Coffee review

African beans with sour flavor characteristics Ethiopian West Dharma Bangbei Xi cover sun beans What is special

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) sour flavor characteristics of African beans Ethiopian West Dharma Bangbei Xi cover sun beans What taste? Ethiopia has five major production areas: Sidamo, Yirgacheffe, Harar, Limu,

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

African beans with sour flavor what is the taste of Ethiopian Sidamobangbei sun-dried beans?

Ethiopia has five major producing areas:

Sidamo, Yirgacheffe, Harar, Limu, Gimbi. Water washing treatment was introduced in the 1970s and is famous all over the world, among which Yejia Xuefei is the most familiar to the Chinese.

In fact, the traditional way of processing raw beans in Ethiopia is the solarization method. Since 2006, the ancient method of solarization has bloomed again under strict quality control and has become a famous product in the boutique coffee industry. Because compared with water washing treatment, the wine flavor of ancient sun-dried beans is better than that of water washing. The strong tropical fruit flavor of this Sidamo Bombe is representative.

Bombe, Sidamo, Ethiopia

Product name: Sidamo Bombe Higai Sidamo Bonbe Tsigei

Guojia Ethiopia Ethiopia

Producing area: Sidamo Sidamo Bombe Bonbe

Class: Grade 1

Treatment method: sun treatment method Natural Process

Variety: Ethiopian native species Ethiopian Heirloom

Sea pull: 1900-2100 meters

Flavor: passion fruit, blueberry, citrus, grape, thick taste, fruity wine

, citrus, grape, papaya, drupe

When I first came into contact with Bombe at the cup test, I was attracted by its passion fruit, blueberry and fermented fruit aromas at the dry aroma stage. There was no disappointment after the entrance. Four or five fruit aromas ended with wine aromas. In a state of high richness, the quality of the sense of balance is also amazing.

Flavor: Jasmine, lavender, lemon, citrus, honey sweet, round taste

The Higai processing Plant (Tsigei Station) is located in the village of Bonbe Village in the Sidamo District (Sidamo Distric) of the southern ethnic states of southern Ethiopia (Southern Nations, Nationalist). The altitude is between 1900 and 2100 meters. The average daily temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius, and the average annual temperature at night is 15 degrees Celsius. The annual rainfall is 1200-1800 mm. In addition to the pleasant climatic conditions, the fertile red brown soil in the coffee growing park is one of the key factors to produce superior quality of raw beans in this area.

The harvest time for coffee is from November to January of the following year. Outside the harvest period, farmers grow crops such as corn and plantains as another source of income. The local names Wanza (rag tree), Acacia (albizzia tree) and Birbira (endemic to Ethiopia) are common coffee shade trees in this area. In particular, the seeds of Birbira trees not only have the characteristics of repelling mosquitoes, but also are widely used in fishing and hunting by local residents, continuing from ancient times to the present.

The water source of Xigai treatment plant is the surrounding river water. There are 2 soaking ponds and 14 fermentation ponds in the plant. The coffee scaffolding used to dry the coffee fruit is set up around the processing plant to reduce the transportation distance and quickly post-process the picked cherries. After the washing and sun treatment is completed, the beans from the sheep skin will be transported to the dry treatment plant in downtown Yegashafi, waiting for export arrangements.

Qiu Bacun water washing is a relatively special bean, which is different from the traditional water washing Yega, which shows a good sense of sweetness and tail rhyme under the explosive and intensive baking degree; the floral aroma of the first stage is not only jasmine, but also has a trace of lavender fragrance, making the overall hierarchical feeling richer.