Coffee review

How to describe the taste of Yega Xuefei coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) to wash the delicate achievement of shallow roasting sour and sweet fruit is said that coffee was born in Ethiopia, whether the legend is true or not, modern Ethiopia is famous for its specialty of Yega coffee beans

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When it comes to Yega Xuefei coffee beans, I believe we are no stranger to coffee. It occupies a position in the boutique coffee market with its unique citrus and lemon flavor, so Yega Xuefei not only represents a producing area, but also represents citrus citric acid flavor, because when it comes to coffee beans that are famous for their sour taste, everyone subconsciously thinks of Yega Xuefei. Well, in this next article, Qianjie Coffee will come to popular science to introduce the flavor and taste of Yega Xuefei coffee beans.

How do you describe the taste of Yejia Coffee beans?

As mentioned above in Qianjie Coffee, the flavor of Yejia Xuefei coffee beans is famous for its citrus and lemon, and the formation of the flavor of a coffee bean is absolutely inseparable from its growing environment, that is, the producing area. secondly, coffee varieties and coffee bean treatment also play an important role. after all, coffee beans are always crops, and their flavor will change with climate, soil, altitude and other factors. And Qianjie Coffee, which is the biggest contributor to the formation of the flavor of Yejashefi coffee beans, is considered to be its treatment and producing area characteristics. Then Qianjie Coffee will introduce how the unique citrus and lemon flavor of Yejasefei coffee beans is formed around these two points.

Planting conditions of Yejiaxuefei Coffee Bean producing area

According to Qianjie Coffee, Yegashafi is a small town in Ethiopia with an elevation of 1700-2100 meters above sea level. It is one of the highest coffee producing areas in the world. One of the characteristics of Arabica coffee beans is that the higher the altitude, the more acidic they are. This explains one of the reasons why Yegashafi coffee beans have unique acidity.

And according to Qianjie, Yejasuefei itself is a small producing area in the Sidamo producing area, which is independent by the EXC Coffee Association because of its unique coffee flavor. at present, under the ECX system in Ethiopia, this area is divided into four communities, namely: Yegashafi, Waka, Kochel, and Genlena abay.

At the same time, the coffee flavor of these four small producing areas can be subdivided, because the different coffee flavors of the microclimate in the producing areas will also be affected, so Qianjie Coffee has also introduced coffee beans from these small producing areas for everyone to taste, so that everyone can feel the charm of the coffee bean flavor.

And yirga cheffe, the name Qianjie of the producing area, also thinks that it is quite interesting, in which "yirga" means to settle down, and "cheffe" means "wetland", so it originally means "let us settle down in this wetland".

Yejia Xuefei coffee bean treatment method

In addition, Yega Xuefei is famous because of its treatment-water washing. Coffee lovers who know the geography all know that Ethiopia is a country short of water. Normally, Ethiopia should use the traditional sun treatment, which is indeed the case, but Qianjie Coffee also mentioned above that Yega Xuefei is a wetland. Therefore, water washing can be used to treat coffee beans, which is one of the reasons why Yejashefi coffee beans stand out.

The water washing method was introduced to Ethiopia in 1972 to improve the quality of coffee beans, because traditional sun-treated coffee beans have many defects and have some defective flavor, which greatly affects the taste. The popularity of water washing treatment has magnified the citrus lemon aroma of Ethiopian Yega Xuefei coffee beans and made them more fresh and bright in taste.

Because of this, Yega Xuefei has become one of the representatives of fine coffee in the world, and since then, this area has been mainly washed coffee beans, until the 21st century, the sun drying technology also began to improve, the improvement of technology has also led to the emergence of amazing sun-dried beans in the boutique coffee market, and at this time there is a coffee trader named Bugsy who misses the flavor of traditional sun-dried coffee beans. So they began to improve the sun, and launched several excellent sun-cured coffee beans, so that the sun-dried coffee beans regained their status in the Yega Sheffield producing area. For example, the Yega Xuefei sun-red cherry coffee beans in the front street coffee shop are very popular with coffee fans.

So what is the difference between Yejia Xuefei water washing and sun-cured coffee beans?

Sun treatment

As Qianjie Coffee said above, the sun treatment is the oldest method of coffee bean treatment, also known as the "natural drying method". Sun treatment does not require multi-high-end equipment, only a continuous sunny day to carry out the sun operation, in which exposure takes 27-30 days. Therefore, the requirements for climatic conditions are more stringent, suitable for countries in arid areas.

For example, Ethiopia itself, as mentioned by Qianjie Coffee, is a coffee producer with extensive use of sun treatment because of its high altitude, dry climate and lack of water resources. The reason why the Yega Xuefei producing area widely uses the water washing treatment is that the local skill is a wetland, which is the most water-rich area in Ethiopia.

However, it is worth noting that although the sun treatment is relatively simple, it is also because the appearance of the sun-treated coffee beans is not good-looking, there will be some cracks, so it is not particularly popular.

Washing treatment method

The second common method of coffee treatment is washing, and most of the coffee beans in different producing areas in Qianjie are also washed, especially Qianjie grain beans, because the washed coffee beans will be cleaner and the flavor will be more thorough, which is in line with the most primitive taste of coffee fruit, so Qianjie often says that the flavor of washed coffee beans is a guide light to know the flavor of a producing area.

The difference between washing coffee beans and sun-treated coffee beans

The most essential difference between the sun treatment and the water washing treatment is that the sun treatment retains the flavor of the pulp, while the water washing removes the flavor of the pulp and represents the most essential flavor of coffee beans. Can feel the obvious difference in the taste, washing is cleaner and brighter, while the sun will be rich in taste. Qianjie coffee is precisely because the washing method can reflect the most essential flavor of coffee beans, so every time when recommending coffee beans, if the guest tastes the coffee beans in this area for the first time, Qianjie coffee will give priority to the coffee beans treated by water washing. this can give people a clearer understanding of the flavor characteristics of the producing area.

These are the differences and characteristics of Qianjie Coffee about the water washing treatment and sun treatment of Yejia Xuefei coffee beans. Next, Qianjie Coffee will compare the flavor difference between Yejia Xuefei sun-tanned cherry coffee beans and Yejia Xuefei water-washed fruit Tintin coffee beans.

Front Street Coffee Essex Ding Ding Coffee beans

Country: Ethiopia

Producing area: Yega Xuefei

Altitude: 1900-2300m

Variety: native species

Treatment: washing treatment

Flavors: tropical fruits, cream, honey, berries, citrus

According to Qianjie, the Guotintin Cooperative was originally part of the Waka Cooperative of the YCFCU of the Yega Sheffield Union. It became an independent Guotintin Cooperative in 2012 and now has more than 300 smallholder members. At the same time, it is precisely because Guodingding Village is the first independent village area, and many small farmers were also members of the Waka Cooperative, so the technology of producing coffee is not to mention. The natural flavor of the coffee beans is excellent.

In front of the street, the cherries are red in the sun.

Country: Ethiopia

Producing area: Yega Xuefei

Altitude: 2300m

Variety: native species

Treatment: sun treatment

Flavor: berries, lemons, strawberries, fermented wine

Qianjie Coffee this sun-red cherry coffee beans are made from 100% ripe coffee beans, so they are fragrant, sweet and fermented.

The origin of this coffee bean comes from the "Red Cherry Project" jointly launched by Ethiopian local coffee farmers and Dutch trader Trabocca. It aims to improve the quality of coffee on small-scale farms and increase the income of farmers. To pick fully ripe coffee fruit, we should not only pick the fruit with high maturity of full red, but also harvest it by hand, but this is only the most basic requirement. In addition, there are corresponding requirements for the treatment of coffee beans.

Next, Qianjie Coffee will share the flavor characteristics of these two Yega Sheffield sun-dried and washed coffee beans.

Data sharing of coffee brewing in Qianjie

Filter cup: V60 # 01

Water temperature: 90-91 degrees

Powder content: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:15

Degree of grinding: BG6m/ medium fine grinding (No. 20 sieve bowl sieve powder to 80%)

Cooking technique: three-stage extraction

In the first stage, 30 grams of water is injected for 30 seconds, followed by 95 grams (about 125 grams indicated by the electronic scale). The injection is completed in about 1 minute, and the remaining 100 grams are injected at 3 places in the powder layer (about 225 grams shown by the electronic scale) in about 1 minute and 35 seconds. 2: 00 "- 2 × 39" trickle filtration is completed, remove the filter cup and complete the extraction.

Sun red cherry flavor: lemon, licorice, citrus, berries, sweet orange, the overall sweetness is high, Huigan has the flavor of caramel and cream, with black tea aroma.

Washed fruit dingding flavor: citrus and black tea are imported, cream, caramel and almond aftertaste are obvious and taste clean and sweet with the change of temperature.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925