Coffee review

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sun treatment of raw coffee beans? What's the flavor of sun-dried coffee beans? There are some sun treatments.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of sun treatment of raw coffee beans in coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style). What's the flavor of sun-dried coffee beans? What is the subdivision of sun treatment? So the sun-dried beans are directly exposed to the coffee cherry (fruit) in the most primitive and natural way, and then the fruit is dried.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sun treatment of raw coffee beans? What's the flavor of sun-dried coffee beans? What is the subdivision of sun treatment?

So the sun-dried beans are the most primitive and natural way to directly expose the coffee cherry (fruit) into dried fruit, and then remove the peel and pulp.

There are many intermediate variables, such as fruit maturity, defects, incomplete or slow drying, or rain (so the rainy areas of the harvest season are not suitable for sun exposure, which is easy to overferment or mildew); selection of finished products So good sun-dried beans are more expensive than water-washed beans, and cheap ones have to try their luck (in some areas, there is a shortage of water resources, so they can only inherit the ancient method of using the sun, and all conditions are well matched, and there are also good sun-dried beans, but because businessmen exploit them layer by layer, they encounter good quality beans. Even if you buy it cheap, he won't sell it cheap!

It is said that tanning is the oldest method of treatment, and it is also the simplest and most simple one that does not require utensils. The first step is to screen the floating beans in the water, so that the immature coffee beans float naturally due to the buoyancy of the water, while the ones that sink are the full coffee beans that have no problem.

At the same time, simply clean the surface dirt of coffee fruit, remove leaves and miscellaneous branches, so as not to cause mildew and miscellaneous smell when exposed to the sun.

Choose a flat open space with easy access to the sun, the second step is to smooth the coffee fruit, do not overlap and pile it too densely as much as possible, otherwise it is easy to breed bacteria and cause mildew, which needs to be stirred many times a day. It usually takes about two to three weeks to increase or decrease the exposure time according to the weather conditions, and the accurate detection standard is to remove the pulp and detect that the water content of coffee beans is less than 12%.

In the process of stirring, remember to pick out fallen leaves and insects to avoid defects such as worms and beans.

The coffee beans are usually dark red at this time. In the third step, the peel and pulp of the sun-dried fruit are removed and preserved with a shell. It takes about a month or so to make the taste thicker and precipitate. in modern times, most of them use machines instead of handworks. however, there are still some backward areas and small farmers use blunt objects to knock on the peel.

It is recommended to use a machine to remove it, which can reduce the damage to the integrity of the coffee bean itself. Chen Cang remembers to choose a dry place that does not come into contact with the sun.


In the process of sun treatment, the amount of water required is less, the cost is relatively low, and its flavor is rich in fruit aroma and sour taste.


Must be placed in contact with the sun, for the weather environment requirements are more stringent, generally concentrated in tropical dry and wet climate countries, weather, environment uncontrollable factors, improper treatment, prone to defective beans, worm-eaten beans, rotten, mildew problems, at this time more flavor impurities.

Tanning is the oldest and easiest way to handle coffee beans in the world.

Pour the fruit into the sink to sift, the ripe beans will sink to the bottom, and the floating beans will be removed.

Then put it in the outdoor sun until the water content is reduced to less than 12%.

Keep turning the coffee beans to prevent mildew during the period.

Finally, put in the machine to remove the peel, pulp and sheepskin and bag it.

(floating beans: mostly stunted or overcooked beans)

This method has the advantages of simplicity, water saving and low cost.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to mildew because the flesh is not removed during the sun exposure.

Or different degrees of dryness lead to excessive fermentation and sour smell.

Sun treatment has a rich flavor of tropical fruits, berries and wine, with a mellow taste and rich layers.

It is suitable for gluttons who like rich fruit flavor.

Solarization method

Tanning is the oldest and most convenient way to treat raw beans.

One sift out the floating beans.

Pour the harvested coffee fruit into a big trough, and the ripe and full fruit will sink to the bottom of the water

Underdeveloped or overripe fruits will surface and these floating beans need to be removed.

Two-day drying

Then there is the whole coffee fruit with meat and belt.

Put it on the bean drying farm and dry it naturally to about 12% of the sea water.

It takes about two to four weeks, depending on the climate of the place of origin.

three. Shelling

The dried fruit will be naturally dried.

Use a shelling machine to remove the hard peel, pulp and sheep skin.

The raw beans appeared.

The advantages of solarization

1. Simple, low processing cost.

two。 Raw beans are naturally dried in the pulp and absorb the essence of the fruit, so the aroma is rich, sweet and mellow.

Shortcomings of solarization method

1. In some producing areas, the sun treatment did not screen out the floating beans, resulting in defects in the quality.

two。 During the drying process, the pulp is easy to mildew due to the return of moisture, which pollutes the raw beans.

3. The shelling of the machine inevitably hurts the raw beans, resulting in appearance defects.

Half-sun method

An improved treatment method for improving the quality of sun-dried beans in the area of traditional solarization

one. Sift out floating beans (same sun method)

two. Remove the pulp (same as washing)

three. Sun drying

Remove the pulp and pectin seeds into the outdoor sun for several days

During this period, the seeds must be turned continuously so that the seeds can be dried evenly inside and outside.

The half-sun section in Brazil will be further dried by machine, reducing the water content to 10.5-12%.

Costa Rica's famous Miel treatment, which is also half-sun treatment.

The difference lies in the drying stage, where the whole process is dried in the sun.

four. Mature

Put the dried sheepskin raw beans in a special container and store them for dozens of days [ripe]

Finally, the shell is polished to get raw beans.