Coffee review

El Salvador | Santa Ana Los Andes Los Andes Manor Honey treatment S in Santa Ana volcanic area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) El Salvador | Santa Ana volcanic area Santa Ana Los Andes Los Andes manor honey treatment SL28 flavor? Los Andes Manor-Los Andes farm, not far from Santa Ana (Santa Ana), about 1 hour away if the weather is fine

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

El Salvador | San Ana volcanic area Santa Ana Los Andes Los Andes Manor Honey treated SL28 flavor?

Los Andes Manor-Los Andes farm, not far from the city of Santa Ana (Santa Ana). If the weather is good, it will take more than 1 hour to arrive. In fact, the city of Santa Ana is at the foot of the Santa Ana volcanic area. Since 2002, we have been to this area frequently. We have discovered many excellent estates in the Santa Ana volcanic area, such as the legendary Neto. The four estates he is proud of-Neverland, Brumas, Alaska and Los Andes-are all around the volcano. They are all outstanding estates that have won CoE awards, winning two championships and four Top 10. Nate has won more awards than I can count. Nate's four estates are all Orsir Direct Trade Coffee (Osher DT).

Los Andes, with an average elevation of more than 1720 meters, is located in the town of Palo Campana, Santa Ana volcano. The name of the manor comes from the national park. Los Andes,5J; Manor is not far from the entrance to the national park. Neto and I often go to the Arbor in the national park to eat sandwiches. There are towering pine and cypress trees near Los Andes Volcano National Park, and the surrounding soil types are very diverse and the composition is also different. coupled with the changeable temperature and wind direction, especially located in the high altitude area, the nearby mountains are full of opportunities and challenges. Nate thinks it is a paradise for growing quality coffee. When Nate bought Los Andes in 2007, when he entered the estate, he looked up to coffee trees more than 45 years old, 35 per cent of which were SL-28 species of Kenya and 65 per cent of which were red bourbon species (Red Bourbon).

The Kenyan SL28 species can breed in El Salvador, which has attracted a lot of attention. In terms of flavor, the Kenyan species has a strong Kenyan bright berry flavor than the traditional bourbon, which is rare in bourbon beans. In addition, the apple and chocolate flavors that used to be common in Bourbon are still maintained, which gives the Kenyan species a new style, but not as sour and sweet as Kenya. The entrance is obvious, thick and varied, and it is still consistent with the coffee trees planted in Kenya, the ancestors. The introduction of the Kenyan species into the Santa Ana volcanic area of Kenya dates back to 50 years ago, when the De Sola family brought back a large bag of shelled coffee on a hunting trip to Kenya, revealing the history of Kenyan species breeding in the country. It did not attract much attention at that time, all the way to several nearby estates, attracting the attention of the boutique circle with its unique Kenyan style. Another famous manor, including Nate, was successively in the CoE competition. Winning with the Kenyan species only set off a Kenyan style, and even affected Guatemala, including champion estates such as Incht, to start planting Kenyan SL28 varieties.

Manor location: Santa Ana, Santa Ana volcanic area

Name of the manor: Los Andes

Landowner: Juan Jose é Ernesto Men é ndez Arg ü ello

Altitude: 1720 m

Variety: Kenya SL28

Treatment method: honey treatment method

Shade trees: Pepeto Peludo, Pinos y Cipres

Average annual rainfall: 2200 mm

Average annual temperature: 15 °C

Soil quality: Sandy Loam

Dry fragrance: honey, bitter chocolate, caramel, plums, blackberries

Wet fragrance: obvious aroma, orange chocolate, sweet spices, berries

Sipping: clean and delicate, strawberry, juicy, green apple, peach, white grape, manor chocolate, caramel sweet, long-lasting Kenyan dark berry flavor, good sweet almond aroma.

Qianjie recommended cooking:

Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 90 degrees

Degree of grinding: small Fuji 3.5

Cooking methods: the ratio of water to powder is 1:15, 15g powder, the first injection of 25g water, 25 s steaming, the second injection to 120g water cut off, waiting for the powder bed water to half and then water injection, slow water injection until 225g water, extraction time about 2:00

Analysis: using three-stage brewing to clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. Because V60 has many ribs and the drainage speed is fast, it can prolong the extraction time when the water is cut off.