Coffee review

Why is the hand-made storm manor sunburn like beans coffee powder is thicker _ hand-made elephant beans grind degree recommended

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) this recommendation from Nicaragua Elephant Bean Coffee-Francesco Francisco [Origin]: Nicaragua [producing area]: Francesco [Manor]: storm Manor [Grade]: SHB [Coffee Variety]: elephant Bean [growth altitude]: 1350

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

This time, I recommend the elephant bean coffee-Francesco Francisco from Nicaragua.

[Origin]: Nicaragua

[producing area]: Francesco

[manor]: Storm Manor

[grade]: SHB

[coffee variety]: elephant bean species

[growth altitude]: 1350-1500m

[treatment]: insolation

Introduction to Storm Manor Information Story:

The main variety of Nicaragua is Arabica, among which Kaddura, Bourbon, Pacamara and elephant beans all have good quality. The treatment is more washed with water, and some of them are in the sun or half in the sun.

Nicaragua is mainly divided into four major producing areas, namely, Bosnia and Herzegovina Sub-region (Segovias), Madaguelba / Henodeka region (Matagalpa/Jinotega), Borgo region (Boaco) and Pacific Coast region (Pacific). The highest planting height in Bosnia and Herzegovina is about 1500-2000, and the coffee produced is the highest SHG (Strictly High Grown).

Storm Manor is located on the border of the country, with an area of only 7 hectares. Finca La Tormenta, run by Francisco La Tormenta, is located on the border between Nicaragua and Honduras, about a 20-minute drive from Ocotal.

In addition to different varieties of coffee can be found in Storm Manor, it is also a self-contained natural ecosystem made up of diverse trees, wildlife and local birds. Stormwind Manor was also ranked fifth in Nicaragua's Cup Of Excellence in 2011.

With this understanding, it is not difficult for us to understand why the manor is called "La Tormenta", which not only has the meaning of storm, but also means turbulence. With such a name, the landowner sharpens himself from time to time, and don't forget his original mission. Perhaps it is such a firm belief that he won the fifth place in the COE Excellence Cup in 2011.

Introduction of Maragogype Elephant Bean Coffee

Maragogype elephant beans are three times the size of ordinary Arabica beans and are the largest coffee beans in the world.

Coffee flavor spectrum: strawberry, berry pulp sweet, nutty, soft and full aroma, nutty finish, slightly sour and sweet, smooth taste, good overall balance

The variety of elephant beans is a variant extended from Tibica. The elephant beans with a height of 700-800 meters have an ordinary taste, have no characteristics, and are disliked by some gluttons. However, Matagalpa elephant beans are very different when they are grown above 1000 meters.

Planted above 1000 meters, it has a soft and charming flavor, mild and stable taste, sour and slightly bitter sweet taste, especially full-bodied fruit aroma and smooth taste, which is very close to the elegant Blue Mountain Coffee beans, sweet in sour and full in Body.

The taste of Matagalpa giant elephant beans is similar to that of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans, but the price is only about 2 big 3 of Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee beans, the C / P value is very high, and it is also the only elephant bean that has been selected as an COE award in recent years, so some coffee shops sell blue mountain coffee beans.

In fact, the number of Matagalpa giant elephant beans is not large every year. At present, only Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Brazil grow a small amount of beans, and the trade volume is small.

Introduction to Natural Process treatment:

Tanning is the oldest and most primitive treatment of coffee beans. The method of treatment is to first pour the harvested coffee fruit into a large trough, the ripe and full fruit will sink to the bottom of the water, while the underdeveloped or overripe fruit will surface. After these floating beans are shaved, the healthy coffee fruits are placed on the terrace to be directly exposed to the sun to dry, and the moisture is dried from 60% to 12%. Finally, the hard peel (Outer Skin) and pulp (Pulp) are removed by a sheller, and the whole treatment process of raw beans (Bean) is completed.

(↑ selects coffee fruits) (↑ drying in the open air)

Sun treatment can increase the flavor of berries and tropical fruits with mild acidity, but traditional sun treatment can sometimes produce negative flavors, such as soil, over-fermentation and so on.

Today, tanning is becoming popular again, even as one of the most important treatments for competition-grade coffee beans, and the change comes from the use of improved African viaducts. In addition to avoiding the moisture, animal manure and land smell on the ground, the elevated shed also keeps the fruit in a good air convection environment, making the drying effect more uniform, and farmers will turn it regularly to make the coffee beans gently absorb the sweetness of the pulp and make the flavor fuller and fuller.

Baking suggestions / Analysis:

The variety of this coffee is Ju Dou [Mala Gipe] with relatively large granules but medium density and high moisture content of newly produced kidney beans. In the baking process, the heat absorption is relatively slow, the Mena reaction process is also relatively fast, baking at the wrong time is easy to appear inside uncooked outside coke, as well as baked out of the flavor loose hole problem. The yellowing point is about 5 minutes. In the first baking, you can try to lower the bean temperature slightly, for example, the bean temperature is 200 degrees, and the firepower is also relatively increased. In the baking process, the firepower is gradually adjusted as needed: after the beans enter the yellowing point, the firepower is adjusted to prolong the dehydration time, so that the giant beans can be fully dehydrated. Before an explosion after dehydration, you can properly maintain medium heat or slightly increase the firepower, accelerate the Mena reaction time, and ensure the pressure before the explosion; the precursor of an explosion needs to adjust the firepower properly to avoid bean watch burns. Under this method of operation, the dehydration time of coffee is relatively prolonged, with a heating rate of 6-8 degrees every 30 seconds, but it can also maintain a normal explosion between 8 and a half minutes and 9 and a half minutes, preserving more flower and fruit aroma and keeping clean and bright acidity. It is usually recommended to drop beans between the dense back section of an explosion and the end of an explosion, and bake about moderately.

But the baking of Maragogype giant elephant beans takes a little skill! Because this coffee bean is about three times the size of the average Arabica bean, it takes a little skill to master the heat penetration. The fire is too big, it seems that the surface color should be able to put beans, but the interior may not be fully cooked, causing astringency to drink, or baking for too long may cause overcharring and losing the flavor of the Blue Mountains.

Cup test flavor description:

Sun-treated like beans, emitting the aroma of Star fruit juice, sweet and sour plum, sweet citrus, lime raisins, with the smooth flavor of malt milk in the middle and latter part of the tropical fruit flavor, unrestrained and unrestrained, distinct and changeable character, the overall structure is tight, the extensibility of flavor is quite excellent.

[dry fragrance]: pineapple, wine, drupe

[wet fragrance]: passion fruit, pineapple, heart guava, orange, caramel, roasted nuts

[taste]: the overall feeling of the sun is obvious, and the fruit taste is rich.

Cooking analysis:

Today, we introduce the common method of hand-brewing Maragogype elephant bean coffee in Qianjie coffee: V60 three-stage water injection method.

Extract by stages, pour all the cooking water into three stages.

Suitable for light, medium and medium roasted coffee beans

Use filter cup V60 cup

Increasing the steaming time or water cut-off times can improve the rich taste of the coffee.

Segmented extraction method of three-stage water injection

Advantages: it is richer than the one-knife flow, and can clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. The method is to increase the amount of water injection each time after steaming, usually when the coffee liquid is about to drop to the surface of the powder layer, and use small, medium and large water flow to do three-stage extraction.

Disadvantages: there will be relatively high requirements for the flow rate and flow rate of water.

Qianjie [suggestion on handbrewing parameters of Maragogype Elephant Bean Coffee]

Brewing with V60 filter cup can improve the layering of hand flavor, make it richer and cleaner, and fully display the rich fruit aroma and soft and full nutty aroma of Maragogype elephant bean variety.

15g powder, water temperature 89-90 degrees, grinding BG 5R (64% pass rate of Chinese standard 20 sieve), water powder ratio close to 1:15

Technique: steaming with 30g water for 30s. The hot water in the hand flushing pot draws a circle clockwise with the center of the filter cup in the middle of the filter cup, starts the time when brewing, injects water to 30g, then stops the injection and waits for 30 seconds to inject water for the first time.

When the first water injection is the same as before, the speed can be slowed down slightly, speed up a little when you go around the outer circle, cut off the water at about 1:15 seconds, and then inject water again when the liquid level drops 1 inch 3. The second water injection is concentrated on the central water injection. The water flow should not rush to the place where the coffee powder is connected with the filter paper, so as not to produce channel effect. Finish the extraction at about 2:05 seconds, and the longer the time is, the longer the extraction can be done. The astringent and rough taste will increase.

Segment: 30-125-230g