Coffee review

Coffee making fancy coffee Spanish coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Introduction to Spanish Coffee: after introducing Martha Crane Coffee, I will bring you this Spanish coffee today. Spain is one of the most enthusiastic countries in the world. The Spaniards have the fanaticism of a bull and the calmness of a matador. They like hot drinks from honey products as well as the slightly bitter taste of coffee. In the Altamira Caves in Valencia, Spain, it has been preserved to this day.

Spanish Coffee:

After introducing Martha Crane Coffee, I bring you this Spanish coffee today. Spain is one of the most welcoming countries in the world. The Spaniard has the zeal of a bull and the calmness of a matador. They love hot honey products and also like the slightly bitter taste of coffee. In the Altamira Cave in Valencia, Spain, there are still frescoes from around the 6th century AD depicting honey gathering. Honey has good health and beauty effects, and this Spanish coffee is the perfect match between honey and coffee.

Spanish Coffee Ingredients:

1. Coffee 56 ml.

1 ounce of honey.

3. Coconut milk ice cream.

Spanish Coffee Making:

First, fill the glass with ice, then add honey.

2, and then pour two cups of espresso, espresso can be used to neutralize the sweetness of honey, not too greasy.

3, add coconut milk ice cream in the cup (can also add cream), let the ice cream float on the coffee, Spanish coffee is finished.