Coffee review

Where can I buy fresh roasted coffee beans? is there any fresh coffee beans on Taobao? fresh coffee beans brand recommendation

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in online shopping to buy good coffee beans absolutely need certain skills, friends and editors to practice a pair of fiery eyes gold. What is the relationship between coffee bean oil and freshness? Should we buy fresh coffee beans with or without oil on the outside? Choose coffee

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In online shopping to buy good coffee beans absolutely need certain skills, friends quickly and Xiaobian together to develop a pair of fire eyes gold. What is the relationship between the "oil" of coffee beans and the freshness? Should we buy fresh coffee beans that are "oily" or "unoiled" in appearance?

The criteria for choosing coffee beans are similar to those for choosing tea. If you want the most expensive and exquisite tea, you need to go to the place of origin to buy the best quality new tea produced that year. The same is true of coffee, the top coffee beans, you often need to choose the origin of this variety of coffee, or entrust a special foreign supplier to buy.

● so, if you want to choose good fresh coffee beans, the choice of physical stores is relatively limited, and online shopping is a very good way. After receiving the beans bought online, how to judge whether the beans are fresh or not?

1. Look.

If you are buying individual coffee beans, grab a handful of beans with your hands, about 10 of them, to see if each bean has the same color, average grain size, and the same shape, so as to avoid buying shoddy products disguised as mixed beans. But if it is a comprehensive bean, it is a normal phenomenon that the size and color are different. Coffee beans produced by strong fire and deep roasting will produce oil. However, if the shallow baked beans produce oil, it means that it has gone bad, and it will not only reduce its aroma, but also appear astringent and sour taste.

Have you ever seen oily coffee beans? Why do some coffee beans have a shiny surface, while others are "dry and comfortable" without greasy? What is the relationship between the "oil" of coffee beans and the freshness? Should we buy coffee beans that are "oily" or "unoiled" in appearance?

● is not oil coffee oil.

These "oils" distributed evenly on the surface of coffee beans are actually not "oils", but water-soluble organic substances that look like oils. "Coffee oil" itself contains many aroma ingredients of coffee, which can be dissolved in water, so the surface of your brewed coffee will not be covered with greasy oil.

There are two reasons for ● to cause "oil beans".

Two reasons cause "oil beans" a) stale shallow baked beans b) fresh deep baked beans. The following in-depth discussion.

A) stale shallow baked beans

The "light baked beans", which are light in heat and light brown in appearance, are dry and will not produce oil after baking. About five days after it comes out of the oven (it may be shortened to one or two days at the height of summer), the phenomenon of "spot oil" begins to appear (dotted oil droplets appear on one side of the coffee bean) Please note: a little "spot oil" does not mean it is not fresh. sometimes the flavor of light-roasted coffee beans is at its peak. Continue to put, more than two weeks after the oven, the surface of shallow baked beans gradually covered with a uniform, thin and bright oil, the smell is not sweet, but with fuel consumption, at this time, the flavor of "shallow baked beans" has gone downhill and should be avoided.

B) fresh deep baked beans

The deep-baked beans with dark brown appearance show a slight glossy appearance after baking, and a large amount of oil begins to appear on the surface from the first day to the second day. The bright-looking "deep-baked beans" not only do not mean that they are not fresh, on the contrary, the deep-baked beans will gradually dry out three weeks after they come out of the oven, and finally become dry-flavored beans. Therefore, if you see coffee beans that are dry but dark brown in appearance, please pay special attention to whether they are marked with the date of baking, which is most likely to be spoiled beans.

Even if it is not fresh, the appearance of the "shallow baked beans" will gradually dry out after a long time (such as three months), and finally return to the dry and unoily appearance. Thus it can be seen that the appearance of oil is only a reference to judge the freshness of coffee beans, not absolutely.

First of all, please choose from the professional coffee roasters who have clearly marked date, brand reputation and emphasize fresh roasting. In addition, excellent coffee bags are usually designed with a "one-way exhaust valve" (a button-shaped hole in the top of the coffee bag) for coffee beans to discharge naturally occurring carbon dioxide. Point the one-way exhaust valve at the nose, gently squeeze the coffee bag and smell the gas. If it is a charming and fragrant coffee aroma, the freshness will not be a problem. On the contrary, if it does not smell strong enough, or even smells of smelly oil, it means that this bag of coffee has already gone bad and should be avoided.

● so why do coffee beans use one-way valve bags?

1. Roasted coffee beans are sealed and packaged in aluminum foil bags to prevent coffee beans from coming into contact with light and air, resulting in rapid fragrance emission and oxidation.

two。 The "one-way exhaust valve" coffee bag can insulate the light and air from outside the bag, so that the coffee beans can keep the fresh original taste of the coffee beans in the best state of preservation and packaging.

3. Roasted coffee beans will naturally emit carbon dioxide, such as accumulation in the bag will affect the quality of coffee beans, and the "one-way exhaust valve" on the bag can let the excess gas out of the bag, and the coffee can squeeze the bag to smell the fragrance.

This kind of packaging is to design a valve with a double-layer structure made of thin film on the seal of the bag. after loading the baked beans, the carbonic acid gas produced after baking will be discharged from the valve, and the outside gas can not enter the bag. can effectively maintain the original aroma and essence of roasted coffee beans. This is currently the most recommended packaging method for roasted coffee beans, and coffee products with this packaging should be selected as far as possible.

To put it more popularly, this air valve is only inaccessible. After roasting, coffee beans will produce gases such as carbon dioxide, which need to be discharged slowly. On the other hand, the one-way exhaust valve is encapsulated on the coffee bag, and a hole is pierced on the surface of the bag in the position of the one-way valve, so that the carbon dioxide precipitated from the baked coffee beans can be automatically discharged out of the bag, but the air from the outside can not enter the bag. It effectively ensures the dry and mellow flavor of coffee beans, and will not cause the bags to open because of the accumulation of carbon dioxide, and at the same time prevent coffee beans from being accelerated by external air.

two。 Smell

Smell whether the beans have the aroma of coffee beans, if so, it means the coffee beans are fresh enough. If the aroma is weak, or even a greasy smell like peanuts that will exist for a long time, it means that the beans are completely stale, and don't choose them, because no matter how much effort you put into it, you can't make good coffee.

3. Peel off

Peel the coffee bean by hand. If the bean is fresh enough, it is easy to peel it, accompanied by the sound of crispy ears. If the beans are not fresh, it takes a lot of effort to peel them off. After peeling off, you can see if the baking is uniform. If uniform, the skin and inner layer of coffee beans are the same color. If the surface color is much darker than the inner layer, it means that the roast may be too angry, which will also affect the aroma and taste of coffee beans.

4. Chew.

When choosing, it is best to chew one or two beans in your mouth. If the beans are crisp and crisp, it means the beans are not damp. In addition, it can make your teeth stay fragrant, and that is the top grade!

5. Whether there are enough bubbles when brewing.

Freshly roasted coffee beans, because the beans contain a lot of gas, strong respiration, in the extraction, the beans released gas, we see is a wonderful plump bubbles, there is a very vivid adjective, "blooming". Yes, when fresh coffee beans are extracted, clumps of rich bubbles bloom like flowers of this season. It is accompanied by the rich aroma of fresh coffee beans.

An in-depth study of whether the ● Bubble is abundant or not

During extraction, the richness of bubbles is positively related to freshness. The fresher the bubbles are, the more bubbles are. However, there is a premise for the same coffee bean. To be exact, it is the same raw beans, the same baking, the same operation.

The fullness of bubbles will be different between different coffee beans, or between different roasting degrees of the same coffee bean, or between different operating coefficients of the same coffee bean.

To sum up: the fresher the same coffee bean, the richer the bubbles; for the same coffee bean, deep roasting is more abundant than shallow roasting bubbles.

● [Note]:

Although we can not see the real object before the purchase, can not see, smell, peel, chew and other selection steps, but online shopping can still be selected from the following aspects, of course, these aspects are also applicable to physical stores.

A, place of origin

On the Internet, some stores may use coffee beans that are not of origin, such as Blue Mountain Coffee, but the origin is not Jamaica. However, this is not to say that coffee of non-origin is not good. Due to the different climate, the taste will be slightly different. In many cases, coffee from other places of origin is cheaper. If you are not very picky, it is OK to taste the taste from different places.

B, packing date

Pay attention to whether the packing date is recent. In general, the shelf life of raw coffee beans is one to two years, and the shelf life of cooked beans after roasting is within a month, so choose freshly roasted coffee beans and use them up during the shelf life after purchase. only in this way can you enjoy the most charming aroma and rich taste of coffee.

C, Store and Brand

Needless to say, some coffees may be mixed with other kinds of coffee in order to reduce costs. So be careful. For example, in the more expensive coffee beans mixed with cheap coffee beans, or in the good quality coffee beans mixed with the same variety but poor quality coffee beans, which will seriously affect the taste. So when buying coffee beans, you should try to choose a guaranteed store or brand.

Or look at the evaluation index of netizens.

● fresh coffee bean brand recommendation

Qianjie coffee freshly roasted single product-Italian fresh coffee beans: Yega Sheffield Coffee, Brazilian Coffee, Manning Coffee and so on are fully guaranteed in brand and quality, suitable for brewing with all kinds of utensils. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only 80-90 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 grams of powder per cup of hand-brewed coffee, 15 cups of coffee can be made in a bag, and each cup of coffee costs only about 6 yuan, which is very cost-effective for the normal price of 30 or 40 yuan a cup in a cafe.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://