Coffee review

How to distinguish Blue Mountain Coffee beans from Blue Mountain Coffee beans _ how does Blue Mountain Coffee taste

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) people who know about coffee may have heard of Blue Mountain Coffee and know that it is famous and precious. Looking ahead, supermarkets and cafes have put up signs saying that they are Blue Mountain Coffee or Blue Mountain flavor coffee beans, but more than 90% of them are related to the real Blue Mountain Coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Anyone who knows anything about coffee may have heard of Blue Mountain Coffee and know that it is famous and precious. Looking ahead, supermarkets and cafes have put up signs saying "Blue Mountain Coffee" or "Blue Mountain flavor coffee beans", but more than 90% of them have nothing to do with the real Blue Mountain Coffee.

In fact, real Blue Mountain coffee is very rare. 90% of the blue mountain coffee on the domestic market is fake, or can only be said to be "blue mountain flavor" coffee, not the real blue mountain coffee.

Will you open your mouth wide in surprise when you see this? Qianjie Coffee benefits fans. Today I will explain in detail how to distinguish and drink real Blue Mountain Coffee.

● is not everyone can order Blue Mountain Coffee.

Blue Mountain is produced in Jamaica, the full name is "Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee" (Jamaica Blue Mountain). Many connoisseurs believe that Blue Mountain Coffee is one of the best coffee in the world. It has a good balance of acid, sugar, alcohol and bitterness. It tastes fragrant and tastes very smooth and unique.

The producing area of coffee that can produce this flavor is not covered, and the growing environment of Blue Mountain Coffee is not very abnormal, but it must be said to be very harsh. Blue Mountain Coffee must only be grown in designated areas of Andrew, St. Thomas and Portland in Jamaica.

The common feature of these three areas of ● is that they are all located in the eastern part of the island mountain and are all between 2000 feet and 5000 feet above sea level. Only in this high-altitude environment, coffee beans can reach a certain density, can be called authentic Blue Mountain coffee.

The Blue Mountain Coffee is also a certification mark for global protection, and the Jamaican authorities will certify and test the exported Blue Mountain Coffee. Here are the official signs.

So, now you know, Jamaica, an island country in the Caribbean, has a total area of only 109.91 million square kilometers, and there is only so little place to grow blue mountain coffee. therefore, the average annual coffee production in Jamaica is only 15000 bags (the uniform unit of international coffee volume, about 60 kilograms per bag).

If you have no idea, take a look at the average output of the following other coffee-producing countries:

Brazil: annual output of 50 million bags

Indonesia: annual output of 9.7 million bags

Colombia: annual output of 10.5 million bags

Ethiopia: annual output of 3.4 million bags

So, now you know the basic reason for "scarcity is precious"?

● Why is 90% of Blue Mountain Coffee in China a fake?

Is it possible that coffee cannot be grown in other parts of Jamaica except the slapped places mentioned above? When! Of course! No, no! Yes!

The climate of Jamaica itself is very suitable for the growth of coffee. Coffee beans grown at low elevations and in other areas can only be called "Jamaican mountain beans" or "Jamaican water-washed beans". Compared with the Jamaican Blue Mountains, the flavor is much different from that of Jamaica. because coffee is not dense enough! Therefore, these beans require very high accuracy in baking, and standard roasting will only make these beans too black to show the tropical coffee flavor of Blue Mountain. So even if you see the words "Jamaica" and "Blue Mountain" on the bag, it doesn't mean you've bought the real Blue Mountain coffee, probably the above two.

More than 90% of the world's Blue Mountain coffee has fallen into the Japanese bag. There is nothing we can do about it. People have foresight. In 1969, the Japanese company UCC invested in the troubled cultivation of coffee in Jamaica, which signed a contract with Japan in 1972 to provide 90% of its annual production to the Japanese market, with the remaining 10% released to Europe and the United States. This is the real reason why there is no formal channel before, which makes our people feel that drinking a cup of Blue Mountain is very high. UCC exports everywhere, drag to their company's Blue Mountain coffee do not use the CIB certification logo, as long as recognize the UCC trademark.

In recent years, the Jamaican people have gradually realized that the prospect of our greater China market is boundless, and they have also begun to gradually reduce the supply share of the Japanese market. At present, the only certified general generation in China is Zhejiang Dan Shirui. Even so, it is still unlikely that authentic Blue Mountain coffee can be bought in domestic supermarkets. The author mentions again: the so-called "comprehensive blue mountain", "matching blue mountain", "blue mountain flavor" and "blue mountain style" in the domestic market have nothing to do with blue mountain coffee. Businesses with a bit of conscience will use other kinds of coffee beans, such as Columbia, to simulate the taste of the Blue Mountain.

What if I want to drink Blue Mountain Coffee?

● is now economically developed and the Internet is smooth, so it is not impossible to drink Blue Mountain. There are several channels for you to choose from:

Go to Hong Kong to buy the Blue Mountain produced by UCC or the formal online shopping platform to buy the Blue Mountain produced by UCC. This guarantee is true. Some friends buy 250 grams in Hong Kong for about 170 yuan, while Amazon 200 grams of Lanshan No. 1 coffee beans sell for nearly 300 yuan.

To buy from Zhejiang Danshirui, the only certified general agent in China.

Find some bakers who are qualified for baking in Jamaica to buy it on Taobao. This really depends on your character and baking level. If you are not familiar with it, you'd better not take risks.

Drink when you go to Japan

Let friends abroad bring beans with human flesh.

When ● brings beans, please identify the following companies or estates certified by the Jamaican authorities:


Mavis Bank (belonging to Jablum Group)



Wallenford, formerly the commercial arm of the Jamaica Coffee Authority, was privatized after 2013


Moy Hall

The only cooperative coffee cooperative in the country



The rising star in recent years, together with Mavis Bank, is the largest export company in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. I'm so sorry, but I can't find this picture.


Clifton Mount Estate

(output is still small)


RSW Estate

It is composed of three manors called Resource Estate,Sherwood Forest Estate,Whitfield Hall Estate.


Old Inn Manor (Old Tavern Estate)

● can also find more authorized export certification companies and distributors announced on CIB's website

In fact, the forced symbol of the Blue Mountains in China is directly related to the "hunger effect" caused by the lack of channels in China. In the international market, due to the intensification of competition in the boutique coffee industry in recent years, the status of Blue Mountain is not as good as it used to be. However, because of its low output and high cost, Blue Mountain has achieved mediocre results in international competitions in recent years with frequent disasters, and the performance-to-price ratio is really average. If you really want to taste the island flavor, you can also try Hawaiian Cona, which belongs to the same variety and is also longer than the island, so the quality is more stable.

For you who are obsessed with Blue Mountain Coffee, that's all we can do!

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://