Coffee review

Coffee roasting at home the process of roasting coffee with a hand net

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Required materials: mobile network, bought in the small shop beside the market. I don't know what to call it, but don't tell the shopkeeper you're looking for a mobile network. Gas stove coffee raw bean scale, I bought it when I was baking cake, but I don't have to. Stopwatch, my old Motorola installed a stopwatch software, you don't have to. 1. A picture of the mobile network. I put a color page the size of A4 paper as a reference. This

Required materials:

Hand net, bought in a small shop beside the market. I don't know what to call it, but don't tell the shopkeeper you're looking for a mobile network.

Gas stove

Raw coffee beans

Scale, I bought it when I was baking cake. I don't have to.

Stopwatch, my old Motorola installed a stopwatch software, can not be used.

1. A picture of the mobile network. I put a color page the size of A4 paper as a reference.

This is the hand net I first bought, which is relatively large, similar to an ordinary size iron pot. I bought it at the small grocery store next to my vegetable market. It's actually very convenient to use, and you can bake it directly with this one, but it takes a lot of effort to make the coffee beans turn over and over as the chef does when he cooks. The disadvantages are, on the one hand, they are tired, on the other hand, the silver skin of coffee flies about when they are roasting; on the one hand, they can exercise, on the other hand, they can exercise "jolting pot". No kidding. After baking more than a dozen pots of beans with this hand net, I can easily stir up the food with my home spoon. It's a cool move. Hehe, this is a surprise for me.

This is the hand net I use now, which is smaller than the one just now, and I bought two, buckle them together after a little deformation, and fix them with a clip. In this way, the silver skin can be kept from flying when baking, and the coffee beans can be shaken more quickly and relatively effortlessly, and the coffee beans can be roasted evenly.

It may be easier to see the deformation of the left half, but in fact, the bottom of the right half is also deformed, pressing it on the washboard and pressing out some edges and corners, so that when the coffee beans roll inside, they are easy to flip and heat evenly.

I used to drink Kenya AA, but today I want to bake manning. These two kinds of beans are my favorites.

The Manning in my hand. From the color, we can see that the water content is still relatively high. As for the appearance, to quote an elder in the coffee industry: Indonesian beans, that's it.

In fact, as far as Manning is concerned, this is already a good appearance. Manning 160g

I pick and choose. Pick out 8g defective beans.

This is one of the reasons why I insist on baking at home. Outside bakeries, SB and other large chains, if not all, at least 99%, will not pick beans. What it looks like, just bake it. In my experience, no matter how high-grade beans are, there will inevitably be worm beans and chopped beans, and even worse, moldy beans and so on. Just one bad bean will make your coffee taste worse. Therefore, picking beans is a very important step.

After picking the beans, put the net, put the two pieces of hand net together, fix the clip, and bake on the gas stove.

With regard to the heat source for baking, all kinds of heat sources are fine. The gas stove in my house is made of natural gas, so I use it directly. Some people say it's best not to use gas, but I think it doesn't matter; others like to use electric heaters, whatever. Oh, the induction cooker doesn't seem to work, hehe.

Turn on the fire for about 10 seconds and burn the dust in the beans. Then the medium heat is a little lower, and there is a fire in the inner ring and a fire in the outer ring on my gas stove. In this case, dehydrate the beans. At the same time, keep shaking beans, horizontal circle. Of course, if I use the hand net in my first picture, I will keep jiggling the beans here. At this time, you smell carefully, and as time goes by, you will smell different flavors of beans:

At first it was the smell of grass, well, it should be said to be the smell of grass when mowing the lawn.

And then the smell of hay.

Later, the taste of hay faded and a hint of chocolate began to appear.

The aroma of chocolate is getting stronger and stronger, and it should have been more than 10 minutes by this time. I usually control the firepower to let this time be about 15 minutes. It's 14 points today.

At 14: 00, I turned up my firepower, and at the same time, I paid attention to shaking the hand net quickly so that the beans were fully heated and burst.

There are two bursts when coffee beans are roasted. The first time it is called the first explosion, the second time it is called the second explosion. The sound of the two explosions of different beans is different. For the same kind of beans, the sound of the first burst is louder and the sound of the second burst is smaller. The sound of the first explosion is more like the sound of "snapping", and the sound of the second explosion is more like the sound of "thunderbolt".)

After entering the first explosion, I turned the fire down a little bit, the explosion was dense, and then stopped without sound. After another half a minute or so, we entered the second explosion.

I wanted to bake Mantenin a little deeper but not too bitter, so in the middle of the second explosion, when the explosion was dense, I stopped. It was 16 minutes and 45 seconds.

Turn off the heat, take off the clip, and pour the beans into a large container to let the wind blow and cool quickly. The job is done. The kitchen is filled with the smell of coffee, which is a mixture of chocolate and roasted sweet potatoes. This fragrance can last all afternoon, well, it's so beautiful.