Coffee review

Costa Rican Diamond Series Coffee Bean Story grand cru series Rose Summer Honey treatment characteristics

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) when it comes to honey treatment, we have to mention Costa Rican coffee, you know, we can drink a wide variety of honey-treated coffee on the market today, Costa Rica is contributing a lot. The dedication of the landowners to coffee is reflected in the wide variety of honey treatments in Colombia.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When it comes to honey treatment, we have to mention Costa Rican coffee. Costa Rica is contributing a lot to know that we can drink a wide variety of honey-treated coffee on the market today. The dedication of the landowners to coffee is reflected in the wide variety of honey treatment of Costa Rican coffee. Moreover, not every country has strict laws that allow only Arabica coffee beans to be grown in the country, treating Robusta as "contraband", which is the only thing in the world.

What is Costa Rican coffee honey treatment?

There are three common ways to treat coffee, which are sun exposure, water washing and honey treatment. The sun drying method, which is also the most traditional method of coffee treatment, directly insolates the coffee beans after harvest.

The washing rule is that after the coffee pulp is removed by machine, the pectin attached to the cowhide shell of coffee beans is removed by fermentation and washing, and finally the coffee beans with only cowhide shells are dried by machine or sunlight.

Honey treatment is also a compromise between sun exposure and washing, removing the middle fermentation process and directly drying coffee beans with pectin. Because the process requires enough patience and manpower, the price is generally higher.

The Blue Volcano is located in the valley of western Costa Rica. Because of its excellent geographical environment, the microclimate of its area has created the perfect coffee fruit and excellent flavor, which greatly increases the chances of getting the C.O.E winning manor. The estate is located next to the Azul volcano and has a history of more than a hundred years. At the end of the 19th century, the Kahle family emigrated from Mexico to Costa Rica and the local Alejo family in Columbia, because they had a common goal: "to produce the best coffee in the world." they chose to launch their coffee dream together in the New World. Now the manor is managed by the sixth-generation Alejo Castro, mainly producing micro-batches of varieties, picking coffee fruits manually and selecting them again by hand, leaving only the ripe bright red parts. In addition to working to improve the quality of coffee, the manor owner is well aware of the importance of ecological conservation. By buying more than 1500 acres of rainforest, he not only preserves the gift of the God of the Earth for his children, but also hopes to do something to slow down global warming.

Costa Rican Rosa Coffee: Diamond Hill Manor (Finca Montanas del Diamante)

□ Variety: Rose Summer

□ altitude: 1750 Murray 1850 meters

□ treatment: red honey treatment

□ level: SHB

□ Costa Rican rose summer coffee flavor description: sweet jujube, brown sugar and sugar cane sweet, caramel cocoa, round sour, smooth taste …

□ Diamond Hill Manor (Finca Montanas del Diamante) is located in Tarrazu, DotaValley producing area. Coffee is planted in 1850 meters above sea level. The main variety is RedCatuai. The estate is owned by the Gutierrez family and covers an area of about 50 hectares.