Coffee review

Daily hand brewing | what is Mamba coffee? Classic Mamba match

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is mamba coffee? Manning + Brazil = Mamba? I heard that Mantenin coffee has a sour taste, Brazil is bitter, a single product of coffee beans, there is no non-sour, but the degree of sour is not necessarily (because there is tannin in coffee) the classic Mamba blend is more deeply cultivated Mann.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

What is Mamba Coffee?

Mantinen + Brazil = Mamba?

It is said that mantelin coffee has sour taste, Brazil is bitter, single coffee beans, there is no acid to drink, but the degree of acid is not certain (because there is tannic acid in coffee)

Classic mamba mix.

It's the deep-baked mantinin + mid-baked Brazil.

There may be many kinds of mamba, because there are many kinds of mantenin, and there are many kinds of Brazil:

Mantenin is produced in the mountains around Lake Toba, an alpine freshwater lake north of Medan, the capital of Sumatra. The average altitude is about 900 meters above sea level. The common term mantinin refers to tibeka or its variant coffee beans grown in the mountains surrounding Lake Toba.

Gold Mandheling & Gold Top Mandheling on the market is better than ordinary Mandheling. Gold Mandheling is obviously different from ordinary Mandheling. Gold Mandheling raw beans are hand-selected for 3-4 times. The raw beans are larger and darker. The flat beans are neat. The flavor is yellow and thick with the aroma of honey cream. It is unique and irreplaceable in the coffee market.

1 Indonesian gold mantinen

2 Indonesia Lindong Mantenin Grade-1

3 Indonesia Tiger Mantenin Grade-1

Brazil has a lot too.

1. Brazil Xilado

2, Santos, Brazil

3, Brazil


When it comes to hand-brewed coffee, we have to talk about a classic collocation-Mamba coffee! As the name suggests, mamba coffee is a blend of indonesian mantinin and brazilian coffee.

To see what Mamba Blend really feels like and why it can be such a classic blend. We decided to try it with Linton Mantenin and Brazilian Red Bourbon!

Linton Mantinen and Brazilian Red Bourbon are both medium-dark roasted, and we put these two beans together in a 1:1 ratio.

[Cooking suggestion]

Recommended cooking method: hand brewing

Abrasion: 4 (Fuji R440)

Water temperature: 88°C

V60 filter cup, 17 grams of powder, water temperature 88 degrees, grinding 4, water powder ratio close to 1:14

30g water steams for 30s

Staging: water injection to 120ml, water cut off slowly to 230ml,

i.e. 30-120-230, total extraction time 1 50"


The dry aroma has some spice, herbal aromas, and the wet aroma has chocolate aromas.

The first part is soft fruit acid, the middle part is dark chocolate, the last part is typical of mantelin herbal flavor, caramel back sweet lasting.