Coffee review

[unique wet planing] the smell of Manning in Aceh, Sumatra? Sumatra Mante

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) [unique wet plane treatment] the taste of Manning in Aceh, Sumatra? The story of the origin of Sumatra Mantenin coffee beans? Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world. Arabica coffee was introduced into the Netherlands during the colonial period in the 18th century and was grown until modern times.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

[unique wet planing] the smell of Manning in Aceh, Sumatra? The story of the origin of Sumatra Mantenin coffee beans?

Indonesia is the largest archipelago country in the world. Arabica coffee was introduced and planted during the Dutch colonial period in the 18th century, until it became the top five coffee producing country in the world in modern times. the main producing areas are Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi. The northern part of Sumatra is relatively high above sea level. Aceh, where Lake Tawar is located, and North Sumatra, where Lake Toba is located, are two major Arabica coffee producing areas. Aceh province, located in the northeast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra (Sumatera), is adjacent to two important coffee producing areas in Indonesia: the Gayo Mountains and Lake LakeToba. The coffee tree species it grows is Arabica, which is also known as Mandheling in northern Sumatra. In just two weeks, we mainly visited the Gayo coffee bean producing area in Benermeriah County.

There is a unique global way to handle coffee in Indonesia, which is called "wet shelling". This special treatment can only be found in Indonesia. As the name implies, coffee beans are shelled before they are dried, and the wet coffee beans continue to be dried to 12% to 13% before they are exported. Aceh Mijaya is located on the hillside of the lake, about 1200-1400 meters above sea level. Coffee grows along the hillside, and it is even more necessary to resist the oncoming strong winds on the lake. Before the raw beans are exported, they are specially arranged to go through three hand-selected defects in the dry processing plant. In the presentation of flavor, in addition to the typical rich taste of Indonesia, it also has charming citrus acidity, a lingering aftertaste, a lively factor in a mild fragrance, a leaping slight acid mixed with the most intense aroma, and a lingering aftertaste.

Indonesia straddles both sides of the equator, the hot and humid rainforest climate is rich in rainfall, and there are fertile volcanic loam soil that bring rich nutrients to coffee. However, due to the remote and inconvenient transportation, coffee was not planted until 1924. Most of them adopt organic cultivation with traditional shade and no pesticides. The local climate is humid, and the shelled beans are initially washed and fermented, and the moisture content of raw beans is still 30% and 50% after 2 days of exposure, that is, peeling off the seed shell and then continuing to dry, so as to shorten the drying schedule of raw beans; after about 2 days of drying, the moisture content of raw coffee beans can be reduced to 12%. This unique semi-washing method in Indonesia is called Giling Basah by locals, also known as wet stripping (wet-hulled).

The Sumatran Arabica coffee, commonly known as Mantenin, comes from the local ancient aboriginal people. it is rumored that the Japanese occupied Sumatra in the 1940s, and a soldier was surprised by the coffee he drank in North Sumatra. and ask the locals what kind of coffee it is. However, due to the lack of language, the other party misunderstood him to ask him who he was, and replied that he belonged to the Mandaining tribe. Later, it became Mantenin because of the mispronunciation, which became synonymous with Sumatran coffee under the difference between yin and yang.

Producing area: Aceh Province, North Sumatra

Producer: local small farmers

Treatment method: wet peeling treatment

Classification: 15 Mutual 18 items

Altitude: 1000 Murray 1600m

Varieties: Catimor, Caturra, Typica, Sidikalong

Flavor: fresh-cut Chinese fir, cream, roasted almonds, licorice, dark chocolate, thick taste

Because of the wet relationship at the beginning, the "wet shelled" coffee is easy to produce a lot of defective beans, so the vast majority of 'Manning' coffee is used as commercial beans, but if handled well, which kind of delicacy is inconceivable. It is a very special "exotic flavor" that no other coffee can drink.

Qianjie recommended cooking:

Filter cup: KONO filter cup

Water temperature: 88 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji degree of grinding 4

Cooking method: the ratio of water to flour is 1:14, 17g powder, 25g water for the first time, steaming for 30s, and 238g water for the second time. The extraction time is about 2:30 seconds.

Analysis: there are not many ribs at the bottom of the Kono cup, and the filter paper clings to the filter cup to achieve the purpose of limiting air flow, which can make water and coffee powder have longer contact soaking time in the filter cup and ensure the extraction time and extraction rate of rough grinding. In this way, the coffee powder can be fully extracted, enhance the mellow taste and make the taste more concentrated.

Flavor: well balanced, clean, thick and solid on the palate, with a long dark chocolate finish.