Coffee review

How to roast coffee beans how to roast coffee just right

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Since the Arabs discovered the coffee beans, the first way to eat them is to put the whole fruit of the coffee into the mouth and chew it to get its juice. Later, they ground the coffee beans from the fruit and mixed them with animal fat as a physical supplement for caravans to trade far away. After that, around 1000 AD, it was changed to the method of boiling raw beans into soup. Until 13.

Since the Arabs discovered the coffee beans, the first way to eat them is to put the whole fruit of the coffee into the mouth and chew it to get its juice.

Later, they ground the coffee beans from the fruit and mixed them with animal fat as a physical supplement for caravans to trade far away.

After that, around 1000 AD, it was changed to the method of boiling raw beans into soup. It was not until the 13th century that the Arabs invented the method of roasting coffee beans, so that the charming aroma of coffee was completely pulled out, so that coffee was no longer just a pick-me-up, but a worldwide drink.

Generally speaking, according to the division of baking degree, the roughest can be divided into three stages: shallow stir-frying, medium stir-frying and deep frying. Coffee beans can cause subtle changes in taste and flavor due to different degrees of roasting.

Generally speaking, if the baking degree is shallow, the sour taste is heavier. With the deepening of the baking degree, the sour taste will gradually disappear, and the bitter taste will become more prominent. What kind of roasting degree can give birth to the most delicious coffee? In fact, the depth of baking must be based on the types, characteristics, brewing methods, usage and, most importantly, personal preferences, to determine the most appropriate baking degree.