Coffee review

Geographical location of Nalingong coffee producing area in Colombia? What kind of treatment does Nalinglong coffee use?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Colombia Na Linglong coffee production area geographical location? What kind of treatment does Nalinglong coffee use? Colombia is currently the third largest coffee producer in the world, after Brazil and Vietnam. Commercial beans were first cultivated in the 1830s, and coffee accounted for export farmers in the 20th century.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What is the location of Columbia's Linglong coffee producing area? How do you treat Nalinglong coffee?

Colombia is currently the third largest coffee producer in the world, after Brazil and Vietnam. It first planted commercial beans in the 1830s. In the 20th century, coffee accounted for the largest export crop. The mountainous terrain, coupled with a variety of tropical microclimate, provides an ideal planting environment. 75% of the total output is sold abroad, making it the most important source of foreign exchange earnings. Nalinglong Nari ñ o is located in the western corner of Colombia, which is the highest part of the country. Coffee grows on the alpine slopes facing the sea in the west. This area is the main supplier of Starbucks coffee. Only the coffee beans at the top of small farms have a chance to flow out. It has the reputation of the Holy Grail. Coffee goes directly to the selection of beans from very small farms.

The Nalinglong region is located in the Andes at the junction of Ecuador and southeastern Colombia. The natural geographical environment divides the Nalinglong producing area into three major topography, the first is the plains along the Pacific coast, the second is the Amazon basin, and then the Andes mountains. The Nalinglong producing area, located near the equator at latitude 0 ℃, receives almost the same number of sunshine hours every day throughout the year, with an average sunshine duration of nearly 2, 000 hours a year.

At the same time, the location and geographical environment, the average annual temperature suitable for coffee growth, the stable temperature change in the morning and evening, the annual rainfall, and the soil rich in organic matter make the coffee trees in Nalinglong producing area thrive at very high altitude. it has an obvious effect on the flavor and aroma of coffee.

Nalinglong coffee producing area is produced by 37 cities in Nalinglong province. The Nalinglong producing area is near the equator at latitude 0 ℃. It receives almost the same number of sunshine hours every day throughout the year, with an average sunshine time of 1666 hours per year. At the same time, the location and geographical environment of the producing area, the average annual temperature suitable for coffee growth, the stable temperature change in the morning and evening and the annual rainfall make the coffee trees with rich soil organic matter in Nalinglong producing area can also thrive at very high altitude. it has a significant effect on the flavor and aroma of coffee. The number of sunshine hours received is almost the same throughout the year, with an average sunshine duration of 1666 hours per year. At the same time, the location and geographical environment of the producing area, the average annual temperature suitable for coffee growth, the stable temperature change in the morning and evening and the annual rainfall make the coffee trees with rich soil organic matter in Nalinglong producing area can also thrive at very high altitude. it has a significant effect on the flavor and aroma of coffee.

Traditionally ripe coffee cherries are washed with water. In the past 15 years, the Coffee Research Center in Colombia has developed a system to protect the ecological environment, which requires almost no water treatment, which can reduce water pollution by 90% and reduce water consumption by 95%. This treatment can not only effectively maintain the ecology, but also improve the quality. Small farms sprinkle shelled coffee beans on the flat roof of their homes. Bask in the sun. Colombia has a good climate and a large temperature difference, and from a regional point of view, it produces almost all the year round. The main harvest time is from October of each year to February of the following year, and November and December are harvest periods. The main varieties include Kaddura Caturra, Columbia Colombia, Tibica Tipica, Bourbon Bourbon, Elephant Bean Maragogype, and Tabi. Farms and cooperatives across the country, big or small, are distributed in more than 500000 towns and 14 major coffee producing areas-including Nalinglong Nari ñ o, Cauca of Cauca, Meta of Meta, Huila of Uila, Tolima of Tolima, Quindio of Kindio, Caldas of Caldas, Risaralda of Lisalda. Antioquia in Antioquia, Valle in Valley, Cundinamarca in Cundinamarca, Boyac á in Boyaca, Santander in Santander and Norte de Santander in North Santander. A total of 2 million Colombians depend on coffee cultivation for a living, contributing 12.5 per cent to local agricultural gross domestic product (GDP).

Colombian coffee is classified mainly according to the size of raw beans. 16Mur18 is called Supremo,14--16 for Excelso, and less than 14 is divided into Usual Good Quality. This batch belongs to Excelso, but the size of coffee particles is not the only standard that determines the quality of coffee. Colombian coffee is always popular for its well-balanced taste and bright and active acidity, while coffee from Nalinglong is famous for its strong aroma and sweetness.

Flavor: the palate is mellow and smooth, with strong fruit aromas and sweet fruit flavors. if you like light roaster, you can taste her bright soft acidity, fruit and sweetness.

Qianjie recommended cooking:

Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 90 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji 3.5

Cooking methods: the ratio of water to powder is 1:15, 15g powder, the first injection of 25g water, 25 s steaming, the second injection to 120g water cut off, waiting for the powder bed water to half and then water injection, slow water injection until 225g water, extraction time about 2:00

Analysis: using three-stage brewing to clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. Because the V60 has many ribs and the drainage speed is fast, it can prolong the extraction time when the water is cut off.