Coffee review

What is the water temperature of Ethiopia Rosa rugosa? what kind of hand filter cup is suitable for Rosa rugosa?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) independent from the star producing area of Yega Xuefei-Gucci in 2009 Ethiopia implemented a new trading and grading system, the establishment of a commodity exchange (ECX), coffee and other agricultural products are publicly auctioned by this official body, in addition to Yega Xuefei, a new Wenago (WA

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Guji, a star producing area independent from Yega Xuefei


Ethiopia implements a new trading and grading system and sets up a Commodity Exchange (ECX). Coffee and other agricultural products are auctioned by this official agency. In addition to Yegashefi, three new by-production areas, Wenago (Vanako), Kochere (Kochel) and Genlena Abaya (Jinrena + Ambaa), have been added. It can be seen that the flavor of these three producing areas is very detailed and can be subdivided.


Just like Yejia Xuefei became well-known after becoming famous, so it became an independent producing area.

Guji became an independent production area by ECX in 2010 because of its superior geographical location and cup flavor.

Well-known producing areas include Abaya (Ambaya), Gelana (Jin Lena), Hambela Wamena (Humbela) and Shakiso (Chiasso).

Ethiopia administrative region is divided into four grades, the order from big to small is Region, Zone, woreda and kebele. Most of the names of raw coffee beans follow this rule. Guji-Shaquiso is located in the southeast of Yejia Sheffield, a well-known producing area. It belongs to Oromia Region → Guji Zone in administrative division, and belongs to the source of regional coffee.

In recent years, the most eye-catching producing area in Ethiopia is Yejia Sheffield. Guji is less well-known than Yejia Sheffield, but under the trend of soaring overall prices in 2015, international boutique buyers have turned to other neighboring producing areas, such as Sidamo, Limu and Jimma.... Wait, wait,

As a matter of fact, Guji's coffee is quite unique, and its coffee has repeatedly won the attention of the market. The legendary bean style Nekisse (Nekisse) launched by Ninty Plus at the end of 2009 originally means "nectar from Shaquiso" (nectar). The origin and naming come from Guji. Another Derar Ela from Guji production area launched by Level Up was also repeatedly praised by domestic operators last year, and won an excellent score of 95 Coffee Review points in April 2014.

This native rose summer coffee, from the Grana processing plant in Gucci, Ethiopia, is sun-treated and lightly roasted with aromas of red dragon fruit and lime Sprite, with a well-balanced sweetness, acidity and rich tannins. It's an infallible coffee bean.

Today, we introduce the common methods of Qianjie coffee hand roses summer coffee: three-stage style.

Three-stage water injection method

To inject a section of water into three stages.

Suitable for light, medium and medium roasted coffee beans

Use filter cup kalita cake cup

Increase the steaming time or water cut-off times to improve the rich taste of the coffee.

Segmented extraction method of three-stage water injection

Advantages: it is richer than the one-knife flow, and can clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. The method is to increase the amount of water injection each time after steaming, usually when the coffee liquid is about to drop to the surface of the powder layer, and use small, medium and large water flow to do three-stage extraction.

Disadvantages: there will be relatively high requirements for the flow rate and flow rate of water.

Qianjie [suggestion on hand-brewing parameters of Rosa Coffee]

Cake cup, the use of immersion extraction, so that coffee powder and water contact surface area increased, compared with V60 cooking can improve the texture, drink more sticky feeling

15g powder, water temperature 91-92 degrees, grinding BG 5R (64% pass rate of China marked No. 20 sieve), water powder ratio close to 1:15-16

Technique: 27g water steaming, steaming time for 30s. The hot water in the hand flushing pot draws a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup in the middle of the filter cup, starts the time when brewing, injects water to 27g, then stops the injection and waits for 30 seconds to inject water for the first time.

When the first water injection is the same as before, the speed can be slowed down slightly, speed up a little when you go around the outer circle, cut off the water at about 1:15 seconds, and then inject water again when the liquid level drops 1 inch 3. The second water injection is concentrated on the central water injection. The water flow should not rush to the place where the coffee powder is connected with the filter paper, so as not to produce channel effect. Finish the extraction at about 2:05 seconds, and the longer the time is, the longer the extraction can be done. The astringent and rough taste will increase.

Segment: 30-125-230g