Coffee review

Many factors affect coffee taste.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The following factors affect the biological composition of coffee: Origin (latitude, altitude, microclimate, seedling cultivation) Plant type (Arabica, Robersta) Degree of maturity and consistency of coffee beans The method of processing green beans The method of storage of green beans The method and degree of storage of roasted coffee beans The technology of storage of coffee grinds and coffee powders The type of coffee machine

The following factors affect the biological composition of coffee:

-Origin (latitude, height, microclimate, seedling cultivation)

-- Plant species (Arabica, Roberta)

The degree of maturity and consistency of coffee beans

-- picking method

-- processing methods of raw beans

-- Storage methods of raw beans

-- baking method and degree

Storage technology of roasted coffee beans

-- Storage technology of coffee mill and coffee powder

The type, cleanliness and effectiveness of the coffee machine

-extraction methods (water / powder ratio, temperature, time, pressure, filter paper, etc.)

According to the above, when we get a cup of coffee, its quality is affected by a series of links, such as origin, raw bean processing, roasting, coffee bean preservation, brewing operation and so on.

For those of us who usually drink coffee at home or at the office, the link may start with the preservation of coffee beans. Of course, before that, how to choose a good coffee bean is very important, because more than half of the factors are beyond our control.

Get good quality coffee beans-choose good roasters (they will make great efforts in the selection and blending of raw beans, and the roasting technology is guaranteed). There are also some small bakeries that are baked and sold in small quantities after receiving an order, with better raw materials and details, and the price may be slightly more expensive than that of mass producers. Another thing to pay attention to is the freshness, the closer to the factory date, the better.

The preservation of coffee beans-many articles have been introduced, nothing more than to choose a well-sealed storage tank and drink it as soon as possible. So it is not recommended to buy too much at a time, just for a week or half a month. Because after opening the beans, the flavor will gradually lose over time. In addition, if it is ground and powdered as far as possible, it will deteriorate more quickly, because it increases the area of contact with air.

Cooking operation-the first thing is to choose the right cooking utensils. If you drink coffee from the place of origin, you can make it by hand, French pressure, American drip filter, or siphon pot. There are also Belgian pots (generally used for decoration) and mocha pots (coffee is strong, which I think is not conducive to the flavor performance of individual products). When choosing, the main consideration is the complexity of the operation and the safety and practicability of the apparatus. Some need open fire, some only need hot water; some are full of glass, some are metal; some are stupid, some are technical; some are easy to clean, some are easy to taste. All these questions must be thought out clearly. There is a reason for the existence of every kind of instrument. It is not said which is particularly good, but what is suitable for you is the best. For the operation of various instruments, there are many articles in the forum, which will not be introduced here, or we may have the opportunity to analyze them together next time!