Coffee review

How to make cappuccino, cappuccino

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After working in a coffee shop for a long time, cappuccino is probably the most frequently ordered coffee bar, perhaps because it is often mentioned in life, and you hear cappuccino a little more often than other coffees. so this is also a small part of the reason why cappuccino is ordered more often. What is a cappuccino? According to one's own experience

After working in a coffee shop for a long time, cappuccino is probably the most frequently ordered coffee bar, perhaps because it is often mentioned in life, and you hear cappuccino a little more often than other coffees. so this is also a small part of the reason why cappuccino is ordered more often.

What is a cappuccino?

According to my own experience, cappuccino is a little different from coffee maker in the eyes of customers. When most people order cappuccino, they always think that it should have more milk foam than other coffee, but this is not the case. In fact, the amount of milk foam of cappuccino and latte should be the same in theory.

Cappuccino ingredients: a shot standard amount of espresso, milk foam (depending on the size of the cup), chocolate powder sprinkled on top

Cappuccino cups: small cappuccinos should be contained in cup, while large cappuccinos should be held in mug.

Characteristics of cappuccino: cappuccino should be frothy (more foam), compare creamy (compare the feeling of cream, do not know whether the translation is accurate or not, in fact there is no cream in it)

Cappuccino, for example, take a small cup of coffee:

First, extract a shot (1oz) coffee.

At the same time, pour a certain amount of milk into the stainless steel cup to ensure that both the stainless steel cup and the milk are cold, which can achieve the best effect of producing the best fine foam.

Finally, after the espresso is extracted, the foam should be ready, and then mix the beaten milk foam into the cup to make sure that the milk foam will be a little higher than the cup.

Then sprinkle with chocolate powder and a cup of cappuccino is ready.