Coffee review

Musk Kopi Luwak brewing method graphic introduction of Indonesian cat droppings coffee beans flavor and taste story

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) civet coffee is known as the most expensive coffee in the world, and Indonesia is also one of the major producers of civet coffee in the world. Kopi Luwak civet coffee from Indonesia (Indonesian: Kopi coffee / Luwak civet), which is called Civet coffee in the United States.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Civet coffee is known as "the most expensive coffee in the world", and Indonesia is also one of the major producers of civet coffee in the world.

Kopi Luwak civet coffee from Indonesia (Indonesian: Kopi Coffee / Luwak civet), called Civet coffee or cat poo coffee Kopi Luwak in the United States.

Diagram of brewing method of Kopi Luwak

The civet eats the cherry fruit of the coffee on the tree, and the coffee excreted after passing through the digestive tract is the so-called civea coffee, because the coffee cherry fruit is not digested in the civet's stomach, but the enzymes in his digestive tract combine with the coffee beans and destroy the protein, so the bitterness of the coffee will be reduced. Because the coffee beans cannot be digested, they will be excreted completely.

The coffee beans are still covered with sheepskin. After washing, drying and baking, they become civet coffee.

"Musk Coffee" its coffee aroma is very special, strong coffee aroma, there is no bitter taste of coffee, and with a hint of chocolate coffee fruit aroma, taste very smooth, let people enjoy very much.

Origin of Coffee Coffee (Kopi Luwak)

The civet coffee comes from the "civet". She naturally chooses the most mature and sweetest fruit, so she eats ripe red coffee cherries, including coffee pulp and coffee beans. The enzymes in the civet digestive tract combine with the coffee beans and destroy the protein, so the bitterness of the coffee is reduced, but the hard coffee seeds cannot be digested and are excreted after a unique fermentation process. The coffee beans are still covered with sheepskin. After washing, drying and baking, they become civet coffee. Traditionally, coffee fruit is washed or tanned to remove the peel, pulp and sheep skin, and finally take out the coffee beans. however, civet coffee uses the method of natural fermentation in the body to remove the coffee beans, so it has a special flavor.

Indonesians find that coffee beans fermented by civets' intestines and stomach are particularly thick and mellow, so they collect civets' droppings, sift out the beans and brew them to drink. Because the output is rare and the price is high, civets' coffee is the most expensive coffee in the world, and civets' droppings have become the most expensive in the world.

Experts who have tasted musk cat coffee have put forward a polarized evaluation. Some people compare it to the best coffee in the world, which is quite thick, tastes unusual, is difficult to describe, is a little fishy, slightly choking and visceral, and stays in the mouth for a long time until the last drop. Some people say that it is difficult to swallow and it is not worth paying for stinky coffee.

Generally speaking, Indonesian coffee has the taste of earth and traditional Chinese medicine, and its consistency is the highest in all continents, but civet coffee has a stronger taste and consistency, which is almost close to syrup, and its flavor is very special. if you don't like Indonesian coffee in the first place, you must hate civet coffee even more. if you prefer the fishy smell of Indonesian aged beans or Indian-style beans, you may fall in love with civet coffee with similar flavor.

Civet coffee because the production is very limited, so the price is very expensive, can often taste, a cup of civet coffee every day probably not many people. How precious is the taste of Kopi Luwak? People who like civet coffee say that this kind of coffee is commendable, no matter how expensive it is. People with mental disorders drink civet coffee, even if the price is high, knowing that the coffee is noble, no matter how expensive it is.

How should I drink civet coffee? Diagram of brewing method of Kopi Luwak

It is impossible to brew coffee directly, because coffee beans that are ground into powder need to be filtered out. Usually we cook it by hand.

The brewing parameters of civet coffee are recommended in Qianjie:

V60ap90 ℃ / 1 15 / time two minutes

Flavor: the palate is mellow and smooth, with caramel, chocolate and nuts, with a hint of mint at the end.

Diagram of brewing method of Kopi Luwak