when the coffee liquid is about to drop to the surface of the powder layer, and use small, medium and large water flow to do three-stage extraction. Relatively speaking, there will be relatively high requirements for the flow rate and flow rate of water.

In the three-stage water injection method, the steaming process does not need to stir to improve the draught uniformity of coffee powder, nor to increase the depth of infiltration, so the suitable beans are between shallow baked beans by stirring steaming method and deep baked beans by steaming method. Relatively speaking, it is generally suitable for moderately roasted coffee beans. This just confirms that the roasting degree of most boutique coffee beans take the phenomenon of moderate baking between first explosion and second explosion, so this is also one of the most popular factors of three-stage water injection method.

However, Qianjie coffee is still brewed by three-stage water injection, no matter shallow baking or deep baking, but there will be a slight difference in water flow control, which is more sophisticated in barista skills. Qianjie Coffee is also recommended to use three-stage water injection method when communicating with customers, because the training of techniques needs to accumulate over time, and only after using a set of techniques can we more fully understand the law of brewing. At this time, switching to other brewing methods will not take care of one or the other.

First water injection: steaming (to help exhaust)

Coffee beans in the roasting process from raw beans to ripe beans will undergo a series of chemical reactions and physical changes, after a certain degree of baking, coffee beans will accumulate a large amount of gas (most of which is carbon dioxide).

Generally speaking, the fresher it is, the closer it is to baking, and the more bubbles usually appear during steaming. Deep-baked beans also release more gas during steaming than shallow baked beans. The coffee beans of Qianjie coffee are freshly roasted, so guests are generally advised to grow beans for three days and let the beans release carbon dioxide first, so that the problem of instability and insufficient extraction can be avoided.

After steaming and discharging the gas, the coffee particles can absorb water evenly, which can make the extraction uniform in the later stage. Good steaming can not only make the coffee powder exhaust quickly, fully and evenly, but also make the coffee powder come into contact with the water quickly, helping the coffee powder to be extracted evenly.

Pay attention to the following five points when steaming:

1. Beat the coffee powder flat before hand water injection.

2. When steaming, water injection should be gentle.

3. In the process of steaming, there is as little extract as possible; when there is too much extract in the kettle, the amount of water injected should be reduced, or attention should be paid to the degree of grinding. If there is too much steaming water, drop a large amount of coffee liquid, the falling water does not stay but directly bring out the external substance of the coffee powder, the miscellaneous taste and astringency of the outer layer of the coffee powder begin to dissolve, so that the coffee is not only light, but also has an exquisite smell. If the amount of stuffy steam is insufficient and no water droplets fall at all, then the coffee powder does not absorb enough water, and some coffee is not exhaust enough, which will cause insufficient extraction.) according to this situation, Qianjie coffee has been steamed many times. It is found that it is more appropriate to inject twice the amount of coffee powder during steaming.

4. The steaming time is about 30 to 40 seconds. When the expansion of the coffee powder surface ends, you will see the coffee surface wrinkling, which means that the steaming is complete and you can begin to inject water. In terms of time, coffee is prone to bitterness and astringency if it is steamed for too long. Generally speaking, the end time of steaming varies with each bean, but Qianjie Coffee finds that this is not conducive to novice operation. After all, novices pay attention to standardization and ease of use, so to ensure that coffee beans are still freshly roasted, Qianjie Coffee is recommended for steaming for 30 seconds. Of course, those with experience can adjust the time on their own.

5. The water temperature of brewing coffee is very important, which will directly affect the extraction rate of coffee and then affect the taste of coffee. The water temperature of hand brewing should be adjusted according to the roasting degree of coffee. In general, the water temperature of deep-roasted beans is 86-88 ℃ lower, the quality of deep-roasted beans is looser, the activity is better, and the gas is easy to discharge. Shallow baked beans are 90-91 ℃. Light baked beans are relatively hard, and the exhaust of beans is slower, so use higher water temperature to accelerate gas emissions. Qianjie Coffee suggests that when extracting coffee, the water temperature should be adjusted according to the roasting degree of the coffee, so as to stabilize the taste and quality of the coffee. Once a customer questioned this brewing temperature, Qianjie Coffee took Golden Manning, a coffee bean (deep-roasted), and boiled it at a water temperature of 90 ℃. As a result, the taste was almost comparable to that of Italian concentrate.

Second water injection

The second water injection starts from the middle, and a small water column is injected into the bottom of the powder layer. in order to concentrate the penetration force of the water column, the range of movement around the circle is small, about the size of an one-dollar coin, and then out. At the beginning of the second water supply, we should pay attention to the amount of water, and try not to exceed the height of the powder layer, that is, when the water column is wound close to the filter paper, the water supply can be stopped.

The third water injection

As the thicker powder layer on the edge of the original filter paper becomes heavier because of the draft, and as the water level falls and becomes thinner, the water level drops to half and the third water injection can be carried out.

From the third water supply, it is necessary to observe the extent of the decline of the water level, also from the center of the water supply circle, the amount of water should not exceed the height of the powder layer, then it will also be observed that the proportion of foam has already occupied the surface, and the third water injection will increase the tumbling of coffee granules, let all the deposited particles tumble, and then dissolve the soluble matter.

The rolling particles will start to rest because they stop adding water, and at this time they have to rely on the velocity caused by the falling water level to make the coffee particles produce friction, so once the addition of water stops, the coffee powder particles will sink, causing blockage, so pay special attention to the rhythm of adding water.

If the water is cut off too many times, it is tantamount to letting the coffee powder particles soak in the water all the time, which will lead to the astringent and miscellaneous taste of the coffee extract at the end.

The above is all theoretical knowledge, and some people may think that they are still confused. It doesn't matter. Qianjie Coffee has developed a standard brewing scheme through many experiments. Here is an example of Asalia coffee beans in Kenya.

Take [front street coffee Kenya Azaria coffee beans] as an example.

Producing area

Kenya Sika Thika

Treatment plant

Asali Honey processing Plant


1550-1750 meters





Treatment method

Kenya 72-hour washing

Baking degree

Shallow baking

This bean is full and round, and in order to fully show its bright and mellow acidity, Qianjie coffee is roasted lightly.

Machine: Yang family 800N, raw bean 550g

Input bean temperature: 200℃

Flashpoint: 5 minutes 39 percent 30 ", 154.3 ℃

After one explosion, the development was 2: 10 ", 191.6 ℃ came out.

Front street coffee Kenya Azaria coffee bean baking curve

Cooking process

The brewing parameters of Qianjie coffee are: Hario V60, ratio of powder to water 1:15, water temperature 90 ℃, grindness BG#5D (Chinese standard No. 20 sieve pass rate 80%).

In terms of brewing techniques, Qianjie coffee uses twice as much steaming water as coffee powder, that is, 30g water for 30 seconds. If the powder-water ratio is 1:15, the total amount of water injected is 225g.

Three-stage hand flushing: after the end of steaming, the second stage water injection to 125g, the second stage water injection stops for 1 minute, the third stage water injection stops at 225g water, the total time of water injection is 2 minutes (including steaming time).

Description of Coffee Flavor of Asalia, Kenya

The overall palate is layered, with obvious aromas of ripe tomatoes and flowers, full juices on the palate, flavors of virgin fruit and black plum, bright acidity, sweet berries and sweet yellow sugar on the finish.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925