Coffee review

There is no coffee bean that is not sour or bitter! Coffee beans that are not sour or bitter do not exist!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee shop (Wechat official account cafe_style) on the market Yunnan coffee beans, no matter where the origin, its quality characteristics are generally not bitter, not sour, not astringent. The merchants will certainly tell you that this is the excellent quality of Yunnan coffee, which is worth paying for, because there is absolutely no other coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Yunnan coffee beans sold on the market, no matter where they come from, are generally "not bitter, not sour, not astringent". Merchants will certainly tell you that this is the excellent quality of Yunnan coffee, which is worth paying for, because other coffee definitely does not have such a strange "different" quality.

If you are really willing to spend money on such a special "different" quality coffee, I will take you and respect your choice.

In fact, you can get this kind of "coffee" without spending money. As long as you pick up the cup and go to the faucet, you can get this kind of "not bitter, not sour, not astringent" coffee.

If the quality of coffee is "not bitter, not sour, not astringent", isn't it like water? isn't it just water? "not bitter, not sour, not astringent" is not "tasteless"? It is a great waste to spend money on coffee without any taste. And ridiculously expensive. Is there such a way to rob money in the world?

In the end, the genius decided that the quality of Yunnan coffee is "not bitter, not sour, not astringent"? How is it determined? I have no idea.

The Yunnan coffee I know will never be of this quality. Because, after growing coffee for so many years and drinking coffee for so many years, I have never drunk the quality of "not bitter, not sour, not astringent". In fact, after drinking coffee from other regions, this characteristic has never appeared. Maybe I haven't had the real coffee yet? Maybe I really can't afford that kind of real Yunnan coffee.

However, it is true that we have never drunk coffee that is not bitter, sour or astringent.

Beat me to death, and I will not accept this definition of quality. Because that's the quality definition of "water". It is not coffee. There is no such "coffee" in the world.

He has been entrusted by friends (coffee producers) for two consecutive years to send samples of raw coffee beans to a laboratory in the United States for analysis. Each sample, whether bitter or sour, is marked with very detailed data. It is proved that no matter where coffee comes from, its quality can never be "not bitter, not sour, not astringent".

In order to continue to observe and track the quality of Yunnan coffee, raw bean samples will continue to be sent every year for quality analysis. Its purpose is not to expect meaningless words such as "the quality of your Yunnan coffee is quite good" from the outsiders.

The annual analysis can be used as the basis for understanding the operation technology of agricultural garden management and the revision of processing operation mode after harvest. And then seek the largest space for quality growth.

In other words, although the quality of Yunnan coffee has not reached the ideal level, it is moving forward in the direction of high quality.

In short, don't spend money on Yunnan coffee that is "not bitter, not sour, not astringent". China has never produced that kind of coffee. Make sure that no matter how much money you spend, you can't buy it. Make sure you don't have to spend money, but also get the taste of "not bitter, not sour, not astringent".

The quality of coffee should be described in terms of bitter taste, bitter taste, bitter intensity, sour taste, sour feeling and acidity. It is a very delicate and specific description of taste and smell. Don't say metaphysical sentences.

● non-bitter coffee bean brand recommendation

Qianjie Coffee roasted non-bitter coffee beans: washed Yega Chevy Coffee, Kenya AA Coffee, Panamanian Flower Butterfly Coffee and so on are fully guaranteed in terms of brand and quality. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only 80-90 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 grams of powder per cup of hand-brewed coffee, 15 cups of coffee can be made in a bag, and each cup of coffee costs only about 6 yuan, which is very cost-effective for coffee shops to sell dozens of yuan a cup.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://