Coffee review

Analysis of Deep roasting of Coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/19, Including French (French). Continental (continental) Aafter Dinner (after dinner). Italian (Italian).

Among them, the French-baked coffee beans will have a kind of black dark brown on the surface, while the Italian-baked coffee beans will have an obvious glossy surface. Espresso is usually made from deep-roasted coffee, on the one hand, to taste the coffee after adding milk, cream, or chocolate, and the strong flavor of a small amount of coffee can also help people drink less.

Deep baking, the darker the color of coffee beans, sweet flavor, oil has been turned into caramel, bitterness. Endless aftertaste, the most suitable for brewing strong Italian espresso, so it is also called Italian baking method.

Moderate baking gives coffee beans life and turns into an intriguing sour, sweet and bitter taste. However, people who are sensitive to caffeine should choose the beans that accompany them as much as possible, because during the baking process, the caffeine will slowly disappear, so the deeper the beans, the lower the caffeine content. It is said that the caffeine content in each cup of Italian thick-locked coffee is only half that of other baked coffee.

The color of beans baked in Vienna is darker than that in Chinese, while French baking, Italian baking and mainland baking are dark brown, close to black, producing attractive mellow bitterness, such as espresso.