Coffee review

Columbia perfect Manor Arabica Mother Coffee tastes good? what is Arabica Mother?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) there is a coffee variety in the world that is rare, the output is rare, the price is expensive, people who have drunk it will say that it doesn't taste like coffee at all, people around the world use such words to describe it, such words as milk cereal, peach juice, black rice tea, purple potato ice cream, rose-flavored cow.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

There is such a kind of coffee in the world

The variety is rare, the output is rare, the price is high.

People who have drunk will say

It doesn't taste like coffee.

The taste is complicated.

People all over the world use such words to describe it.

Milk cereal, peach juice, black rice tea, purple potato ice cream, rose-flavored milk, butter, marshmallow, litchi, popcorn, basil, sweet tea, mangosteen, cream, raisin wheat flakes, longan jujube tea.

It is the mother species of Arabica.

There is such a coffee farm in the world.

Never go the usual way.

After 80 years of growing palm trees and sugar cane,

Decided to start growing coffee.

There is fertile soil here

There is plenty of sunshine and suitable rainfall

And a large temperature difference between day and night.

And the warm sea breeze from the Pacific Ocean

What's important is that

There is a group of people who are very good at growing things.

More importantly,

They are very demanding of what they do.

And they only grow rare species.

Use only special handling

This is the perfect Manor of Columbia.

How to make Colombian coffee [perfect Manor Arabica Mother] well?

Coffee hand reference: weigh 15g of [perfect Manor Arabica] coffee powder, pour it into a grinder for medium grinding, the finished particles are slightly thicker than salt, we use BG bean grinder to scale 5R (standard sieve pass rate 60%), water temperature 89 degrees, V60 filter cup extraction, recommended powder ratio around 1:15.

The hot water in the hand flushing pot draws a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup. Start the time when brewing, brew the coffee to 30g in 15 seconds, then stop the water injection, and when the time is up to 1 minute, the second water injection. The second water injection is the same as before, draw a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup, and the water flow should not rush to the place where the coffee powder is connected with the filter paper, so as not to produce channel effect.

Coffee powder to the outermost circle to set aside a circle, and then another circle to the middle, 2 minutes 20 seconds, to the coffee to 220g, brewing coffee is finished.

| Japanese Ice hand Chong [perfect Manor Arabica Mother]

Qianjie Coffee Ice hand [perfect Manor Arabica Mother] reference:

Colombian Coffee [Arabica seed of perfect Manor], light medium baking, BG bean grinder scale 5m (standard sieve pass rate 67%)

20 grams of powder, 150 grams of ice, 150 grams of hot water. The water temperature is 90 ℃ higher than the recommended normal hand flush, then 1 ℃ higher, the normal grinding small Fuji 3.5 scale, the ice hand flushing is slightly smaller than half a grid-small Fuji 3 scale, the recommended powder (water + ice) ratio is 1:15.

The amount of steaming water is 40 grams and the steaming time is 30 seconds.

Water injection by stages, 60 grams of water in the first section and 40 grams of water in the second section. Use a thin but high water injection column and stir hard to make the coffee powder fully tumble, but be careful that the water level is not too high and do not rush to the edge of the filter paper.

The whole extraction time is about two and a half minutes (close to the normal extraction time of 20 grams of powder).