Coffee review

Growing environment and history of AA coffee beans, a small farmer in Mbeya town, Shiviwaka producing area, Tanzania? Front street

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Tanzania Shiviwaka producing area Mbeya small farmer AA coffee bean growing environment and history? How to brew Tanzanian coffee in Qianjie? Shiviwaka is the Swahili language of the Tanzania Coffee Farmers' Association registered as a farmer's own non-governmental organization in 2009.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Growing environment and history of AA coffee beans, a small farmer in Mbeya town, Shiviwaka producing area, Tanzania? How to brew Tanzanian coffee in Qianjie?

Shiviwaka is the Swahili language of the Tanzania Coffee Farmers' Association registered as a farmer's own non-governmental organization in 2009. It represents the interests of 8500 farmers organized by six different groups in the Mbeya,Mbozi,Busokelo,Ileje and Rugwe areas. Small farmers in Shiviwaka own an average of 1.5 acres of coffee, especially in Mbeya, where the average annual rainfall is about. 1500 mm. The association is building a strong partnership with Sucafina to ensure the sustainability of the farm. Coffee production in Tanzania is concentrated in five major geographical areas of Tanzania. In the north (Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Tarim), in the west (Kighoma and Kagera) and in the south (Mbeya, Sonway, Iringa, Njoum and Ruvuma).

In the past few years, Mbeya's coffee has really become very noteworthy. Tanzania is famous for its Peaberry coffee, but this AA from Shiviwaka Co-op in Tanzania is one of our best African coffees this year. The new season and new baking profile, which we think is our exotic espresso, has been used as a filter since the beginning of last year. The unique aroma from its character is interestingly orange, with some dry spices ending in a smooth cocoa flavor.

Shiviwaka is the Swahili language of the Tanzania Coffee Farmers' Association registered as a farmer's own non-governmental organization in 2009. It represents the interest of 8500 farmers organized by six different groups in the Mbeya,Mbozi,Busokelo,Ileje and Rugwe areas.

Small farmers in Shiviwaka own an average of 1.5 acres of land under coffee, especially in Mbeya, with an average annual rainfall of about 1500 mm.

Region: Mbeya

Altitude: 1560 m.

Variety: Kent, bourbon

Cooperatives / groups: Usongwe AMCOS


Farmers in Usongwe mainly grow Arabica varieties grown by their ancestors. Kent and Bourbon are the most common, and are getting closer with the introduction of Compact.

Kent is considered to be a natural mutation of Typica originally found in India and is known to be more Hemileia vastatrix aka Coffee Leaf Rust than Typica itself. Typica is the backbone of most specialty coffee in the world. The first plantations planted in the United States and Asia belong to the Typica variety. The cup character of Typica is usually well balanced and may be a little complicated. It is highly transparent and can maintain enough sweetness to interest you in ​​ even if your coffee gets cold. Even if I didn't get a chance to taste Kent isolation, I suspect it has cup features similar to those of the classic Typica.

Processing: thoroughly wash and dry the bed in Africa

The origin of the name is based on the surrounding area and the nearby Usongwe Valley.

Farmers in Usongwe have mature, well-maintained trees, with an average age of about 20-35. Usually they lose productivity earlier, but the trees remain productive because of regular pruning and other agricultural practices. The genetic pedigree of coffee varieties should also be recognized.

Coffee was found on Bourbon (an island east of Madagascar, now known as Reunion) and brought to the island by the French from Yemen. Bourbon is vulnerable to all major diseases and pests, making it more difficult for farmers to become profitable crops in some countries and / or regions. The cup is of very good quality, with high acidity and clean, sweet taste, which will remain in this state when cooled.

The United Republic of Tanzania Coffee Research Institute (TACRI) has been very active in developing and distributing varieties resistant to coffee pulp disease (CBD) and coffee leaf rust that have existed in the past, and farmers are increasingly using these varieties because of their resistance. Compact is one of these new varieties, which is widely used in rural areas because of its high resistance to coffee pulp disease.

Usongwe producers handle their coffee at home. On average, most families' cafes are only a 15-to 30-minute walk from their small factories. During harvest, the coffee fruit is brought to a small pulper and pulped by hand within 7 hours after picking. The cherries are sorted, made into fermentors, and then fermented in clean water for about three days. On the fourth day, remove the coffee from the jar and wash off all traces of mucus (the residue of sticky fruit around the seeds), then soak it again in clean water for another 24 hours. Soaking is said to help increase sweetness, which is a common practice, especially in Kenya.

Flavor: honey, grapes and vanilla have a creamy palate and delicate grape acidity. It seems to be very general, but there is no obvious and more complex acidity. Texture and sweetness seem to dominate, and it's so wonderful.

Qianjie coffee is recommended for brewing:

Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 90 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji degree of grinding 4

Cooking methods: the ratio of water to powder is 1:15, 15g powder, the first injection of 25g water, 25 s steaming, the second injection to 120g water cut off, waiting for the powder bed water to half and then water injection, slow water injection until 225g water, extraction time about 2:00

Analysis: using three-stage brewing to clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. Because V60 has many ribs and the drainage speed is fast, it can prolong the extraction time when the water is cut off.